Feb 14, 2025  
2023-2024 University Catalog 
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Centers and Institutes


Craig Walters, Director

AGRlscapes is an community education and demonstration center devoted to food and agriculture. This 20-acre complex provides educational opportunities for students within the College of Agriculture in the areas of marketing, production, merchandising and promotion of agricultural products. The Farm Store at Kellogg Ranch serves as the major marketing outlet for Cal Poly Pomona produced fruits, vegetables, and nursery products. AGRIscapes hosts many events each year including the annual Pumpkin Festival which saw 90,000 people visit in October 2022. It also provides the campus and surrounding community with a valuable educational venue to learn about agricultural products and their impact on daily lives through workshops, tours, and school field trips.

Ahimsa Center

Aishwary Kumar, Director and the Shri Shantinath Endowed Chair for Ahimsa Studies

The Ahimsa Center in the College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences focuses on interdisciplinary teaching and learning about nonviolence and its applications at various levels: personal, familial, communal, national and international. The educational programs and outreach initiatives of the Center aim to foster synergistic interactions among students, scholars, educators and the community for the study of nonviolence in thought and action. The Center coordinates an interdisciplinary Minor in Nonviolence Studies; offers a summer fellowship program for K-12 educators; and variety of public programs such as conferences, lectures and dialogues to engage the academic and the larger community at large. For more information visit https://www.cpp.edu/ahimsacenter/index.shtml  or contact the director, Dr. Aishwary Kumar, at (909) 869-3588 or by e-mail aishwary@cpp.edu.

Apparel Technology and Research Center (ATRC)

Muditha Senanayake, Professor/Department Chair

The Apparel Technology and Research Center (ATRC) provides outreach services to the apparel and sewn products industry. The Center offers resource information, on-line education, consulting and referral services for technical manufacturing processes, apparel enterprise operation, sourcing, etc. through the ATRC website http://www.cpp.edu/~agri/apparel-technology-research-center/index.shtml. The ATRC is a self-supporting center funded by industry.

California Center for Ethics and Policy (CCEP)

Alex Madva, Director

The California Center for Ethics and Policy (CCEP) investigates pressing national and global challenges-such as climate policy, healthcare, housing insecurity, artificial intelligence, immigration, and racism-through a Californian lens. Each year the Center draws together students and faculty from throughout the university to think critically and creatively about a particular theme, in dialogue with local and national leaders in ethics and policy. The Center also offers a full slate of broader community-based initiatives, including Election Fairs and reading groups-on campus, off campus, and online. Investigating these ethics or policy challenges in light of California’s specific historical and social setting makes CCEP unique among ethics or policy centers associated with institutions of higher education, few of which adopt such a regional focus. CCEP thus advances democratic participation and active citizenship, empowering the region’s residents to shape their shared future.

Cal Poly English Language Institute (CPELI)

Deborah Detzel, Director

The Cal Poly English Language Institute (CPELI) specializes in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction and in academic preparation for international students who plan to continue their higher education in the United States. The ELS program consists of five levels of instruction, from beginner to advanced. The courses are designed to develop the language and study skills necessary for success in an American college or university. Students receive such training on how to: study, take a test, use a computer, research and organize ideas and how to behave in the academic environment. CPELI provides students with basic computer training, TOEFL preparation, and credit-bearing classes for upper-level students. At CPELI the focus is on the student, so staff members are always available to advise students on housing, health insurance, immigration laws, registration requirements, and college placement.

The Cal Poly English Language Institute offers a year-round, six-level, intensive English program for beginning to advanced learners of English. With five eight-week terms per year, students may start in the term that best serves their own schedule. The teaching of English is our focus, but because we understand that each client has special needs and goals, we offer a variety of services.

For students preparing for undergraduate or graduate studies in the U.S., we provide Academic English at Levels 5 and 6. We also facilitate conditional admission to the University for undergraduate and graduate programs. Through the American Semester Program (ASP) qualified students take a combination of English language and/or university undergraduate courses. This program serves visiting students to Cal Poly Pomona, students completing prerequisite courses for applying to master’s degree programs on campus, and students who want a taste of university study in the U.S. while continuing to improve their English.

For our international university partners and other agencies, we offer a variety of outstanding, customized, short-term programs for groups. For all students, we provide connections to campus, plan activities and excursions to introduce visiting international students to American culture and society.

Cal Poly English Language Institute is accredited by the Commission on English Language Accreditation (CEA).

