Feb 19, 2025  
2023-2024 University Catalog 
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Faculty Emeritus Awards

Emeritus status is awarded to retiring faculty members, librarians, coaches and retiring professionals of the related areas constituency of the Academic Senate. Ten years of university service at the time of retirement is considered the normal measure of eligibility for emeritus status, unless there is objection by the individual or his/her department.  A lesser period of service may be considered in instances of exceptional contribution to the university.  Departments that have retiring faculty who should be considered for emeritus status are asked to send their recommendations to the Academic Senate Office in April.  For more information, please contact the Academic Senate Office.

Management and Staff Emeritus Awards

Management and Staff emeritus is awarded to retiring staff employees who meet certain criteria, including a minimum of 10 years of service to the University, outstanding performance in a position, demonstrated support of University programs, beneficial support of University philosophy, exceptional personal contribution to the university, and active participation in university-wide activities. 

Emeritus List

The Emeritus List includes personnel who have received the title of “Emeritus” at Cal Poly Pomona. If you should see an error or omission, please contact 909-869-2290 so that corrections can be made.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

ABEGG, VICTOR - Faculty, Chemistry (2001-02)

ABELAR, INA - Staff, Physics (1987-88)

ABENES, FIORELLO (LEO) - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (2004-05)

ABERNATHY, JOHN - Faculty, Chemistry (1979-80)

ABO-HEBEISH, AHMED - Faculty, Accounting (2010-11)

ABRAHAM, STANLEY - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2011-12)

ABRAMOVITZ, CARMEN R. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1993-94)

ABRAMS, MARVIN - Faculty, Engineering (2004-05)

ABULARACH, MARIA L. - Staff, Custodial Services (2017-18)

ABYANEH, PARVIN - Faculty, Ethnic & Women’s Studies (2012-13)

ADAIR, VIRGINIA H. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1978-79)

ADAMS, DAVID M. - Faculty, Philosophy (2016-17)

ADAMS, SHERYL A - Staff, Accounting Services (2015-16)

ADAMS, WILLIAM M. - Faculty, Architecture (2002-03)

ADAMSON, WILLIE D. - Faculty, Accounting (2003-04)

ADLER-MOORE, JILL P. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2013-14)

AGUIAR, VIRGINIA - Staff, Custodial Services (2018-19)

AGUIRRE, ANITA - Staff, Procurement (2014-15)

AGVANIAN, YOURI - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2017-18)

AIGNER, JEAN S. - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2004-05)

A’JONTUE, ROSEANN - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2021-22)

ALAO, NURUDEEN O. - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2021-22)

ALDERSON, JAMES - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (2019-20)

ALDRICH, WINTHROP J. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (2004-05)

ALEKSIEJCZYK, HOLLY J. - Staff, Parking Services (2019-20)

ALEMAN, MAGDALENA - Staff, Kellogg West (2019-20)

ALEX, LISA - Faculty, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2020-21)

ALLEN, KIMBERLY J. - Staff, Library (2021-22)

ALLEN, MARK - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2018-19)

ALLEN, ROBERT W. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources, Posthumously (2001-02)

ALLEN, SHERRY - Staff, English & Foreign Languages (2003-04)

ALLEN, TERRY - Staff, University Police (2014-15)

AL-SAADI, MOHAMMED A. - Faculty, Political Science, Posthumously (2007-08)

AL-SABEA, TAHA H. - Faculty, Economics (1999-00)

ALVARADO, NANCY - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2015-16)

ALVAREZ-SANDOVAL, OLGA - Staff, Library (2006-07)

AMBROSE, ETHEL - Staff, Physical Plant (1989-90)

AMBROSON, DONALD - Faculty, Music (2003-04)

AMELIN, CHARLES F. - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2013-14)

AMES, RALPH W. - Faculty, Dean, Science (1982-83)

AMOURGIS, SPYROS - Faculty, International Studies Architecture (2000-01)

ANDERSON, CLYDE - Faculty, Chemistry (2011-12)

ANDERSON, HELEN Q. - Staff, Human Resource Services (2002-03)

ANDERSON, JUDITH I. - Faculty, History (2009-10)

ANDERSON, KENNETH H. - Faculty, Administration (1991-92)

ANDERSON, RICHARD - Faculty, Communications (2009-10)

ANOOSHIAN, BARNEY V. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1985-86)

ANSLEY, THRESA R - Staff, International Center (2010-11)

ANTHONY, HARRY A. - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (1982-83)

APODACO, GENEVIEVE - Staff, CPP Foundation, Human Resources (2006-07)

APPEL, JR., EDWARD C. - Faculty, Agricultural Biology (1975-76)

ARBOLEDA, ALBERT - Staff, IT Info Security (2017-18)

ARELLANO, PATRICIA R. - Staff, Custodial Services (2020-21)

ARENDS, GREGG - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2020-21)

ARMAND, JAMSHID - Faculty, Physics and Astronomy (2019-20)

ARMSTRONG, ROY A. - Faculty, Media Resources Center (1990-91)

ARMSTRONG, JR., WILLIAM W. - Staff, Media Resources Center (1981-82)

ARNOLD, BRENDA E - Staff, Library (2015-16)

ARNOLD, KEITH E. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2007-08)

ARREDONDO-PARAMO, THERESA - Staff, PaCE-Admin Office (2020-21)

ARREOLA, PABLO - Faculty, History Department (2017-18)

ASBELL, CHARLES W. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1990-91)

ASCHENBRENNER, ALBERT J. - Faculty, Dean, Arts (1974-75)

ASELTINE, DANIEL L - Staff, Credential (2008-09)

ASHBORN, CHARLENE - Staff, CLASS-Deans Office (2006-07)

ASLANI, BEHROUZ A. - Faculty, Operations Management (2007-08)

ATHEY, THOMAS H. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2000-01)

ATKINSON, RUSSELL H. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1987-88)

AURILIA, ANTONIO - Faculty, Physics (2010-11)

AUSTIN, LAVADA - Staff, University Ombuds Office (2020-21)

AVINA, ANTHONY - Faculty, Education (2017-18)

AXELSON, CHARLES F. - Faculty, Accounting (1990-91)

BAEZA, EVA M. - Staff, History (2020-21)

BAGWELL, CLAYTON L. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (1991-92)

BAIRD, SUSAN E. - Staff, Philosophy (2020-21)

BAIRD-EBERLE, VALERIE J. - Staff, Risk Management Operations (2017-18)

BAKER, BARBARA L. - Staff, Academic Affairs (2002-03)

BAKER, DESIREE C - Staff, CSHM Dean’s Office Support (2015-16)

BAKER, FREDERICK - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2004-05)

BAKER, REX O. - Faculty, Plant & Soil Sciences (1999-00)

BAKKEN, MICKEY - Staff, University Information Systems (1986-87)

BALDERAS, ROSEMARY D - Staff, Foundation, Los Olivos (2010-11)

BALLINGER, JANE - Faculty, Communication (2018-19)

BALTAZAR, PRECY L. - Staff, Research & Sponsored Programs (2020-21)

BALTIERRA, ROBERT G. - Staff, Campus Center (2019-20)

BANKS, BERNARD W. - Faculty, Mathematics (2002-03)

BANWELL, THOMAS - Faculty, Engineering Technology (1997-98)

BARAHONA-CASTRO, EDITH - Staff, College of Extended University (2014-15)

BARLET, ANNAMARIE - Staff, Plant Sciences (2013-14)

BARLET, ROBERT L. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1982-83)

BARNES, III, EDWIN A - Staff, Administrative Affairs (2014-15)

BARNETT, JAMES A. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1979-80)

BARR, ARDITH J - Staff, Management (2008-09)

BARR, JAMES - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1982-83)

BARRANTES, JOVITO - Staff, I&IT Project (2012-13)

BARRETO, FELIX - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (2015-16)

BARRETT, CASSANDRA - Staff, College of Business, Dean’s Office (2014-15)

BARRO, FRANK - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2017-18)

BARRON, RICHARD - Staff, Custodial (2016-17)

BARRY, SOROKA - Faculty, Computer Science (2012-13)

BARSELLOTTI, DELORES A. - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2009-10)

BARTHOLOMEW, DIANA - Staff, Human Resources (2002-03)

BASKIN, JONATHAN N. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2003-04)

BASSIN, STANLEY L. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2002-03)

BASTIAN, MADELENA  (MADY) - Staff, Student Affairs (2005-06)

BATCHELLER, JOHN D. - Staff, Orientation and Development Center (1991-92)

BATCHELLER, OLIVER A. - Faculty, Ornamental Horticulture (1977-78)

BATES, CATHERINE S - Staff, Adminstrative Apps (2015-16)

BATH, JACK L. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2002-03)

BAUCH, KLAUS D. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2002-03)

BEARDMORE, ROBERT L. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1987-88)

BEATON, JOSEPH P. - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (1995-96)

BEAUCHAMP II, PHILIP - Faculty, Chemistry (2011-12)

BEBENSEE, DONNA M. - Staff, Campus Center (2019-20)

BECERRA, JAMES - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2021-22)

BEILBY, RUBY I. - Faculty, Food, Nutrition & Consumer Sciences (1995-96)

BELCHER, MELVIN B. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1978-79)

BELL, DONALD L. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2005-06)

BELL, JAMES - Faculty, Student Affairs (1988-89)

BELL, SHERRY - Staff, Administration, Office of Student Life (2010-11)

BELLMAN, SAMUEL I. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1995-96)

BELTRAN, PATRICIO - Staff, Enterprise Apps (2020-21)

BENAQUISTA, WILLIAM D - Staff, Chemistry (2008-09)

BENING, TERRY BETH - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2015-16)

BENNETT, SEQUENDINA Dena - Staff, Admissions & Outreach (2003-04)

BENNY, ELLEN - Staff, University Library (2005-06)

BERDINE, WILLIAM - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2004-05)

BERG, LEO W. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2000-01)

BERGER, PEGGY M. - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (2005-06)

BERGSTROM, RICHARD J. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2005-06)

BERK, JOSEPH - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2017-18)

BERKOWITZ, LEONARD - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1997-98)

BERNAU, SIMON J. - Faculty, Mathematics (2003-04)

BERNDT, ELEANOR - Staff, College of Business-Dean’s Office (2006-07)

BERNE, JOHN - Faculty, International Center (1996-97)

BERNICK, ROBERT L. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2002-03)

BERRY, DAVID - Faculty, Geological Sciences (2010-11)

BERRY JR., SAM E. - Staff, Housing-Custodial (2016-17)

BESS, DAVID E. - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (1999-00)

BESS, MARILYN - Staff, Agriculture (2000-01)

BET-PERA, FREDRICK - Faculty, Chemistry (2010-11)

BHAVSAR, SUKETU - Faculty, Physics and Astronomy (2019-20)

BIDDLE, JOHN R. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2007-08)

BIDLACK, WAYNE - Faculty, Human Nutrition & Food Science (2011-12)

BIRKELAND, ERIC L. - Staff, Public Safety (2017-18)

BIRNBAUM, SIDNEY - Faculty, Mathematics, Posthumously (1996-97)

BISESTI, LINDA - Faculty, Theatre and New Dance (2017-18)

BLACK, RICHARD T. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1972-73)

BLACKBURN, THOMAS - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (1998-99)

BLACKMAN, SONIA L. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (2001-02)

BLAKELY, LAWRENCE M. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1989-90)

BLISS, CAROL - Faculty, Communication (2016-17)

BLOCK, JOSEPH S. - Faculty, Liberal Studies (2002-03)

BLUMNER, SIDNEY M. - Faculty, Economics (1999-00)

BOCHKOR, STEPHEN F. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (1994-95)

BOCHMAN, ANITA - Staff, Admissions & Outreach (2014-15)

BOGUE, CAMERON C. - Faculty, Mathematics (1982-83)

BOLAND, GERTRUDE C. - Faculty, Economics (1977-78)

BOLANDER, BARBARA - Staff, Admissions and Enrollment Plng (2017-18)

BOLKA, KEVIN J. - Staff, Utility Plants (2020-21)

BONIFACE, PETER - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2010-11)

BOROWICK, JEROME N. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2002-03)

BOWEN, CHARLES E. - Faculty, Chemistry (1999-00)

BOWEN, RUTH J. - Faculty, Chemistry (2001-02)

BOYD-BARRETT, OLIVER - Faculty, Communications (2004-05)

BOYES-HYSLOP, SALLY - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2006-07)

BOYKIN, EDWARD W. - Staff, Distance Learning (1994-95)

BOZAK, KRISTIN - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2020-21)

