Mar 06, 2025
MAT 4280 - Functions of a Complex Variable (4) Algebra, geometry, and topology of complex numbers; limits of complex functions, complex functions as mappings, continuity; multivalued functions and branches; complex differentiability and analyticity, harmonic functions; differentiation of power series functions; definition and properties of the elementary functions; contour integration and the Cauchy integral theorems; the maximum modulus principle; Taylor and Laurent series; the residue theorem; conformal mapping; the argument principle; applications to problems in mathematics, physics, and engineering at the discretion of the instructor.
Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 3140 and MAT 2140 ; MAT 314 and MAT 2140 ; MAT 3140 and MAT 215; or MAT 314 and MAT 215. Component(s): Lecture Grading Basis: Graded Only Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once Course Category: Major Course
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