Center for Antimicrobial Research and Food Safety (CARFS)

Shelton Murinda, Director

The Center for Antimicrobial Research and Food Safety (CARFS), participates in research involving microbial pathogens of public health and economic significance with an emphasis on pathogens associated with muscle foods (meat and meat products), produce, and the environment (e.g., water, soils, and manure). Research focuses on isolation, identification and characterization of pathogens using conventional and molecular-based methods (PCR/qPCR, recombinase polymerase amplification, genetic fingerprinting, next generation sequencing/NGS), development of on-farm and processing-plant based interventions, and elucidation of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms. Emergence of new foodborne pathogens, increased consumer awareness, and federal recommendations on food safety/public health issues continuously redefine the rules of microbial pathogen quality control in the food industry, from farm to table. CARFS was established to meet these corporate demands. The Center’s on-farm food safety goals are linked to regional and national Food Security and Food Protection efforts, and support conventional and urban agriculture, as well as food and allied industries. Current research efforts emphasize multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional collaborative engagements. Future research will target discovery and application of natural antimicrobial agents.

Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

H. Erkan Ozkaya, Director

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation was established at the College of Business Administration in May 1996. The center’s mission is to inspire, teach and integrate entrepreneurial thinking into lives. CEI strives to launch new ventures and to help existing businesses grow. It seeks to foster entrepreneurship in the local and global community; provide increasing entrepreneurial opportunities for Cal Poly Pomona students; and deliver innovative entrepreneurship courses to graduate, undergraduate, and extension students. CEI offers hands-on experience for students via industry projects and connects them with outside parties that would help them advance their entrepreneurial endeavors.  It provides a dynamic combination of education, research, and outreach programs to address the developing needs of entrepreneurs and growth companies. Visit the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation website at https://www.cpp.edu/cba/entrepreneurship/index.shtml.

Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (CEMaST)

Paul Beardsley, Director

CEMaST is the central hub through which the College of Science promotes excellent and effective STEM teaching and learning at all levels. The mission of the Center is to promote, implement, and study research-based practices in science and mathematics education to enhance inclusive teaching and learning in our community. CEMaST conducts workshops and courses for teachers, nurtures and supports STEM-related partnerships with local schools, maintains an instructional materials library for K-12 teacher and Cal Poly faculty use, and conducts rigorous research to improve STEM teaching and learning. In addition, CEMaST coordinates the subject matter preparation programs in science and advises students who are interested in preparing to be K-12 science and mathematics teachers.

For Information contact the CEMaST office at (909) 869-4063 or visit https://www.cpp.edu/sci/cemast/.

Center for Information Assurance (CIA)

Daniel Manson, Director

The Center for Information Assurance (CIA) in the Cal Poly Pomona College of Business Administration (CBA) provides advanced research and knowledge in audit, security, and computer forensics. Visit the Center for Information Assurance website at cba@cpp.edu

Center for Turf, Irrigation and Landscape Technology (CTILT)

Priti Saxena, Director

The mission of CTILT is to enhance the quality of undergraduate and graduate education, work experiences, and applied research to make a sustainable environmental and inclusive public and community landscape design impact in the turf and golf industry both in California and the nation. CTILT is a living laboratory for turfgrass science and water resources and irrigation design coursework and research. CTILT is essential in promoting professional development, enhancing research and scholarly activities, and developing internships and career opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds, including students from groups historically underrepresented in the U.S. public horticulture and landscape green industries. The involvement and support of industry and state partners is incredibly important to the center and for student success in careers related to water conservation, golf course, public horticulture and landscape turf management.

John T. Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies

Jintow Lin, Director

The mission of the John T. Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies is to advance the principles of environmentally sustainable living through education, research, demonstration, and community outreach. The Center uses the term “regenerative” to emphasize the development of systems that restore and revitalize themselves, ensuring a sustainable future. It offers unique interdisciplinary education through its Master of Science degree program, and its undergraduate minor program, which prepare students to integrate regenerative theories and practices into a wide variety of professional fields. Students have the option of residing and/or working at the Center. The Lyle Center has earned an international reputation for its innovative educational programs and has hosted visiting scholars and students from around the world.

The Lyle Center pursues a comprehensive and ambitious research agenda, focusing on issues of sustainability. It serves as a living laboratory and center for research related to environmental design, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy production, aquaculture, landscape ecology, and human communities.