BRADY, MARY D. - Staff, Student Health & Psychological Services (1991-92)

BRAVO, DEBORAH B - Staff, Faculty Affairs (2015-16)

BRAY, ROBERT E. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (2009-10)

BRAY, ROBERT T. - Faculty, Economics (1999-00)

BRAY, ROBERT S. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1989-90)

BRESNOCK, ANNE - Faculty, Economics (2016-17)

BREYER, DONALD E. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (2002-03)

BREZA, LUCY A. - Staff, Accounting (2019-20)

BRIGHT, BRATCHER L. - Faculty, Industrial & Materials Engineering (1991-92)

BRIONES, ERNEST - Faculty, Dean’s Instructional Support (2020-21)

BROCK, GLENDA C. - Faculty, Accounting (2007-08)

BROCK, HENRY B. - Faculty, Accounting (2007-08)

BROMLEY, BARBARA - Faculty, Education (2017-18)

BROWN, CYNTHIA D. - Staff, Bronco Advising Center (2020-21)

BROWN, DAVID - Faculty, Chemistry (2002-03)

BROWN, HOWARD S. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1982-83)

BROWN, JEFFREY - Faculty, Collins (2014-15)

BROWN, KEITH H. - Faculty, Physics (2005-06)

BROWN, MICHAEL A. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2019-20)

BROWN, MICHAEL A. - Staff, Biological Sciences (2019-20)

BROWN, WAYNE C. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (2001-02)

BROWNE, PHILIP R. - Faculty, Music (1993-94)

BRUIN, BARBARA - Faculty, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2015-16)

BRUM, DEBRA - Faculty, Information Technology (2008-09)

BRUM, GILBERT - Faculty, Library (2008-09)

BRUNDAGE, ANTHONY - Faculty, History (1998-99)

BRUNER, LINDA - Staff, Information Technology Systems (2010-11)

BRUNS, ROBERT A. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1979-80)

BRUNSON, BARBARA J - Staff, Test Center (2014-15)

BRYANT, STEPHEN - Faculty, Liberal Studies (2010-11)

BRZOSKA, KAREN L - Staff, Media Vision (2014-15)

BUCHTA, MARLYS - Staff, Library (2006-07)

BUFALINI, SANDRA - Staff, Classification & Compensation (2019-20)

BUHR, JOHN S. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (1995-96)

BULLARD, MARIA R. - Staff, Facilities Admin Services (2020-21)

BURDICK, THOMAS A. - Faculty, Communications (1985-86)

BURGER, RANDY - Staff, Cal Poly English Language Institute (2009-10)

BURKE, BARBARA - Faculty, Chemistry (2012-13)

BURKE, JAMES - Faculty, Collins College (2010-11)

BURMA, JOHN H. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1981-82)

BURNS, BRENDA - Staff, Budget Services (2018-19)

BURNS, SUSAN - Faculty, Music (2011-12)

BURRILL, MELINDA J. - Faculty, Animal and Veterinary Sciences (2003-04)

BURTON, MAUREEN - Faculty, Department of Economics (2011-12)

BUSH, ROBERT T. - Faculty, Physics (2002-03)

BUSTAMANTE, ARMANDO - Staff, Distribution Services (2015-16)

BUTCHER, GAY K. - Staff, Procurement and Support Services (2002-03)

BUTCHER, JOANNE N. - Staff, Academic Affairs, Posthumouously (1994-95)

BUTTERWORTH, JOHN R. - Faculty, English & Modern Languages (1974-75)

CABACUNGAN, EDISON I. - Faculty, Agricultural Education (2001-02)

CABACUNGAN, NENITA B. - Faculty, Human Nutrition & Food Sciences (2002-03)

CABRAL, STEPHANIE L. - Staff, Facilities Management (2019-20)

CADENA, GILBERT R. - Faculty, Ethnic & Women’s Studies Department (2019-20)

CAENEPEEL, CHRISTOPHER - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (2005-06)

CAHUEQUE, DAVID A. A. - Faculty, Music (2016-17)

CAIN, JANET L. - Staff, Human Resource Services (2020-21)

CALDERON, VICTORIA - Faculty, Student Support Equity Programs (2011-12)

CALDWELL, NAOMI E. - Staff, Payroll Services (2002-03)

CAMACHO, MINERVA - Staff, CEIS Credentials (2017-18)

CAMP, RICHARD G. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (1987-88)

CAMPBELL, DAVID - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2004-05)

CAMPBELL, DEBORAH R. - Staff, Student Support Equity Progrs (2019-20)

CAMPBELL, OLGA L - Staff, Human Resource Services (2014-15)

CAMPBELL, PEGGY L - Staff, Financial Aid (2010-11)

CAMPOS, SONIA M. - Staff, Athletics (2019-20)

CANDELARIA, MICHAEL - Staff, Procurement Office (2018-19)

CANHAM, ALBERT E. - Faculty, Plant & Soil Sciences (1979-80)

CAPAN, DIAHANN J - Staff, Engineering Technology (2010-11)

CAPESTRO, KAREN - Staff, Engineerin (2012-13)

CAPOSSELA, FREDERICK - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2004-05)

CARDENGO, ELLA - Staff, Facilities Management (2010-11)

CARDONA, SUE - Staff, Academic Affairs (1997-98)

CARLBERG, GEORGE E. - Faculty, Accounting (1974-75)

CARLIN, SIDNEY - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1986-87)

CARLSON, PAUL - Staff, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1989-90)

CARLSTEDT, GEORGE C. - Faculty, Mathematics (1971-72)

CARLTON, GARY - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2011-12)

CARLYLE, RONALD L. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2001-02)

CARNEY, MICHAEL - Faculty, Finance Real Estate & Law (2008-09)

CARR, WENDY - Staff, ENV, Dean’s Office (2006-07)

CARRERAS, LUCRECIA Z - Staff, Undergraduate Studies (2008-09)

CARRINGTON, RUTH - Staff, Procurement Office (2018-19)

CARSON, GEORGE W. - Faculty, Mathematics (1970-71)

CARTER, DIANE K. - Staff, Instit Rsrch/Plan & Analytics (2019-20)

CARTER, JOEL W. - Faculty, Plant & Soil Sciences (1991-92)

CARTWRIGHT, CAROL - Faculty, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2000-01)

CASEY, JOANNE - Staff, Foundation, Dining Services (2015-16)

CASILLAS, MARIO R. - Staff, Registrar’s (2020-21)

CASS, RICKY D. - Staff, MediaVision (2016-17)

CASTANEDA, TERESA R. - Staff, ENV Dean’s Office Support (2020-21)

CASTEL DE ORO, SYLVIAN - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2014-15)

CASTILLO, GLORIA - Staff, Student Life (2019-20)

CASTLEMAN, JACOB I. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1988-89)

CASTRO, CONSTANCE - Faculty, Department of Education (2011-12)

CASTRO, PETER - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2003-04)

CATHERS, MARY Whitley - Faculty, Business Management (1978-79)

CATLETT, JOHN C. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1991-92)

CAVIN, III, BROOKS W. - Faculty, Architecture (2003-04)

CELIK, HASAN A. - Faculty, Mathematics (2003-04)

CHACON, MARIA - Staff, Dining Administration (2010-11)

CHAKRAVARTI, SOUMYA - Faculty, Physics (2005-06)

CHAMLEE, CAROL L. - Staff, CEIS, Dean’s Office (2013-14)

CHAN, JOHN - Faculty, Biological Science (2018-19)

CHAN, KATHY WAI - Staff, Student Affairs Administration (2020-21)

CHANDRA, RAJAN - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2018-19)

CHANG, YU - Faculty, Mathematics (1999-00)

CHAPMAN, DORA L - Staff, Career Center (2015-16)

CHARLESON, LOIS A. - Staff, Geography & Anthropology (1998-99)

CHEEVER, JOHN K. - Faculty, Accounting (1997-98)

CHEN, TSU-YEE - Faculty, Mathematics (1999-00)

CHENG, REBECCA W. - Staff, ENV Dean’s Office Support (2019-20)

CHENG, SELINA S. - Staff, Campus Center (2019-20)

CHENG, YI - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2015-16)

CHESSER, JERALD W. - Faculty, Hospitality Management (2017-18)

CHEUNG, SUI F. - Staff, Academic Planning & Resources (2020-21)

CHEW, JENNIE D. - Staff, Student Aid Accting/Cashiers (2016-17)

CHIAPPETTA, PAT - Staff, University Library (2009-10)

CHIAZZA, SUE - Staff, Foundation, Accounting (2018-19)

CHISLER, CHRISTI - Staff, VP Student Affairs Office (2018-19)

CHORNEY, ALEXANDER H. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1982-83)

CHRISTENSEN, ALLEN C. - Faculty, Dean, Agriculture (1993-94)

CHRISTIAN, CAROL M. - Staff, Aerospace Engineering (2013-14)

CHRISTIAN, KATHLEEN - Staff, Counseling & Psychological Services (1992-93)

CHUA, CAROL - Staff, Foundation, Los Olivos (2010-11)

CHUNG, JOYCE M. - Staff, CLASS Dean’s Office Support (2020-21)

CHURCH, DAVID A. - Faculty, Communications (1996-97)

CHYLINSKI, RICHARD - Faculty, Architecture (1996-97)

CINCUSH, SHERYL L - Staff, Student Accounting & Cashiering Services (2010-11)

CIOFFI, ERNEST J. - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2009-10)

CLANCY, EDWARD - Faculty, Engineering Technology (2006-07)

CLANTON, HENRY M. - Faculty, Electrical & Electronics Engineering (1976-77)

CLARK, DAVID L. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2002-03)

CLARK, MARGUERITE M. - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2005-06)

CLARK, PETER - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2008-09)

CLARK, ROBERT G. - Faculty, Communications (1986-87)

CLARK, JAMES C. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2012-13)

CLARKE, PHILLIP C. - Faculty, Music (2003-04)

CLOUGHESY, GEORGIA W. - Staff, Student Affairs (1996-97)

CLULEY, NORMA C. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2003-04)

COCHRAN, DELIA (DOLLY) - Staff, Instructional and Information Technology (2005-06)

COCKRUM, RICHARD - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. (2011-12)

CODUTO, DON P. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2013-14)

COGGER, EDWARD A. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (2003-04)

COLE, DAVID E. - Faculty, Agricultural Business Management (1987-88)

COLEMAN, CHRISTINE - Staff, Academic Research & Resources (2018-19)

COLOMAN, DONNA - Staff, Alumni Affairs (1993-94)

COMER, JOHN W. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (1975-76)

COMPTON, JOY - Staff, Computer Science (2003-04)

COMPTON, MEL - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1973-74)

CONARD, HAVEN Quinn - Faculty, Agricultural Business Management (1978-79)

CONSIDINE, ELSIE - Staff, Env Design, Dean’s Office (2014-15)

COOK, STANLEY J. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1997-98)

COOK-ADAMSON, DANETTE - Faculty, Library (2013-14)

COOLEY, DAVID M. - Faculty, Communications (2009-10)

COOMBS, WALTER P. - Faculty, Social Sciences (1991-92)

COPPIN, VICTOR E. - Faculty, Social Work (1991-92)

CORCORAN, TIMOTHY - Faculty, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2021-22)

CORTEZ, ENRICO - Staff, Public Safety (2017-18)

COSGROVE, WILLIAM J. - Faculty, Technology and Operations Management (2010-11)

COSMAS, STEPHEN - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2009-10)

COTA-ROBLES, SUAREZ Cecilia - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1991-92)

COULTER, BRUCE E. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2002-03)

COULTER, CHARLES - Faculty, Music (1980-81)

COVARRUBIAS, ARTHUR - Staff, Student Support Equity Progrs (2018-19)

COWAN, ARNOLD A. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1993-94)

COX, JUDITH - Staff, Computer Science (2003-04)

CRAWFORD, JOHN B. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2000-01)

CREAN, GENEVIEVE - Faculty, Counseling & Psychological Services (2011-12)

CRECELIUS, ANAHID T. - Faculty, Food, Nutrition & Consumer Sciences (2000-01)

CRETSER, GARY A. - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2005-06)

CREWS, VIRGINIA (GEEGEE) - Staff, Instructional and Information Technology (2005-06)

CRISOSTOMO, LELIZABETH - Staff, Student Accounting & Cashier’s (2014-15)

CROISSANT, GERALD L. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1997-98)

CRUISE, SHARON E. - Staff, Science Dean Instruction Supp (2019-20)

CUEVAS, ISAIAS - Staff, Foundation (2014-15)

CULLA, CORA - Staff, Associate Students Inc. (2016-17)

