Jan 31, 2025
EC 4441 - Industry Studies (3) Examination of the historical, scientific, technological, and economic developments of a selected industry. Domestic and international market analysis. Impact of regulations and laws on industry operations. Selected industries may include: health care, airlines, entertainment, wine, computer systems, steel, automobiles, biotechnology. Course fulfills GE synthesis B5 or D4. May be taken unlimited times only with different topics.
Prerequisite(s): EC 2201 , EC 201, EC 2202 or EC 202; Junior, Senior or Graduate Standing; and Lower division GE requirements in Area A, at least two sub-areas in Area B, and at least two sub-areas in Area D. GE Area(s): B5, D4 Component(s): Lecture Grading Basis: Graded Only Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics Repeat for Credit Limit: Unlimited Course Category: Major Course, GE Course
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