Situated on 16 acres within the Cal Poly Pomona campus, the Lyle Center is designed to demonstrate regenerative living. Tours are available where students, policy-makers, and the community can observe regenerative design strategies in practice and learn about innovative technologies. The Center showcases a wide array of regenerative principles, including passive-solar building design, solar energy technology, organic agriculture, and native plant community restoration.

The Lyle Center is actively involved in the community, participating in service-learning projects, sustainable community development efforts, and community educational programs. In addition, the Center periodically offers workshops related to regenerative living for community members, professionals, and policy makers.

If you would like to make a reservation for a visit or tour, please contact us at (909) 869-5155 or by email crs@cpp.edu. For information on current activities, visit our website at www.cpp.edu/crs.

Motor Development Clinic

Elizabeth “Beth” Foster, Director

The Motor Development Clinic (MDC) is designed to provide three services:

  1. A movement program for children in the surrounding communities who are experiencing movement delays.
  2. Instructional concepts, materials, and education for parents that enable them to supplement the clinic’s movement program at home.
  3. A valuable service learning experience for graduate and undergraduate students at Cal Poly Pomona specializing in Adapted Physical Education and related fields.

The basic underlying theme of the Motor Development Clinic is inclusion. The clinic exposes the child to various movement experiences that develop the individual’s movement confidence, social interaction skills, and enjoyment while participating in movement activities. Each motor program is individualized based on the unique needs of each clinic participant and movement programs are specifically designed to increase motor development and skills. Due to the clinic experience and personal improvement in motor skills the child may then transfer these skills into their own school’s physical education program.

The MDC also provides a service learning component for many of the adapted physical education (APE) courses in the undergraduate pedagogical kinesiology option in the Kinesiology and Health Promotion (KHP) Department, the added authorization for APE program in the Department of Education and the graduate program in KHP. However, students majoring in psychology, liberal studies, and other related fields have also used the clinic as their service learning site. Many of these students are combining their major area of study with adapted physical education as part of their course work. The benefits of the clinic to the university is therefore two-fold: a valuable service learning experience and a site for providing teaching opportunities in adapted physical education and working with children and adults with disabilities. For the community, the clinic offers a place to learn valuable motor skills through the academic year or the summer programs.

Professional Development Institute (PDI)

Margie Jones, Director

The PDI exists to provide professional development for the hospitality industry and to expand the College’s outreach to community constituents by providing customized professional development programs and advisory services for hospitality industry members. This includes, but is not limited to, executive training, corporate consulting, association support, research & analysis, conferences and seminars, symposia, and certification programs.

The Real Estate Research Council (RERC)

The Real Estate Research Council of Southern California is the oldest non-profit real estate data organization in the United States. Founded in 1939, the RERC produces a quarterly publication, The Real Estate and Construction Report, which includes data on the economy and real estate markets in the seven urban Southern California counties, and presents the report at a quarterly luncheon. The senior real estate faculty direct students who participate in the data-gathering and analysis for the preparation of the quarterly report. Members of the RERC include major development companies, financial institutions, appraisers, investors, mortgage bankers, and other firms and individuals interested in Southern California real estate. RERC is coordinated by faculty in the Finance, Real Estate, and Law Department. Visit The Real Estate Research Council website at http://www.cpp.edu/~cba/real-estate-research.

W. K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center, Arabian Horse Program

John Lambert, Executive Director

The W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center provides a unique learning experience for students of varied disciplines. From the “Horses For Heroes” program that works through the Student Veteran’s Center to “Horse Power/Women Power” that teaches life skills in empowerment, communication and assertiveness using the Arabian horses that have been a part of Cal Poly since its inception.  The horse breeding program at the WK Kellogg Arabian Horse Center is the longest continuous Arabian horse breeding program in the United States and is respected world-wide for the quality of the horses produced.

Having hands on learning with everything from newborn foals to helping develop horses for the show ring and annual auction, students truly “learn by doing”. A new Equine minor program teaches essential topics for the horse industry, while pre-veterinary students and agriculture students also gain knowledge and expertise. The monthly “Sunday Show” is a chance for the Horsemanship Club and other interested students to be involved in producing and performing in a public equestrian event, that has been a tradition since the very first days of Cal Poly.

The most popular class conducted at the WK Kellogg Arabian Horse Center is undoubtedly the “Foal Watch”, offered in spring semester where students work with a pregnant mare and follow her through the birth of her foal. Many alumni come back years later to see “their” foal who might be four or five years of age!  The WK Kellogg Arabian Horse Center is home to the oldest and most historic University based horse breeding program in the country!  Our website is: wkkelloggarabianhorsecenter.com.