CULLEN, THEODORE J. - Faculty, Mathematics (1990-91)

CULOTTI, DOLORES - Staff, Agric Dean’s Office Support (2021-22)

CUNHA, TONY J. - Faculty, Dean, Agriculture (1979-80)

CURL, STEVEN S. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2013-14)

CURRAN, DONALD - Faculty, Engineering Technology (1985-86)

CURRIE, MADELINE A. - Faculty, Graduate Studies (1987-88)

CUTLER, REBECCA A. - Staff, Student Support Equity Progrs (2020-21)

CZEPIEC, HELENA - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2010-11)

DA VEIGA, DEOLINDA - Staff, ASI (2010-11)

DAIKOVICH, ILIA P. - Faculty, History (1997-98)

DALE, LEON A. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1990-91)

DALE, WILLIAM R. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1986-87)

DALESSI, ANTHONY - Faculty, Education (2017-18)

DALGLEISH, ARLEEN - Staff, CEIS, EdD Prog (2012-13)

DANIEL, IRENE - Faculty, English and Modern Languages Department (2018-19)

DANIEL, RONALD S. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1999-00)

DANIEL, SHERRY ANN - Staff, Library (2019-20)

DANNAN, DONNA J - Staff, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2010-11)

DARWEESH, FAROUK - Faculty, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (2013-14)

DASHNER, PETER - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2014-15)

DAUGHERTY, RAYMOND C. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1995-96)

DAVARPANAH, MIKE - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2010-11)

DAVEY, ROBERT F. - Faculty, Aerospace Engineering (2000-01)

DAVIDSON, PATRICIA S. - Staff, Student Aid Accting/Cashiers (2020-21)

DAVIS, JEANNE - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2004-05)

DAVIS, MENDEZ V. - Staff, Building Maintenance Electric (2020-21)

DAVIS, MICHELLE - Staff, Registrar’s (2014-15)

DAVIS, OTIS - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2003-04)

DAVIS, PATRICIA I - Staff, Student Affairs, Dean of Student’s office (2008-09)

DAVIS, RUTHANNA A. - Faculty, Food, Nutrition & Consumer Sciences (1990-91)

DAVIS, SANDRA L. - Staff, President’s Office (2013-14)

DAVIS, STEPHEN - Faculty, Education (2014-15)

DAWSON, PETER P. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1988-89)

DAY, SARAH W. - Faculty, Teacher Preperation Center (1991-92)

DE LA ROCA, PATRICIA C - Staff, Business Dean’s Office Support (2015-16)

DEAN, FRANCIS H. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (1988-89)

DECARLO, CHARLES T. - Staff, Landscape Services (2016-17)

DECEGLIE, DANNY C. - Faculty, Operations Management (1986-87)

DECKER, ANN L. - Staff, Engineering Technology (1991-92)

DEGEN, JAMES L. - Faculty, Agriculture (1990-91)

DEGRAFFENREID, EDNA - Staff, Library (1978-79)

DEHLER, CHRISTINA - Faculty, Education (2015-16)

DELACRUZ, IRMA A. - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2019-20)

DELANEY, CHRISTINE - Staff, ENV, Dean’s Office (2006-07)

DELGADO, JULIANNA - Faculty, Urban and Regional Planning (2015-16)

DELK, THOMAS E - Staff, Facilities Management (2014-15)

DELL’OSSO, LINDA - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2004-05)

DEMARZIE, CATHERINE - Staff, Landscape Architecture (2006-07)

DENOVELLIS, RICHARD L. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2005-06)

DEOKAR, VIJAY - Faculty, Computer Information Science (2005-06)

DERALEIGH, DEE - Staff, Athletics (2000-01)

DERFER, GEORGE - Faculty, Philosophy (1996-97)

DESTEFANO, STEVEN A. - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2019-20)

DEUTSCH, JONATHAN PETER - Staff, IT&IP Architecture (2020-21)

DEV, BARBARA - Faculty, Chemistry (2003-04)

DEV, VASU - Faculty, Chemistry (1995-96)

DEVILBISS, MARY LEE - Faculty, University Library (1984-85)

DEWAR-CALLARI, VICKI L - Staff, Mathematics & Statistics (2010-11)

DHINGRA, VINITA - Faculty, Communication (2013-14)

DIAZ, ROSE C. - Staff, Payroll Services (1996-97)

DIAZ, SUSIE - Staff, Fin Aid & Scholarship Off (2017-18)

DICKSON, KIP A. - Faculty, Architecture (2021-22)

DIMITMAN, JEROME E. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1982-83)

DING, JOHN (ZIJIANG) - Faculty, Philosophy (2018-19)

DIVELBESS, DIANE - Faculty, Art (1989-90)

DODA, STEPHANIE - Staff, I&IT (2012-13)

DOMINGUEZ, RACHEL - Staff, RAMP (2020-21)

DONG, MEIJUAN - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2017-18)

DOPSON, LEA R. - Faculty, Dean, The Collins College of Hospitality Management (2021-22)

DOWELL, DOUGLAS C. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1985-86)

DRAPEAU, LETICIA - Staff, Parking Services (2019-20)

DRAVIS, REGINA - Staff, Disability Resource Center (2018-19)

DUENAS, RACHEL J. - Staff, CSHM Dean’s Office Support (2020-21)

DUNCAN, SCOTT J - Staff, Office of Admissions (2010-11)

DUNN, KATHLEEN - Faculty, Library (2004-05)

DUNN, NORMAN K. - Faculty, Arabian Horse Center (1993-94)

DUTRA, RAMIRO C. - Faculty, Food, Nutrition & Consumer Science (1994-95)

EAGLETON, ROBERT D. - Faculty, Physics (1997-98)

EASLEY, ROY C. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1999-00)

EASTERMANN, BARBARA H. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1998-99)

EAVES, RONALD W. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (1999-00)

EBERSOLE, WALTER J. - Faculty, Industrial Engineering (1973-74)

EBUENG, ROWENA T. - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2020-21)

EDDINGS, EARL - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2009-10)

EDDINGTON, DIANA - Staff, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2005-06)

EDLUND, JOHN - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2017-18)

EDMONDS, CAMERON F. - Staff, Kellogg West (2019-20)

EDMONDS, WILLIAM D. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1998-99)

EHRENBERG, JOYCE - Staff, Theatre and New Dance (2014-15)

EHRENREICH, KEITH B. - Faculty, Accounting (1997-98)

EISEN, GEORGE - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1999-00)

EL AGIZY, MOSTAFA - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (1997-98)

EL SAWAH, SAMY M. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2001-02)

ELLIOTT, THOMAS J. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1998-99)

ELWELL, ALLISON - Staff, Arabian Horse Center (1997-98)

EMERSON, SANDRA - Faculty, Political Science (2015-16)

EMERY, LYNNE L. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1996-97)

EMILIO, JOYCE - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2016-17)

ENDERS, ROBERT A. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2005-06)

ENG, KIM - Staff, Academic Affairs (1998-99)

ENGELKE, GEORGE F. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1999-00)

ENGLEHART, STEVEN F. - Faculty, History (2002-03)

ENGLUND, CARL R. - Faculty, Dean of Agriculture (1969-70)

ENNERBERG, ERIK G. - Faculty, University Library (2003-04)

EPSTEIN, BRIGITTE P. - Staff, Budget Services (2013-14)

ERISMAN, JEFFREY - Staff, Facilities Management (2014-15)

ERSPAMER, JACK L. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1987-88)

ESCANUELAS, FIDEL - Staff, Facilities Management (2014-15)

ESKANDARI, SEP - Staff, Academic Plan & Resource Admin (2021-22)

ESQUIVEL, MIKE - Staff, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2020-21)

ESROCK, MADALYNE - Staff, University Housing Services (1982-83)

ESSELLS, WARREN W. - Staff, Credit Union Manager (1986-87)

ESTERLINE, JOHN H. - Faculty, Political Science (1986-87)

ESTRADA-PEREZ, YVONNE C. - Staff, Student Success (2019-20)

ESTRELLA, RICHARD - Faculty, Management and Human Resources (2019-20)

EVANS, WILLIAM M. - Faculty, History (1987-88)

EVERETT, SANDRA - Staff, Support Services (2018-19)

EWERS, FRANK - Faculty, Biological Science (2018-19)

EWING-CHOW, FRANKLIN D. - Faculty, Accounting (2000-01)

FA’ALAFUA, KAREN A. - Staff, Office of Admissions (2021-22)

FALATOONZADEH, HAMID - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2002-03)

FAN, HSIN Y. - Faculty, Mathematics (1968-69)

FAN, UEI-JIUN (U.J.) - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2020-21)

FANG, JOHN - Faculty, Physics (2009-10)

FARAHANI, BADIEH - Faculty, Chemistry (2006-07)

FARBEROW, HERSCHEL - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (2012-13)

FARMER, RICHARD C. - Staff, Landscape Services (2020-21)

FARNSWORTH, CULA M - Staff, Payroll Services (2008-09)

FARRAN, HANY J. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2014-15)

FARRELL, JOSEPH - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2004-05)

FARRIS, PATRICIA - Staff, Administrative Affairs, President’s Office (2006-07)

FAUCHER, RICHARD - Staff, University Housing Services (1993-94)

FAUSCH, HOMER D. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1981-82)

FAZAL, KAUSER - Faculty, Engineering Tech (2012-13)

FEENEY, ROBERT G. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1982-83)

FEKETE, GAYLE M. - Faculty, Theatre and New Dance (2016-17)

FELZER, ALAN - Faculty, Computer Engineering (2006-07)

FERGUSON, LLOYD N. - Faculty, Electrical and Computer Engineering (2013-14)

FERGUSON, MARION S. - Faculty, University Library (1977-78)

FERRERO, JACK - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2013-14)

FERRIS, HORACE G. - Faculty, Physics (1977-78)

FIGGINS, ROSS F. - Faculty, Communications (1995-96)

FIGUEROA, MINA C - Staff, Services (2015-16)

FILLHART, DANIEL H. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1987-88)

FINE, AUBREY - Faculty, Education (2017-18)

FIORE, DAIKEN - Staff, Procurement Office (2017-18)

FIRSTMAN, BRUCE L. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1997-98)

FISHER, JOHN R. - Faculty, Computer Science (2001-02)

FISK, JACQUELINE M. - Staff, AVP Facilities Planning & Mgt (2019-20)

FITZGERALD, DENNIS - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2020-21)

FLAMINO, SHERRY - Staff, Foundation, Village (2018-19)

FLANAGIN, JIMMIE P. - Staff, Disability Resource Center (2016-17)

FLANDERS, KELLEE D. - Staff, Theatre and New Dance (2016-17)

FLECK, DOROTHY M. - Faculty, Student Services (2002-03)

FLECK, RAYMOND A. - Staff, Research & Sponsored Programs (1995-96)

FLEISHANS III, JOHN T. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1991-92)

FLORES, ELIA M. - Staff, Center Point (2019-20)

FLORES, DAVID R. - Staff, Fines & Forf AQMD (2019-20)

FLORES, FRANCIS X. - Faculty, Chemistry & Biochemistry (2019-20)

FLORES, RICHARD - Staff, Graphics Communications (2021-22)

FLORES, STEVEN - Faculty, Accounting (1999-00)

FLOYD, KARON DENISE - Staff, Registrar’s (2020-21)

FLYNN, THOMAS J. - Faculty, History (1969-70)

FODE, PENELOPE A. - Staff, Agric Dean’s Office Support (2020-21)

FOERSTNER, CORA L. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2007-08)

FOISY, RENEE - Staff, Public Safety (2018-19)

FOLEY, DAVID G. - Faculty, Human Resources & Small Business Mgmt. (1988-89)

FOLEY, WILLIAM - Faculty, Accounting (2017-18)

FONDA, EDWARD - Faculty, AVS (2015-16)

FONG, CHI K. - Staff, Project Management (2020-21)

FORCE, DON C. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1990-91)

FORD, BARBARA - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2000-01)

FORD, VERONICA A - Staff, Registrar’s (2017-18)

FORD-LEVINE, CARLOS - Faculty, Mathematics (1997-98)

FORRESTER, CAROLYN A. - Staff, Chemistry (2013-14)

FORTAIN, ROGER A. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1994-95)

FORTNEY, ARLENE - Staff, Academic Test Center (2003-04)

FOSSUM, LOUIS - Faculty, Theatre and New Dance (2018-19)

FOSTER, ILENE - Faculty, Education (2010-11)

FOSTER, LOUIS - Faculty, Animal Sciences (2011-12)

FOSTER, MARYBELLE - Staff, Agric Dean’s Office Support (2021-22)

