Feb 08, 2025  
2023-2024 University Catalog 
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Education and Integrative Studies


Hend Gilli-Elewy, Interim Dean
Joanne M. Van Boxtel, Interim Associate Dean

The mission of the College of Education and Integrative Studies is to prepare students to become dynamic, innovative, skilled, and socially responsible leaders in a changing local and global society. As a learning community of students, scholars, and professionals, we are dedicated to the advancement and development of knowledges, interdisciplinary and student-centered education, equity, and community engagement.

To fulfill that mission, the College of Education and Integrative Studies (CEIS) is a student-centered community comprised of the undergraduate departments of Early Childhood Studies (ECS) and Liberal Studies (LS), as well as the post-baccalaureate departments of Education and Educational Leadership, which offer basic credential, advanced credential, masters, and doctoral programs. There is a common commitment among the departments to inquiry-based, interactive instructional strategies, and interdisciplinary curricula.

As part of our work, we are fortunate to have the International Polytechnic High School (I-Poly) on campus. I-Poly is a fully accredited high school administered through the Los Angeles County Office of Education. I-Poly offers direct experiences for secondary education teacher candidates and also functions as a model high school emphasizing problem-based learning, critical thinking, and innovative teaching at its core.

The academic majors and degrees offered by the college provide a continuum of educational excellence from the baccalaureate through the doctoral degree. Programs emphasize demonstrating excellence, equity, and ethics at all levels in public and private professions using a broad multicultural and multidisciplinary approach. In its commitment to these principles, the College of Education and Integrative Studies has chosen to embrace the ethical dimensions of human inquiry, behavior, and interaction in all educational endeavors. Pluralism and diversity are at the core of our educational philosophy, encouraging a genuine respect for both individual and cultural diversity and an understanding of the forces that impact people in their local, regional, national, and world communities.

While teacher education is a university-wide endeavor, the Education Department in the College of Education and Integrative Studies provides the leadership, structure, and assessment necessary to meet state and federal requirements for teacher credential programs. Our programs are designed to prepare educators to meet the needs of today’s children by preparing them for tomorrow’s world.

Department of Education

Jann Pataray-Ching, Chair

The mission of the Education Department of the College of Education and Integrative Studies is to empower transformative educators who advocate for justice and equity for all learners.

Programs include:

  1. Basic Teaching Credentials: Multiple Subject, Single Subject (in English, Spanish, mathematics, science, music, art, history/social science, agriculture, and P.E.), Multiple- and Single-Subject/Bilingual Authorization (Spanish/Mandarin/Cantonese), Education Specialist Preliminary Mild/Moderate; Education Specialist Preliminary Moderate/Severe, Agriculture Specialist.
  2. Advanced Credentials/Added Authorization: Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization.
  3. Bilingual Authorization.
  4. Master of Arts in Education Degree with subplans/options in: Curriculum and Instruction (Emphases: General Studies, Advanced Literacy Studies, and Design-Based Learning), Educational Leadership, and Special Education.

Early Childhood Studies Department

Eden Haywood-Bird, Chair

The newly established Early Childhood Studies (ECS) Department offers educational programs that advocate for understanding diversity and dual language development. The faculty use service learning, internships, face-to-face, hybrid, and online pedagogy in order to provide the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to work with children and families during the most critical developmental time in a child’s life. Program graduates are prepared to work in infant-toddler programs, preschools, elementary schools, careers in home visiting, family support programs, post-baccalaureate degree programs, and other professional contexts that focus on working with young children and families. Presently the Early Childhood Studies baccalaureate includes six options: Teaching; Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) Extensive Support Needs;  Integrated Teacher Educatio Program (ITEP) Mild/Moderate Support Needs; Multilingual Teaching; Non-Teaching; and PK-Grade 3.

Educational Leadership Department

Betty Alford, Chair

The Educational Leadership Department develops the expertise of educators as champions for equity and excellence in the field of educational leadership. The Educational Leadership Programs are informed by the expressed needs of the local San Gabriel and Pomona Valley area in addition to the standards for the field. Both the master’s degree in education with an option in educational leadership and the Educational Leadership Doctoral Degree are offered on campus with course instruction offered in a hybrid delivery mode. The administrative services credential program is offered at one of four approved off-campus locations in a cohort format and prepares individuals for administrative roles in K-12 education. The Doctoral Program serves local educators in P-12 settings and other educational leaders to strengthen leadership capacity for quality, equity, and justice in education.

Programs include:

  1. Administrative Services Credential
  2. Master of Arts in Education Degree with two options: PreK-12 Educational Leadership and Leadership in Community Colleges and Postsecondary Education.
  3. Doctoral Program (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership.

Liberal Studies Department

Christina Chavez-Reyes, Chair

The Liberal Studies program offers a diversified curriculum for those attracted to discussing, collaborating, and finding answers about what it means to be human in the past, present, and future. We value and promote the liberal arts tradition–an education developed in Greek society for citizens to think freely using a broad knowledge base to participate in democracy. Like then, students in our program strengthen their intellectual capacities, communicative skills, interdisciplinary knowledge, and civic and professional dispositions for today’s workplaces and communities. Students apply knowledge from the arts and humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences to inquire and discover an understanding of and approach to solving the complex issues of our time. Four organizing themes frame Liberal Studies courses to help students connect their learning. They are social responsibility/social justice, sustainability, creativity, and wellness.

Liberal Studies (BA). Four subplans: (1) General Studies, for students wishing a broad liberal arts-based education who have multiple disciplinary interests to prepare for fields in human services, health services, education, or graduate school among others; (2) Pre-credential, for subject matter preparation for the multiple subjects (elementary) teaching credential; (3) Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) in Special Education, Mild/Moderate, for students seeking a blended baccalaureate curriculum in Liberal Studies with a teaching credential in special education in K-21 mild/moderate settings; (4) Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) in Special Education, Moderate/Severe, for students seeking a blended baccalaureate curriculum in Liberal Studies with a teaching credential in special education in K-21 moderate/severe settings. Due to the passage of Assembly Bill 130 into law in 2021, all Liberal Studies subplans currently will allow graduates to enter directly into the elementary teaching credential programs as subject matter competent without needing to pass the multiple subjects California State Exam for Teachers or CSET. However, changes in the implementation of the law may come soon. Therefore, students should contact CEIS academic advisors or the Liberal Studies Office to confirm the requirement for Liberal Studies graduates to enter an elementary teaching credential program.

The Interdisciplinary General Education (IGE) Program within the College of Education and Integrative Studies is offered through the Liberal Studies Department. IGE addresses the need for an integrated approach to curricula and scholarship, student-centered learning, and scholarship and the creation of an extended learning community. The award-winning program, open to all qualified students, consists of a thematically-integrated sequence of General Education courses that satisfies 18 units of GE, including lower division English, Humanities, and Social Science GE requirements, and concluding with an upper division C3 or D4 synthesis course. IGE also offers a number of stand-alone upper division GE synthesis course open to all CPP students regardless of whether or not they have taken previous IGE courses.

Early Childhood Studies

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Educational Leadership

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Liberal Studies

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