FOX, WILLIAM E. - Faculty, Finance & Development (1987-88)

FRANCIS, JOHN W. - Faculty, Administration (1982-83)

FRANKS, GLENN - Staff, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2006-07)

FRAYNE, JOHN G. - Faculty, Deceased (1970-71)

FREDERICKSEN, GARY - Staff, Student Affairs (2005-06)

FREDRICK, CHARLES D. - Faculty, Art (2007-08)

FREEMAN, FLINT G. - Faculty, Food Marketing/Agribusiness Management (2005-06)

FRENCH, JERE Stuart - Staff, Landscape Architecture (1988-89)

FRENCH, MILTON L. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1975-76)

FRIEDMAN, STUART M. - Faculty, Mathematics (1987-88)

FRIENDLY-THOMAS, FELICIA - Faculty, Psychology (2019-20)

FROST, JACK B. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1986-87)

FRYER, SAM - Faculty, Mathematics (2010-11)

FUCALORO, LILIANE MARIE-LOUISE - Faculty, English & Modern Language (2019-20)

FUJIMOTO, TERRANCE - Faculty, Plant Science (2014-15)

FUJIMOTO HERNANDEZ, LAURA - Staff, College of Environmental Design (2020-21)

FULBECK, JOHN F. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1982-83)

GABRIEL, GEORGIADES - Faculty, Aerospace Engineering (2012-13)

GALANG, MELVIN - Staff, ASI Financial Services (2017-18)

GALBRAITH, EDWARD - Faculty, Engineering Services (1983-84)

GALBREATH, GEORGE T. - Faculty, Economics (1991-92)

GALDONIK, JOSEPH - Staff, Engineering Dean’s Office Sppt (2018-19)

GALLEGOS, FREDERICK - Faculty, Computer Information Science (2005-06)

GALLEGOS, JOSEPH - Staff, ASI Custodial Services (2018-19)

GALLEGOS, TERRI - Staff, Fin Aid & Scholarship Off (2018-19)

GALVAN, SALLY - Staff, President’s Office (2005-06)

GANS, LYDIA P. - Faculty, Mathematics (1987-88)

GARFIELD, GARY - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2006-07)

GARNER, VAN H. - Faculty, History (2003-04)

GARRITY, RODMAN F. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1987-88)

GARZA, LUCILA G - Staff, University Library (2014-15)

GASCHLER, LINDA E. - Staff, Test Center (2002-03)

GASSER, OTTO F. W. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1996-97)

GAVIN, HELEN - Faculty, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2015-16)

GEARY, VICKI - Faculty, Administration, Office of Student Life (2000-01)

GENDELMAN, SAMUEL - Faculty, Mathematics (1976-77)

GEORGE, CHRISTINE - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2008-09)

GERSON, JR., GUS J. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1991-92)

GESLER, JACK T. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1978-79)

GEUTING, BEVERLY A. - Staff, Campus & Web Apps (2016-17)

GEYER, ROPHINA - Staff, Physical Plant (1988-89)

GHOSH, BIMAN - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2020-21)

GIANGRECO, NINA L. - Staff, Graphics Communications (2020-21)

GIBB, STANLEY G. - Faculty, Music (2001-02)

GIBBONS, FRANK - Faculty, Horticulture/Plant & Soil Science (2004-05)

GIBNEY, ELSIE D. - Staff, Food Services (1986-87)

GIBSON, EMMA C. - Staff, Library (2020-21)

GIBSON, EMMA - Faculty, University Library (2020-21)

GILBERT, ROBERT L. - Faculty, Theatre and Dance (1995-96)

GILILLAND, SUSAN - Staff, President’s Office (2014-15)

GILL, DANIEL - Staff, Facilities Management (2014-15)

GILL, DHANWANT - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2020-21)

GIPE, JEAN A. - Faculty, Apparel Merchandising and Management (2007-08)

GIROUARD, WILLIAM F. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2005-06)

GLAESER, DOUGLAS P - Staff, Alumni (2015-16)

GLASER, FRANK - Faculty, Mathematics (2003-04)

GLASER, WALTER W. - Faculty, Art (1987-88)

GLOZMAN, VLADIMIR - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2000-01)

GOEHLER, BRIGITTE H. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1990-91)

GOLDEN, GLEN - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2010-11)

GOLDMAN, LARRY - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2013-14)

GOLDSTEIN, ELISHEVA - Faculty, Chemistry (2003-04)

GOMEZ, CHRISTINA M. - Staff, Public Safety (2019-20)

GONZALEZ, TRINIDAD - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2006-07)

GOODIN, JAMES D. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1997-98)

GRAHAM, CARYL - Faculty, Academic Programs (2000-01)

GRAHAM, LAURENCE D. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2000-01)

GRANI, CINDI R - Staff, Custodial Services (2017-18)

GRASMICK, DAVID - Faculty, Music (2004-05)

GRAVES, GEORGE R. - Faculty, Aerospace Engineering (1991-92)

GRAY, ELAINE M - Staff, Career Center (2008-09)

GREEN, KENNETH A. - Faculty, Student Health & Psychological Services (1988-89)

GREEN, SIMON - Faculty, Mathematics (1978-79)

GREENE, DAVID M. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1993-94)

GREENWAY, JOAN M. - Faculty, Social Sciences (1987-88)

GRIFFIN, JAMES M. - Faculty, Ornamental Horticulture (1969-70)

GRIIFITH, DONNA - Staff, Human Resources (2015-16)

GRISELLE, SHERMAN W. - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (1986-87)

GRIZZELL III, JAMES V. - Staff, Student Health Services (2002-03)

GRUBE, BRUCE F. - Faculty, Academic Affairs (1993-94)

GRUBER, KENNETH - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2008-09)

GUARNETT, MARTHA A - Staff, Business Dean’s Office Support (2015-16)

GUENETTE, KIMBERLEE H. - Staff, Music (2019-20)

GUENETTE, MARK V. - Staff, Facilities (2019-20)

GUERIN, MICHAEL W. - Staff, Public Safety (2013-14)

GUPTA, VINAY K. - Faculty, Accounting (2000-01)

GUTIERREZ, NYDIA - Staff, Urban & Regional Planning (2012-13)

GUTIERREZ, VIRGINIA L - Staff, Financial Aid (2008-09)

GUTNIKOV, GEORGE - Faculty, Chemistry (2009-10)

HACKER, ARTHUR - Faculty, Architecture (2004-05)

HACKER, BARBARA - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (2011-12)

HACKETT, GERALD - Faculty, Animal Sciences (2008-09)

HADDAD, MARY - Staff, CLASS Dean’s Office (2014-15)

HALATI, ABOLHASSAN - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (2016-17)

HALDERMAN, DON - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1978-79)

HALE, CHARLES - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2015-16)

HALE, PATRICIA - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2017-18)

HALL, GAIL L - Staff, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2010-11)

HALLOCK, VINCENT R. - Staff, Custodial Services (2020-21)

HAMABATA, JODY (JANET) - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (2019-20)

HAMBLIN, RICHARD L. - Faculty, Teacher Preperation Center (1984-85)

HAMILTON, GARY - Faculty, President’s Office (2017-18)

HAMILTON, MILTON E. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1996-97)

HAMMOND, AMELIA - Staff, University Library (1979-80)

HAMMOND, DORSEY Bert - Faculty, Student Health & Psychological Services (1991-92)

HAMPTON, CARRIE - Staff, Foundation, Foundation Admin (2015-16)

HANER, DAVID A. - Faculty, Chemistry (2000-01)

HANNA, SANDRA C. - Staff, University Library (1996-97)

HANNA-TOWNE, KAREN C. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2013-14)

HANNE, DANIEL F. - Faculty, University Library (2003-04)

HANSON, LADY - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2000-01)

HARCHARIK, KATHLEEN - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2006-07)

HARIRCHI, MADJID - Faculty, Mathematics & Statistics (2019-20)

HARKEY, NANCY J. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (2001-02)

HARMER, RUTH M. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1982-83)

HARMER-GARCIA, BARBARA - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotions (2019-20)

HARPER, KATHLEEN - Staff, University Financial Services (2014-15)

HARRINGTON, THEODORE M - Staff, Custodial Services (2015-16)

HARRIS, WILLIAM M. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1988-89)

HARTHILL, MARION P. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1976-77)

HARTNETT, GUY G. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1997-98)

HARTNEY, KRISTINE - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2017-18)

HARTSOCK, VIVIAN R. - Staff, Payroll Services (2013-14)

HARTY, LARRY - Faculty, College of the Extended University (2000-01)

HARWOOD, EDWIN C. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1979-80)

HASSAN, HEFZI - Faculty, Accounting (2018-19)

HATFIELD, JOHN T. - Faculty, Ethnic & Women’s Studies, Philosophy (1994-95)

HATLEY, FAYE - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2014-15)

HATMAN, FAYE - Staff, Finance and Administrative Services (2006-07)

HAUSER, WILLIAM C. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1996-97)

HAYDEN, MARY - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2010-11)

HAYLER, GERALD R. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (2003-04)

HAYS, GERALD - Staff, Student Health Services (2003-04)

HEALEY, ROBERT J. - Faculty, Analytical Studies (1987-88)

HEATH, FREDERICK B. - Faculty, History (1985-86)

HEIMLER, RONALD - Faculty, Apparel Merchandising & Mgm’t (2021-22)

HELMLE, PAUL N. - Faculty, Architecture (2000-01)

HENDERSON, FRED - Staff, University Police (2013-14)

HENDERSON, MAREN H. - Faculty, Art (2007-08)

HENDRICKS, NANCY - Staff, Registrar’ (2012-13)

HENLEY, DAVID C. - Faculty, Communications (1991-92)

HERBER, LAWRENCE J. - Faculty, Geological Sciences (1995-96)

HERMSEN, RICHARD J. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1991-92)

HERNANDEZ, ALICIA G. - Staff, Center Point (2019-20)

HERNANDEZ, CHARLENE - Staff, Student Aid Accting/Cashiers (2016-17)

HERNANDEZ-ARAICO, SUSANA - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2005-06)

HERR, LOWELL - Faculty, Philosophy (2018-19)

HERRERA, ANGEL - Staff, Custodial Services (2015-16)

HERZOG, EMIL R. - Faculty, Mathematics (1982-83)

HESSE, WALTER H. - Faculty, Earth Science (1982-83)

HICKS, ANGELA - Staff, Civil Engineering (2018-19)

HIEMENZ, PAUL C. - Faculty, Chemistry (1998-99)

HILL, JAMES R. - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (1999-00)

HILL, RON - Faculty, Procurement and Support Services (2000-01)

HILL, WILLIAM Fawcett - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1982-83)

HILLAM, BRUCE P. - Faculty, Computer Science (2002-03)

HILLES, SHARON - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2017-18)

HILLIARD, CATHY A. - Staff, Collins College of Hosp Mgmt (2013-14)

HO, SHELLEY - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2018-19)

HO, TIFFANY T. - Staff, Student Aid Accting/Cashiers (2021-22)

HO, FRANKLIN - Faculty, Economics (2000-01)

HOBBS, KENNETH R. - Faculty, Agricultural Biology (1975-76)

HOEY III, WILLIAM F. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (1995-96)

HOFER, JACK E. - Faculty, Mathematics (2000-01)

HOFMANN, CHARLES D. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1990-91)

HOGAN, APRIL C - Staff, Registrar’s (2010-11)

HOHMANN, EDWARD - Faculty, Chemical and Materials Engineering (2010-11)

HOKE, CLARE L. - Staff, ENV Dean’s Office Support (2016-17)

HOLDEN, EDWARD W - Staff, Facilities Management (2010-11)

HOLDER, CAROL R. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2003-04)

HOLDER, SHIRLEY - Staff, Tech Acces (2012-13)

HOLMAN, DONNA M - Staff, Events and Special Projects (2015-16)

HONKOSKI, SUSAN - Staff, Early Childhood Studies (2018-19)

HOOK, DONALD G. - Faculty, Mathematics (1997-98)

HOPKINS, PATRICIA M. - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2001-02)

HORN, JOAN E - Staff, Procurement Office (2015-16)

HORWITZ, DAVID - Faculty, Mathematics (1985-86)

HOSCH, TERESA L. - Staff, Univ Advancement Services (2019-20)

HOSTETLER, DANIEL - Faculty, Plant Science (2014-15)

HOUCK, NOEL - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2017-18)

HOUSE, HENRY - Faculty, Dean of Students (1982-83)

HOUSE, MARGARET E. - Staff, Media Resources Center (1988-89)

HOUSER, GENE L. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1989-90)

HOUSER, JOLENE - Staff, Physics (2006-07)

HOWARD, KEITH A. - Faculty, Chemistry (2002-03)

HOWARD, ROLLEN - Staff, Aerospace Engineering (1989-90)

HOWELL, FLOYD - Staff, Chemistry (2006-07)

HOWLAND, JOYCE E. - Staff, Environmental Design (2002-03)

HOYOS, LUIS - Faculty, Architecture (2018-19)

HOYT, DON - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2010-11)

HSIA, TING-MEI - Staff, University Library (1995-96)

HSIA, YU-PING - Faculty, Chemistry (1996-97)

HUANG, WENJYUE CECILIA - Staff, Library (2017-18)

HUDSPETH, CATHARINE M. - Faculty, College of Engineering (2000-01)

HUFF, JIMMIE D. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2007-08)

HUFF, LORI - Faculty, Music (2018-19)

HUGHES, WILLIAM - Faculty, Food Marketing and Agribusiness Management (2010-11)

HUIZAR, LARRY H. - Staff, Library (2020-21)

HULL, ARMANDA E. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2002-03)

HULME, RICHARD - Faculty, Accounting (2005-06)

HUMBER, TONI - Faculty, Ethnic & Womens Studies (2009-10)

HUMBLE, JANET S. - Staff, CEIS Credentials (2016-17)

HUMES, ROGER B - Staff, Engineering Dean’s Office, Posthumously (2014-15)

HUMPHREY, THEODORE C. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1997-98)

HUNG, YOU TSAI (JOSEPH) - Faculty, Agricultural Engineering & Irrigation Science (1996-97)

HUNT, EUGENE P - Staff, University Housing Services (2010-11)

HURLBUT, NANCY - Faculty, Education (2017-18)

HURT, ROBERT - Faculty, Accounting (2015-16)

HUTCHINSON, ROBERT D. - Staff, AVP Finance & Admin Services (2016-17)

HUYTER, MICHAEL P - Staff, Environmental Health & Safety (2017-18)

HWANG, HUA - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2010-11)

HYSLOP, RICHARD S. - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2009-10)

IBRAHIM, ELHAMI - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2005-06)

IBRAHIM, MAHMOOD - Faculty, History (2020-21)

IMAN, STEPHEN - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2005-06)

IRVINE, ROBERT G. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2000-01)

IRWIN, LARRY D. - Faculty, Mathematics (1997-98)

ISSHIKI, KOICHIRO R. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2003-04)

IVES, QUAY - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1983-84)

JABBOUR, ANTOINE - Faculty, Accounting (2000-01)

JACKLEY, DEBRA LINN - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2017-18)

JACKMAN, CLARENCE H. - Faculty, Accounting (1976-77)

JACKSON, CARLA K. - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2020-21)

JACKSON, JAMES O. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1999-00)

JACKSON, STANLEY L. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1994-95)

JACKSON, VICKI - Staff, ASI Student Government (2017-18)

JACOBS, JUDITH - Faculty, Education (2011-12)

JACOBS, JUDITH - Faculty, Mathematics (2008-09)

JACOBS, RICHARD C. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1995-96)

JACOBSEN, DENNIS - Faculty, Education (2017-18)

JAMES, SWARTZ - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2012-13)

JANGER, FRANK - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2009-10)

JANZ, HEINZ - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1992-93)

JAQUES, DAVID G. - Faculty, Economics (2003-04)

JARDINO, ELLEN P. - Staff, Payroll Services (2020-21)

JENKINS, GEORGE B. - Faculty, Social Sciences (1977-78)

JESSEY, DAVID - Faculty, Geological Sciences (2008-09)

JETTE, JANET - Staff, Engineerin (2012-13)

JEWETT, JOHN - Faculty, Physics (2004-05)

JIN, HYUNG K. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2001-02)

JOHANNESSEN, BERTHA - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2006-07)

JOHNSEN, ARTHUR - Faculty, Deceased (1986-87)

JOHNSON, BRIAN - Faculty, Psychology (2019-20)

JOHNSON, CHARLES A. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1990-91)

JOHNSON, CHRISTINE B - Staff, Library (2015-16)

JOHNSON, CYNTHIA E. - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2016-17)

JOHNSON, DEBORAH A. - Faculty, Apparel Merchandising & Management (2018-19)

JOHNSON, DON - Staff, Facilities Management (2015-16)

JOHNSON, DOUGLAS C - Staff, Physics (2015-16)

JOHNSON, GINA L. - Staff, Planned Giving & Corp Relation (2021-22)

JOHNSON, NITA M - Staff, Maximizing Engineering Potentl (2017-18)

JOHNSON, OLGA M - Staff, Learning Resource Center (2014-15)

JOHNSON, RICHARD L. - Faculty, History (2003-04)

JOHNSON, THEOLA S. - Staff, Honors College (2013-14)

JOHNSON, VIRGINIA L. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1987-88)

JONES, CAROL - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2011-12)

JONES, GEORGE E. - Staff, Landscape Services (2020-21)

JONES, JOHN E. - Faculty, Career Planning & Placement (1975-76)

JONES, LORRAINE J - Staff, Student Support Equity Progrs (2017-18)

JORDAN, FLETCHER - Staff, Public Safety (2018-19)

JORDON III, WILLIAM A. - Faculty, Social Sciences (1996-97)

JOYCE, SHARON - Staff, Facilities Admin Services (2018-19)

JOZEFOWICZ, STANLEY - Staff, Campus Applications (2014-15)

JUDITH, BOGDANOFF-LORD - Faculty, Biological Science (2015-16)

JURINA, MICHAEL - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2004-05)

JUSZCZAK, MARTA J - Staff, University Library (2014-15)

KAAE, RICHARD - Faculty, Plant & Soil Sciences (2010-11)

KABISAMA, HENSLAY W. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2002-03)

KACHUN, JOSEPH - Faculty, Mathematics (1984-85)

KAI, LAM - Faculty, Physics (2012-13)

KAMUSIKIRI, JAMES - Faculty, History (2000-01)

KAPLAN, CAROLA M. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2003-04)

KAPOOR, SANDRA A. - Faculty, Hospitality Management (2020-21)

KARAYAN, JOHN E. - Faculty, Accounting (2007-08)

KARMANN, JR., ROBERT S - Staff, Animal & Vet Sciences (2014-15)

KARNS, JOANN - Staff, I & IT Vice President’s Office (2010-11)

KASHEFINEJAD, JAVAD - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2008-09)

KAWAI, ERNEST - Staff, Foundation (2006-07)

KEATING, CAROL - Staff, Research & Sponsored Programs (2006-07)

KEATING, EUGENE K. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1997-98)

KEENAN, LETICIA - Staff, Sociology (2020-21)

KEITH, MICHAEL - Faculty, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2014-15)

KELLNER, ROCHELLE - Faculty, Accounting (2008-2009)

KELLY, BRENDA M. - Staff, Disability Resource Center (2016-17)

KELLY, EDWARD M. - Faculty, Physics (1978-79)

KELLY, MARGARET - Faculty, Dean of CEIS (2014-15)

KELLY, SAMUEL T. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2007-08)

KELLY, TERESA A. - Staff, Music (2020-21)

KEMPTON, SELDON L. - Staff, Physical Plant (1982-83)

KENNEDY, BRUCE W - Staff, AVP Research (2017-18)

KENNERKNECHT, ROBERT J. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1996-97)

KENNINGTON, MACK H. - Faculty, Agriculture (1991-92)

KERBER, SHERRIE - Staff, Children’s Center (2016-17)

KERBS, ROBERT W. - Faculty, Computer Science (2018-19)

KERBS, ROBERT - Staff, Science Dean’s Office Support (2018-19)

KERKHOF, KENNETH A. - Staff, Public Safety (2016-17)

KESSLER, CHARLES J. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1974-75)

KESSLER, LISA - Faculty, Interim Dean (2020-21)

KEYS, REGINALD - Staff, Housing-Custodial (2016-17)

KHAN, GHAZALA - Staff, Human Resources (2014-15)

KHOLDY-SABETY, SHADY - Faculty, Finance Real Estate & Law (2016-17)

KHUSHALANI, RANI M. - Staff, Univ Utilities (2021-22)

KIDD, PATRICK - Faculty, Biological Science (2016-17)

KILROY, JAMES - Staff, Computer Information Systems (1987-88)

KINDER, BETSY - Staff, International Center (2010-11)

KING, ALICE A. - Faculty, Mathematics (1987-88)

KING, DONALD W. - Faculty, Deceased (1982-83)

KING, LOUIS J. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1997-98)

KING, THOMAS M. - Faculty, Mathematics (1997-98)

KING, U’PAL - Staff, Human Resource Services (2008-09)

KING-KAUANUI, SANDRA - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2006-07)

KINGWILL, DONALD A. - Staff, Public Safety (2016-17)

KIRKHAM, RICHARD - Faculty, Communication (2019-20)

KIRKPATRICK, JERRY - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2010-11)

KISLIA, JANICE - Staff, Registrar’s Office, Records (1985-86)

KITAMURA, NANCY S - Staff, Human Resources (2015-16)

KITCH, KENNETH J. - Faculty, President’s Office (1972-73)

KLASIK, JOHN - Faculty, Geological Sciences (2008-09)

KLEIN, ANITA - Staff, President’s Office (2005-06)

KLEIN, MARVIN - Faculty, Food Marketing/Agribusiness Management (2006-07)

KLEWER, EDWIN D. - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2007-08)

KLINGER, JESSIE - Faculty, Physical Education (1995-96)

KNIGHT, MARILYN - Staff, Engineering Technology (1998-99)

KNILL, LAMAR - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1985-86)

KNOX, JOHN - Faculty, Technology and Operations Management (2014-15)

KNUDSEN, RUSSELL A. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1985-86)

KOEPER, FREDERICK H. - Faculty, Environmental Design, Posthumously (1989-90)

KOGA, JAMES - Faculty, Library (2014-15)

KOLAR, ALTHEA C. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2006-07)

KONINGSBERG, ALBERT - Faculty, Deceased (1971-72)

KOONCE, GARY W. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2005-06)

KOREY, JOHN L. - Faculty, Political Science (2007-08)

KOUTRAS, ALEXANDER - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2004-05)

KRAMER, ROBERT C. - President, President Emeritus (1976-77)

KRAMP-GIL, RURIKO C. - Staff, Fin Aid & Scholarship Off (2020-21)

KREBS, LEON E - Staff, Plumbing Shop (2017-18)

KRIEGE, KENNETH - Faculty, Mathematics (1986-87)

KRIEZEL, SANDRA S. - Faculty, Intercollegiate Athletics (2009-10)

KRIKORIAN, HOVIG A. - Staff, Information Technology, College of Prof & Global Ed (2021-22)

KROPF, NANCY - Faculty, Human Resource Services (2000-01)

KUKLA, ROSEMARY - Staff, Enterprise Applications (2014-15)

KUMAR, RAMESH - Faculty, Plant Science (2014-15)

KUPFERSCHMIDT, MARIA - Staff, Registrar’s (2020-21)

KUPSH, JOYCE - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (1999-00)

KURTZ, KENT - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (2003-04)

LA BOUNTY, HUGH L. - President, President Emeritus (1990-91)

LABORDO, DARWIN Y - Staff, AVP Finance & Admin Services (2017-18)

LACY, MILO G. - Faculty, Agricultural Business Management (1979-80)

LAI, JENNY H. - Staff, Univ Advancement Services (2019-20)

LAMIMAN, JOHN F. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1965-66)

LAMONTAGNE, THERESE - Faculty, University Library (1989-90)

LAMPREY, AUDREY - Faculty, Music (2014-15)

LANDAU, SAUL I. - Faculty, Digital Media Programming (2005-06)

LANDAY, CHRISTOPHER G. - Staff, Facilities (2019-20)

LANE, BERNARD O. - Faculty, Posthumously (1995-96)

LANGLOIS, KAREN S. - Faculty, Liberal Studies (2020-21)

LANNING, KEITH A - Staff, Public Safety (2017-18)

LANSFORD, FRANK D. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1991-92)

LAPIDUS, RICHARD - Faculty, Dean of Business (2014-15)

LAPP, RUSSELL V. - Faculty, Communications (1976-77)

LARSEN, GAIL - Staff, Animal and Veterinary Sciences (2006-07)

LARSON, WILLIAM R. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1990-91)

LASHGARI, DEIRDRE - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2004-05)

LASSWELL, MARCIA - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2004-05)

LASZLO, PETER - Faculty, Mathematics (2010-11)

LAWRENCE, DENISE - Faculty, Architecture (2016-17)

LAWTON, ANDRE L. - Staff, AVP Empl & Org Dev & Advance (2020-21)

LEE, CHUNG - Faculty, Computer Science (2004-05)

LEE, HERRICK J T - Staff, Housing-Custodial (2020-21)

LEE, KEI AN - Faculty, Mathematics (1997-98)

LEE, LAURA - Staff, International Programs (2020-21)

LEE, LISA K - Staff, CEIS Dean’s Office Support (2017-18)

LEFF, HARVEY - Faculty, Physics (2000-01)

LEFFLER, ESTHER B. - Faculty, Chemistry (1987-88)

LEKADHANA, PACHUNE - Staff, Office of Admission & Outreach (2016-17)

LENTZ, GEORGE H. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2009-10)

LEON, DELIA - Staff, Registrar’s Office (2013-14)

LEON, JOSEPH - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1996-97)

LEON, RON - Faculty, Ed. D. (2015-16)

LEONARD, DONNA J. - Staff, Parking Services (2016-17)

LEONOR, LEONARDO - Staff, Student Accounting & Cashier’s (2014-15)

LERMA, JERRY - Staff, Information Technology Web Development (2010-11)

LEUNG, SING - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2016-17)

LEVERING, DAVID L. - Faculty, History (1990-91)

LEVINE, IRIS S. - Faculty, Music (2021-22)

LEVITT, HAROLD P. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1999-00)

LI, SEUNG P. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1986-87)

LIEB, THEODORE R. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1979-80)

LIEU, JUDY - Staff, Centerpointe’ (2020-21)

LIM, CONSTANCE C. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2001-02)

LIM, SUE C. - Staff, University Library (1997-98)

LIN, PAT - Faculty, Ethnic & Women’s Studies (2005-06)

LINDA, SMITH - Faculty, Geography and Anthropology (2012-13)

LINDSEY, STEPHEN - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2014-15)

LINDSLEY, CHARLES E. - Faculty, Deceased (1991-92)

LINE, ANNA M. - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2020-21)

LINGENFELTER, BARBARA H. - Faculty, Teacher Preparation Center (1984-85)

LINT, HAROLD L. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1979-80)

LINTHICUM, DEBORAH - Staff, Grants and Contracts (2019-20)

LISOWSKI, MARTIE L. - Faculty, University Library (1974-75)

LO, SAMUEL N. - Faculty, Counseling & Psychological Services (1997-98)

LOFT, ROBERT R. - Staff, Landscape Services (2020-21)

LOGAN, DENNIS - Staff, Theatre (2006-07)

LOGGINS, CHARLES E. - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (2003-04)

LOGGINS, CHERYL L. - Faculty, Food, Nutrition & Consumer Sciences (1996-97)

LOO, DENNIS - Faculty, Psychology&Sociology (2014-15)

LOPEZ, ALFREDO - Staff, Custodial Services (2019-20)

LOPEZ, BELINDA D. - Faculty, Dean’s Instructional Support (2020-21)

LOPEZ, CATHERINE C. - Staff, CLASS Dean’s Office Support (2019-20)

LOPEZ, CONSUELO - Faculty, Social Work (1991-92)

LOPEZ, DAVID - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2021-22)

LOPEZ, FREDERICK M. - Staff, Budget Services (2020-21)

LORD, DAVID G. - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2009-10)

LORD, HARRIET - Faculty, Mathematics (2008-09)

LORD, PAUL - Faculty, Aerospace Engineering (1996-97)

LORENZ, GINA Y. - Staff, Admissions and Enrollment Plng (2019-20)

LOTFIPOUR, SHAHNAZ - Faculty, Education (2018-19)

LOUIS, IRIS - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2017-18)

LOVE, CHERYL A. - Staff, Career Center (2021-22)

LOVEWELL, IRENE - Staff, Admissions, Records & Evaluations (1992-93)

LUCERO, RACHIEL A - Staff, Alumni (2015-16)

LUCERO, SUE ANN - Staff, Bookstore (2019-20)

LUCIO, LISA M - Staff, College of Extended University (2014-15)

LUEHRS, DIANE L. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2009-10)

LUI, HSI-CHIU - Faculty, Computer Science (2002-03)

LUNA, DOLORES P - Staff, Registrar’s (2010-11)

LUNDBERG, DONALD E. - Faculty, Hotel & Restaurant Management (1982-83)

LUNSFORD-SOLIS, JEANNE - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2005-06)

LUO, MARY Zi-ping - Faculty, Chemistry (2004-05)

LYLE, JOHN T. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (1996-97)

LYNDA, RUSH - Faculty, Economics (2012-13)

LYNN, MATTHEW - Staff, Public Safety (2018-19)

LYON, BONNIE - Staff, Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc. (2009-10)

MA, LEE ANNE - Staff, Enterprise Apps (2018-19)

MACDONALD, KENNETH - Faculty, Computer Science (1991-92)

MACKAY, ROSALEEN - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2011-12)

MACNEVIN, DOROTHY - Faculty, Education (2017-18)

MACROPOL, JOHN - Faculty, Physics (1979-80)

MADIGAN, PEGGY L - Staff, Enrollment Services (2008-09)

MAGADAN, DELFINA - Staff, Facilities (2019-20)

MAHONEY, THERESE - Staff, College of Environmental Design (2009-10)

MAITINO, JOHN - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2009-10)

MAKOW, YORAM - Faculty, Art (1995-96)

MALAKAR, SUBHASH - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2016-17)

MALLINCKRODT, JOHN - Faculty, Physics (2008-09)

MANDEL, LULA Lu - Staff, Police and Parking Services (2003-04)

MANLEY, JAMES c. - Faculty, Philosophy (2005-06)

MANSFIELD, GINNY - Staff, Human Resources - ASI (2013-14)

MANSKE, LEA J. - Staff, Student Support Equity Progrs (2020-21)

MANSON, DANIEL P. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2016-17)

MANSOURI, FERIAL - Staff, Library (2014-15)

MARCELO, SONIA - Faculty, Student Support Equity Programs (2011-12)

MARKS, GREGORY H. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1997-98)

MARLOW, STANLEY G. - Faculty, Technology and Operations Management (2013-14)

MARQUECHO, RICHARD A - Staff, Facilities Management (2014-15)

MARSHALL, JAMES R. - Faculty, Operations Management (1999-00)

MARSHALL, ROBERT D. - Faculty, University Library (1981-82)

MARTI, WERNER H. - Faculty, History (1976-77)

MARTIN, DANA - Staff, Human Resource Services (2006-07)

MARTIN, JAMES L. - Faculty, Theatre and Dance (1991-92)

MARTIN, KAREN L. - Staff, Procurement Office (2019-20)

MARTIN, KEVIN T. - Staff, Office of Admissions (2020-21)

MARTINEK, GEORGE W. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1995-96)

MARTINEZ, CARLOS L. - Staff, Facilities (2019-20)

MARTINEZ, IRENE - Staff, Intercollegiate Athletics (2010-11)

MARTINEZ, JANINE L - Staff, CLASS Dean’s Office Support (2017-18)

MARTINEZ, JORGE - Faculty, English and Foreign Languages (2010-11)

MARTINEZ, LAURA O. - Staff, PaCE-Admin Office (2020-21)

MARTINEZ, MARY - Staff, Payroll Services (2018-19)

MARTINEZ, SUSAN - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2016-17)

MARTINS-ZELL, KATHY M. - Staff, Civil Engineering (2002-03)

MARVASTI, FRANK - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2007-08)

MARVIN, RICHARD - Staff, Environmental Health & Safety (2010-11)

MASLOWSKI, HENRYKA B. - Faculty, Mathematics (2002-03)

MASON, JOHNNY - Staff, Custodial Services (2018-19)

MASON, SANDRA L. - Staff, Chemical & Materials Engineering (2013-14)

MASOOMIAN, RASOOL - Faculty, Economics (2011-12)

MASSACHI, MANOUCHEHR - Faculty, Physics (1994-95)

MASSEY, MARY KATHLEEN - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2004-05)

MASSOUDI, MOHAMMAD A. - Faculty, Electrical and Computer Engineering (2015-16)

MATHESON, DAVID - Staff, Foundation, Central Facilities (2013-14)

MATHESON, DEBRA A - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2010-11)

MATHIS-CURD, SHARON - Staff, Career Center (2006-07)

MATHUR, FRANCIS P. - Faculty, Mathematics (2005-06)

MATSUI, GLENN - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2021-22)

MATSUSHIMA, CEDRIC - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (2006-07)

MATTA, SAMIRA - Faculty, English and Foreign Languages (2015-16)

MATTHEWS, JR., FLOYD V. - Faculty, Agricultural Engineering (1991-92)

MATULICH, GEORGE A. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2003-04)

MAURER, ROBERT L. - Faculty, Dean of Arts & Sciences (1975-76)

MAVES, WILBUR W. - Faculty, Deceased (1974-75)

MAY, DARLENE - Faculty, Athletics (1994-95)

MAYA, WALTER - Faculty, Chemistry (1993-94)

MAYNARD, SHIRLIE M. - Staff, Student Health Services (2002-03)

MAYOR, BABETTE R. - Faculty, Art (2013-14)

MCADAMS, WILLIAM L. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1999-00)

MCALLISTER, JAMES A. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1979-80)

MCALLISTER, JR., WILLIS E. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (1991-92)

MCATEE, LARRY M - Staff, Geological Sciences (2015-16)

MCCAULEY, STEVEN - Faculty, Physics and Astronomy (2017-18)

MCCLELLAND, DELORES L. - Staff, Registrar’s Office (2013-14)

MCCLURE, ROBERT - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate and Law (2014-15)

MCCONNELL, MARY M - Staff, CLASS Dean’s Office Support (2016-17)

MCCORMIC, RALPH - Faculty, Drama (1978-79)

MCCOWAN JR, WILLIAM D. - Staff, Academic Tech Support (2016-17)

MCCOY, MARGARITA P. - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (1988-89)

MCCOY, SHEILA G. - Faculty, Liberal Studies (2000-01)

MCCULLEN, KELLY L. - Staff, International Programs (2020-21)

MCCURDY, LYLE B. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (2003-04)

MCDONALD, DENNIS J. - Staff, Utility Plants (2019-20)

MCDOUGALL, CANDACE M - Staff, IT Service Support (2017-18)

MCELHOE, FORREST L. - Faculty, Social Sciences (1987-88)

MCFALL, DEBORAH S - Staff, Disaster Expenses (2016-17)

MCGAVIN, GARY - Faculty, Architecture (2017-18)

MCGOLDRICK, STACY K. - Faculty, Sociology (2020-21)

MCGOVERN, MARCIA - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2010-11)

MCGRATH, LILLIAN - Staff, Business Department (2012-13)

MCGRAW, JANE - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2000-01)

MCINTOSH, WILLIAM C. - Faculty, Mathematics (1993-94)

MCKEE, GILBERT - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2004-05)

MCKINNEY, JAMES R. - Faculty, Mathematics (2007-08)

MCLAUGHLIN, ERIC - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate and Law (2014-15)

MCLEAN, GLORIA - Staff, Telecommunications (2006-07)

MCLOUGHLIN, ANNE - Staff, Foundation, Administration (2017-18)

MCMILLAN, JOHN C. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1985-86)

MCNEES, CARYL - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1991-92)

MEADOWS, DEBORAH - Faculty, Liberal Studies (2011-12)

MEAUX, CHERYL - Staff, Library (2018-19)

MEDINA, PATRICIA - Staff, University Library (2014-15)

MEDINA, SYLVIA L. - Staff, Kellogg West (2019-20)

MEEKER, FREDERICK B. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1998-99)

MELLANO, VALERIE - Faculty, Plant Science (2019-20)

MELLARD, GEORGE A. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1981-82)

MENDENHALL, NAMI - Staff, Agric-Recruitment (2020-21)

MENDOZA, PATRICIA - Staff, Admissions & Outreach (2006-07)

MERCER, EDWARD K. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1990-91)

MERENO, CINDY - Staff, Admissions & Outreach (2006-07)

MERRITT, EDWARD - Faculty, Hospitality Management (2017-18)

MERRITT, SHARYNE - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2004-05)

MERRITT, STELLA (SHU YING) - Staff, Bookstore (2019-20)

MESKIN, MARK - Faculty, Human Nutrition & Food  Science (2008-09)

MESSINA, IRENE L. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1991-92)

METLITZKY, LILIAN - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2015-16)

METZGER, CHRIS L. - Staff, Landscape Services (2020-21)

MICHEL, VIRGINIA D. - Staff, Custodial Services (2020-21)

MICKEY, GEORGIA - Faculty, History Department (2017-18)

MILES, JUDY A. - Faculty, Philosophy (2007-08)

MILLAR, MICHAEL - Faculty, Music (2019-20)

MILLER, BARBARA B. - Staff, Business Administration (1995-96)

MILLER, BEN - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2020-21)

MILLER, DAVID L. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2020-21)

MILLER, GLENN L - Staff, Project Coordination (2015-16)

MILLER, KAREN - Staff, Intercollegiate Athletics (2009-10)

MILLER, RALPH H. - Faculty, Operations Management (2007-08)

MILLNER, CHARLES - Faculty, Chemistry (2009-10)

MIMS, DARLENE - Staff, Admissions & Outreach (2014-15)

MINAKARY, HALEH - Staff, Foundation (2014-15)

MIO, JEFFERY - Faculty, Psychology (2021-22)

MIRANDA, LUCY - Staff, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2009-10)

MITCHELL, EUGENE D. - Faculty, Accounting (1991-92)

MOBLEY, PATRICK - Faculty, Chemistry (2009-10)

MOGGE, MARY - Faculty, Physics (2009-10)

MOHAMMAD, SAFARZADEH - Faculty, Economics (2012-13)

MOISI, TOM - Staff, Biological Sciences (2006-07)

MOLLNO, LINDA - Faculty, History Department (2017-18)

MONARREZ, MARQUITA - Staff, Registrar’s (2019-20)

MONFORT, KATHLEEN - Staff, Foundation, Accounting (2018-19)

MONTOYA, KENNETH - Staff, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2018-19)

MOORE, CINDY L - Staff, Admissions and Enrollment Plng (2017-18)

MOORE, JERALD - Staff, Facilities Management (2014-15)

MOORE, JOHN A. - Faculty, History (2002-03)

MOORE, SUE - Staff, Electrical Engineering (2006-07)

MORA, MARIA - Staff, Housing-Custodial (2018-19)

MORA, MARIA G - Staff, Housing-Custodial (2017-18)

MORAD, AIDA - Staff, Administration, Office of Public Affairs (2009-10)

MORAGA, JOANN - Staff, Custodial Services (2016-17)

MORALES, RAY - Faculty, Civil Engineering (1995-96)

MORAN, GABRIEL T. - Faculty, Agriculture, Posthumously (1979-80)

MORAN, MICHAEL - Staff, Plant & Soil Sciences (2010-11)

MORAZA, CYNTHIA R. - Staff, Project Coordination (2016-17)

MOREHOUSE, ROGER - Faculty, Physics (2009-10)

MORENO, ELDA D. - Staff, Payroll Services (2019-20)

MOREY, DANIEL R. - Staff, Landscape Services (2020-21)

MORGAN, ANN - Faculty, Library (2011-12)

MORGAN, HORATIO O. - Faculty, Aerospace Engineering - Deceased (1972-73)

MORGAN, KATHY - Staff, College of Environmental Design (2009-10)

MORGAN II, JOHN C. - Faculty, Mathematics (1998-99)

MORIARTY, DAVID - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2010-11)

MORMILLO, SHERRY L. - Staff, Institutional & Research Planning - Posthumous (1994-95)

MORRIS, G.F. DON - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2002-03)

MORRISON, RAYMOND C - Staff, Facilities Planning, Design & Construction (2010-11)

MORSBERGER, ROBERT E. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1998-99)

MORSE, BILL - Faculty, Theatre (2010-11)

MORTENSEN, WILLIAM E. - Faculty, Aerospace Engineering (2002-03)

MORTOFF ROBB, SUSAN - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2004-05)

MOSIER, DENTON B - Staff, I&IT Operations (2014-15)

MOSS, ANDREW - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2009-10)

MOUSOURIS, IDA W. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2000-01)

MOUSSAVI, SARAH M. - Staff, CEU (2019-20)

MUDUNURI, BALA K. - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2016-17)

MUEHLBACHER, SHARON - Faculty, Mathematics & Statistics (2019-20)

MULLEY, SUSAN - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2019-20)

MUNDY, JANET K. - Staff, College of Agriculture, Dean’s Office (2013-14)

MUNNERLYN, THOMAS G. - Staff, AVP for Student Services (2020-21)

MUNOZ-SILVA, CARMEN - Staff, Diversity and Compliance (2015-16)

MURPHY, RENEE D - Staff, Student Support & Equity Programs (2010-11)

MURRY-EWERS, MARCIA - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2017-18)

MUSCHEK, ROBERT W. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1997-08)

MYERS, KATHRYN - Staff, College of Engineering (1991-92)

MYERS, LEONHARD M. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1991-92)

MYERS, ROBERTA M. - Staff, Agric Dean’s Office Support (2019-20)

MYLANDER, HARVEY A. - Faculty, Physics (1978-79)

MYLANDER, ORLAND DAVID - Faculty, Physics and Astronomy (2016-17)

MYSOOR, NARAYAN - Faculty, Electrical & Computer (2011-12)

NAGANO, MARIE K. - Staff, Horse Unit (2020-21)

NAJAR, ELSA O - Staff, Research & Sponsored Programs (2017-18)

NAKABA, KENNETH - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2006-07)

NANCE, WILLIAM - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2008-09)

NARDI, NORBERTO F. - Faculty, Architecture (2005-06)

NASSROLLAH, AHADIAT - Faculty, Accounting (2018-19)

NATH, PAUL A. - Staff, Facilities Management (2021-22)

NELSON, ARDEL A. - Faculty, Hotel & Restaurant Management (2002-03)

NELSON, DOREEN - Faculty, Education (2014-15)

NELSON, EDWARD A. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1982-83)

NELSON, LISA - Faculty, Political Science (2015-16)

NESIN, DANIEL J. - Faculty, Computer Science (1986-87)

NESTOR, RUIZ - Faculty, Economics (2012-13)

NEWBERRY, CONRAD F. - Faculty, Aerospace Engineering (1988-89)

NEWELL, LLOYD A. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1979-80)

NGUYEN, THUAN - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (2015-16)

NICHOLSON, DENISE - Staff, Custodial Services (2020-21)

NISE, NORMAN S. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2000-01)

NOLL, JANET I. - Staff, Music (2016-17)

NOREEN, ALFRED E. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1994-95)

NORFLEET, JAMES - Staff, VP Student Affair’s Office (2006-07)

NORMAN, YOUNG G. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2012-13)

NUSSER, ROSALIE - Staff, Sciences Instructional Support Center (1987-88)

NYBORGANDERS, DORA G. - Staff, Science Dean Instruction Supp (2020-21)

ODENWALD, KATHLEEN A. - Staff, Gift Processing (2014-15)

O’DONNELL, DEBORAH - Staff, Registrar’s Office (2003-04)

OGLE, CLAUDE B. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (1982-83)

OKADA, VICTOR N. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2005-06)

OKAMOTO, LORI P. - Staff, Admin Services (2021-22)

OLIVER, MARY J. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1995-96)

OLLENBURGER, JANE - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2010-11)

OLMSTED, NANCY - Staff, Animal and Veterinary Sciences (2000-01)

OLSON, JEFFREY K. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2000-01)

OLSON, JON - Faculty, Biological Science (2018-19)

OLSON, KENNETH - Faculty, Education (2013-14)

OLSON, LINDA L. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2013-14)

OLUYEMI, OLUFUNKE A. - Staff, CEIS Credentials (2020-21)

O’NEIL, JOHN D. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2002-03)

ONTIVEROS, CORDELIA - Faculty, Chemical and Materials Engineering (2017-18)

O’REILLEY, PATRICK - Faculty, Student Health & Psychological Services (1990-91)

ORTIZ, VICTORIA G. - Staff, Admissions and Enrollment Plng (2019-20)

ORTON, RAYMOND L. - Faculty, Ornamental Horticulture (1991-92)

OSMAN, MARSHALL - Faculty, Philosophy (2014-15)

OSTROWSKI, RHONDA L. - Staff, Agric-Recruitment (2019-20)

OURY, THOMAS H. - Faculty, Counseling & Psychological Services (1987-88)

OVERHOLT, EUGENE R. - Staff, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1984-85)

OWENS, JONNIE - Staff, Academic Programs (2010-11)

PACKARD, ROBERT H. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1978-79)

PAGAN, RALPH - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2005-06)

PAGE, DONALD - Faculty, Library (2015-16)

PAK, HONG - Faculty, Accounting (2019-20)

PAL, BIJAY - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2012-13)

PALATNICK, BARTON - Faculty, Physics (2000-01)

PALMER, JOHN P. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2002-03)

PALMER, ROBERT A. - Faculty, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2005-06)

PALOMERA, ENEDINA J - Staff, Facilities Management (2010-11)

PAN, DAAN - Faculty, English and Modern Languages (2021-22)

PANG, KWOK H. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (2003-04)

PARISAY, SIMAY - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2007-08)

PARISH, RUSSELL A. - Faculty, Engineering Services (1971-72)

PARK, DAVID J. - Faculty, Economics (1995-96)

PARK, PAT S. - Staff, Student Health & Psychological Services (1993-94)

PARKER, ARTHUR F. - Faculty, Food Marketing/Agribusiness Management (2003-04)

PARKER, VINCENT E. - Faculty, Dean, Science (1982-83)

PARR, JEANETTE - Faculty, Management and Human Resources (2011-12)

PARRA, FERNANDO - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2018-19)

PARRY, DAVID L. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (1997-98)

PARTIDA, ALFRED - Staff, Graphics (2014-15)

PARTIDA, GREGORY - Faculty, PLSS (2010-11)

PARTIDA JR, RAUL - Staff, Facilities (2019-20)

PARTLOW, RUTH - Staff, Biological Sciences (2018-19)

PASOS, ALMA - Staff, Admissions & Outreach (2016-17)

PASOS, ROSA E. - Staff, Economics (2020-21)

PATRICIA, DE FREITAS - Faculty, Ethnic and Women’s Studies (2012-13)

PATTEN, GAYLORD P. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (2001-02)

PATTEN, THOMAS H. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2002-03)

PATTERSON, DAVID L. - Staff, Environmental Health & Safety (2015-16)

PATTERSON, TAMARA D. - Staff, CEIS Credentials (2016-17)

PAUL, FRANK - Faculty, Accounting (1979-80)

PAUL, MELISSA J. - Staff, Library (2010-11)

PAYAN, KATHLEEN A. - Staff, Admissions and Enrollment Plng (2019-20)

PEDEN, VICKI S. - Faculty, Accounting (2013-14)

PEÑA, JOSÉ S. - Staff, Instructional and Information Technology (1994-95)

PEPPING, BECKY A. - Staff, Procurement Office (2016-17)

PERLAS, MARTA B. - Faculty, Architecture (2021-22)

PERRY, PEGGY - Faculty, Plant & Soil Sciences (2010-11)

PERRY, JR., ROBERT C. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (1997-98)

PETER, SIEGEL - Faculty, Physics (2012-13)

PETERS, CHERYL - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2015-16)

PETERS, JANE M. - Staff, Faculty Affairs (2013-14)

PETERSEN, JAMES C. - Faculty, Marketing Management (1981-82)

PETERSON, JACKIE - Staff, Parking & Transportation Services (2009-10)

PETERSON, JUDY - Staff, Dean of Student’s Office (2006-07)

PETERSON, LAURA V. - Staff, Public Affairs (2013-14)

PETERSON, RONALD - Faculty, Political Science (2004-05)

PETIT, RUTH T. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1987-88)

PETTENGILL, ALMA E - Staff, Public Safety (2017-18)

PFLUEGER, DONALD H. - Faculty, History (1982-83)

PHAN, SON V. - Staff, Engineering Dean’s Office Sppt (2019-20)

PHELPS, ART - Staff, I&IT MediaVision (2006-07)

PHILBRICK, JOSEPH L. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1990-91)

PHILLIPS, GLEN D. - Faculty, Communications (1994-95)

PHUNG, NA M. - Staff, Center Point (2019-20)

PICCOLA, BOBBIE - Faculty, Career Planning & Placement (1994-95)

PICKARD, EDWARD - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1983-84)

PIERCE, GARY A. - Staff, Cloud & Support Svc (2020-21)

PIERCE, PEGGY L. - Staff, Telecommunications (1985-86)

PILKINGTON, CHRISTOPHER - Staff, Dining Services (2021-22)

PINEDO, SANDRA - Staff, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2006-07)

PINKUS, CHARLES E. - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (2000-01)

PINTER-LUCKE, CLAUDIA L - Staff, Academic Affairs (2015-16)

PLATER, KIMBERLY A. - Staff, Police and Parking Services (2002-03)

PLATNER, GEORGE M. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1987-88)

PODANY, AMANDA H. - Faculty, History (2020-21)

POE, DEBRA - Staff, Foundation, Administration (2018-19)

POHLMANN, JOHN - Faculty, History (2015-16)

POLLIN, SIGRID M. - Faculty, Architecture (1999-00)

POMERENING, JAMES A. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1990-91)

POMEROY, JACK L. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (1976-77)

PONDER, DANIEL - Staff, Police and Parking Services (2010-11)

POOL, GEORGE - Staff, Hort Plant (2012-13)

POULSON, CHRISTIAN - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2006-07)

POWELL, REED M. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1989-90)

POWELL, STEVEN - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2008-09)

PRADEL, CHARI - Faculty, Art Department (2017-18)

PRECIADO, LETICIA V. - Staff, Custodial Services (2020-21)

PRENOVOST, DAVID F. - Staff, Financial Svcs (2019-20)

PRICE, GEORGE A. - Faculty, Ornamental Horticulture (1987-88)

PRICE, JACK - Faculty, Mathematics (2000-01)

PRINCE-COHEN, NANCY - Faculty, Education (2021-22)

PROCSAL, ROBERT L. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1979-80)

PROUT, KATHREEN P. - Faculty, Music (1979-80)

PRZYMUSINSKA, HALINA - Faculty, Computer Science (2005-06)

PULVER, JEFFREY R - Staff, Civil Engineering (2010-11)

PUTNAM, CAROL S. - Staff, Administrative Affaris, VP Office (2013-14)

PUTNAM, DONALD F. - Faculty, Accounting (2001-02)

PYE, EARL L. - Faculty, Chemistry (1990-91)

QAYYUM, TARIQ - Faculty, Engineering Technology (2020-21)

QUANEY, ROBERT A. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1986-87)

QUEZADA, DAVID - Staff, Conference and Events (2021-22)

QUICHOCHO, EDNA D. - Staff, ENV Dean’s Office Support (2020-21)

QUINN, RONALD D. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2003-04)

RACHELE, SHARON - Faculty, Geography and Anthropology (2016-17)

RADNITZ, ALAN - Faculty, Mathematics (2007-08)

RAFIQUZZAMAN, MOHAMED - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2020-21)

RAI, KAMTA - Faculty, Mathematics and Statistics (2015-16)

RAINEY, GEORGE - Faculty, Physics (2010-11)

RAMALINGAM, PANCHATCHARAM - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (2004-05)

RAMIREZ, GREG - Staff, Library (2006-07)

RAMSEY, KATHY - Staff, Foundation (2008-09)

RAMSOWER, TY - Staff, AVP Health & Wellbeing (2018-19)

RANKIN, LYN - Staff, Biological Sciences (2005-06)

RASER, CARL - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2004-05)

RASH, MICHELE E. - Faculty, Animal Science (2016-17)

RASHIDI, ABDUL - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2010-11)

RATHMANN, CARL E. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2000-01)

RAYMOND, TIMOTHY J. - Staff, Mobile & Web Apps (2021-22)

RAYNOR, ANNA - Staff, Foundation, Foundation Admin (2015-16)

RAZO, DAVID J. - Staff, Registrar’s (2020-21)

RAZUKAS, JAMES W. - Faculty, Physics (2007-08)

REDMAN, LYNN M. - Staff, Registrar’s (2016-17)

REED-JONES, SUSAN - Faculty, English and Modern Languages (2020-21)

REESE, SUSAN L. - Staff, Admin Tech Support (2016-17)

REEVES, JUDITH J. - Faculty, Mathematics (1997-98)

REGAN, CYNTHIA - Faculty, Apparel Merchandising & Management (2015-16)

REGO, JAMES - Faculty, Chemistry & Biochemistry (2016-17)

REIBEL, MICHAEL - Faculty, Geography and Anthropology (2020-21)

REJALI, HASSAN - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2011-12)

RELF, WILLIAM B. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1999-00)

REMER, LOUISE - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2004-05)

REUTER, RONALD - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2004-05)

REYES, LAVENA - Staff, Foundation, Accounting (2013-14)

REYES JR., GERMAN - Staff, Utility Plants (2016-17)

RHODES, CAROL S. - Staff, Technology & Operations Management (1990-91)

RHODES, LA DONNA D. - Faculty, Accounting (1991-92)

RHODES, RHONDA - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (2016-17)

RICE, ELMER - Faculty, Chemistry (1982-83)

RICE, JANET L. - Staff, IT Service Support (2016-17)

RICH, CRAIG - Faculty, Computer Science (2015-16)

RICHARDS, RICHARD C. - Faculty, Philosophy (1997-98)

RIDDLE, JEWEL M. - Faculty, Accounting (1988-89)

RIDGWAY, ARTHUR A. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1991-92)

RIGGS, LAURIE - Faculty, CEMaST -Mathematics and Statistics (2021-22)

RILEY, ANA E - Staff, Procurement Office (2015-16)

RILEY, NORTON H. - Faculty, Computer Science (2000-01)

RIOS, THOMAS A. - Staff, Public Safety (2020-21)

RITCHIE, JAMES M - Staff, University Housing Services (2008-09)

RITZ, CHARLES L. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2009-10)

RIVERA, LEONA - Staff, Dean’s Office-Engineering (2003-04)

RIVERA-DUNCAN, MARIA G - Staff, Student Support Equity Progrs (2017-18)

RIVERS, LESLIE A. - Faculty, Theatre (2003-04)

ROADES, LAURIE - Faculty, Psychology  and Sociology (2021-22)

ROBERTS, CHRISTIANE K. - Staff, Human Resources (2013-14)

ROBERTSON, RICHARD A. - Faculty, Mathematics (2003-04)

ROBINETTE, MARY - Staff, Theatre (2012-13)

ROBINSON, LARRY K. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1998-99)

ROBINSON, MATI D. - Staff, Career Planning & Placement (1987-88)

ROBLES, VICTOR - Staff, Transportation (2020-21)

ROCHE, EDWARD T. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1985-86)

ROCKETT, HELEN M. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2009-10)

ROCKLIN, EDWARD - Faculty, English and Modern Languages Department (2018-19)

RODRIGUEZ, CONNIE - Staff, Children’s Center (2005-06)

RODRIGUEZ, ELSA Y. - Staff, Custodial Services (2016-17)

RODRIGUEZ, MARTHA P. - Staff, Engineering Dean’s Office Sppt (2020-21)

ROEDER, WALTER H. - Faculty, University Library (1991-92)

ROGERS, PERCY G. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2002-03)

ROGERS, SUSAN - Faculty, Liberal Studies (2007-08)

ROHEL, DONALD - Staff, Associated Students Inc. (2002-03)

ROHR, SANDRA L - Staff, Business Graduate Programs (2010-11)

ROLLAND, ERIK - Faculty, College of Business Administration (2021-22)

ROMO, CARYN L. - Staff, Library (2021-22)

ROMO, FLORENCE - Staff, Library (2006-07)

RONEN, RAM - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2004-05)

ROSENBERG, NANCY K. - Staff, Student Health Services (2013-14)

ROSENKRANTZ, PHILLIP - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2011-12)

ROSS, FLOYD H. - Faculty, Social Sciences (1977-78)

ROSS, LEONARD E. - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (2001-02)

ROTH, BRETT - Staff, Foundation, Dining Services (2013-14)

ROTH, FREDERICK - Faculty, Department of Political Science (2008-09)

ROTH, GINA - Faculty, Library (2005-06)

ROTH, LORETTA - Staff, Training & Professional Development (2015-16)

ROTH, SHARON M. - Staff, College of Agriculture, Dean’s Office (2013-14)

ROTH, VICKI J. - Staff, Registrar & Evaluations (1995-96)

ROWE, WAYNE - Faculty, Communication (2011-12)

ROWLAND, DAN - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2009-10)

ROXAS, JUANITA - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2017-18)

ROZBORIL, DAN - Staff, I&IT Support (2006-07)

RUDICEL, STEPHEN - Faculty, Interdisciplinary General Education (2014-15)

RUDOLPH, SCOTT - Faculty, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2018-19)

RUELAS, ENRIQUE - Staff, Kellogg West (2010-11)

RUIZ, AURELIANO S. - Faculty, Counseling & Psychological Services (2005-06)

RUIZ, MARISELA - Staff, Dean’s Office, Environmental Design (2010-11)

RUPPERT, ALVIN C. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (1990-91)

RUSSELL, BARBARA M. - Staff, Collins College of Hosp Mgmt (2013-14)

RUSSIKOFF, KAREN - Faculty, English and Modern Languages Department (2018-19)

SABO, RICHARD R. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2000-01)

SACCO, TOMA - Faculty, The Electrical and Computer Engineering (2015-16)

SACKETT, JAMES - Faculty, Athletics (2004-05)

SADAT, ABDUL B. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2019-20)

SAFFORD, JOAN M. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2005-06)

SAKAMOTO, SHIORI - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2000-01)

SALAZAR, JOSE - Staff, Foundation, Los Olivos (2010-11)

SALAZAR, MARY - Staff, Academic Research & Resources (2018-19)

SALEMBIER, ALEXANDRE D. - Staff, Landscape Services (2019-20)

SALEMBIER, MONICA P. - Staff, Plant Sciences (2020-21)

SALGUERO, FRANCISCO - Staff, Foundation, Facilities (2015-16)

SALIMI, ANWAR - Faculty, Accounting (2014-15)

SALVATE, JAMES M. - Faculty, Technology & Operations Management (2003-04)

SAMPO, JOSEPH - Staff, Agricultural Engineering (1982-83)

SAMPSON, ELIZABETH T. - Staff, Office of Admissions (2021-22)

SANCHEZ, ROXANA K. - Staff, Architecture (2020-21)

SANDERS, JUDITH A. - Faculty, Communications (2005-06)

SANDERS, NANCY - Faculty, Education (2018-19)

SANDHAGEN, JOHN R - Staff, Music (2010-11)

SANDLIN, STEPHEN H. - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2002-03)

SANDS, DIANE - Staff, Violence Prevention (2010-11)

SANG, “DAISY” FUH-CHING - Faculty, Computer Science (2021-22)

SANTILLAN, RICHARD A. - Faculty, Ethnic & Women’s Studies (2002-03)

SARAGUETA, DAVID J - Staff, Public Safety (2017-18)

SAUCIDO, STEVE - Staff, Paint Shop (2021-22)

SAUNDERS, CHARLENE M. - Staff, AVP Research (2019-20)

SAVARESE, GAYLE R. - Staff, History (2013-14)

SAVOIA, DIANE - Staff, Office of Admission & Outreach (2015-16)

SAVOLDI, MICHAEL T. - Staff, Arabian Horse Center (2002-03)

SCARROW, RALPH - Faculty, Hotel & Restaurant Management (1991-92)

SCHAFFER, BOB - Faculty, International Business and Marketing (2010-11)

SCHEITZACH, JOSEPH C. - Faculty, Deceased (1989-90)

SCHIPPERS, RICHARD H. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1982-83)

SCHLEIFER, HAROLD - Staff, University Library (2009-10)

SCHMIDT, LINDA - Staff, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (2010-11)

SCHMITT-WHITAKER, CATHERINE L. - Staff, Compliance (2020-21)

SCHMITZ, GEORGE - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1986-87)

SCHNECK, DEBRA A. - Staff, Procurement Office (2019-20)

SCHNECK, TERI J. - Staff, Facilities Admin Services (2020-21)

SCHNEIDER, KENNETH J. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1999-00)

SCHNEIDER, ROBERT R. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (1986-87)

SCHOENWETTER, EARL E. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (1993-94)

SCHONING, RICHARD H. - Faculty, Operations Management (1987-88)

SCHOTT, KARIN M. - Staff, Campus & Web Apps (2016-17)

SCHUMAKER, MARTHA M - Staff, Student Aid Accting/Cashiers (2015-16)

SCHUSTER, BEVERLY - Staff, Physics (2006-07)

SCHWACH, MARY L - Staff, Student Health Services (2010-11)

SCOLINOS, JOHN H. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1991-92)

SCOTT, GARLAND E. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (2000-01)

SCOTT, NELSON - Faculty, Chemistry (2009-10)

SCRITSMIER, LLOYD - Staff, Police Services (2014-15)

SEELY, JOHN H. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1981-82)

SEIBERT, KATHERINE B. - Faculty, Administration (1987-88)

SELCO, JODYE - Faculty, CEMaST (2020-21)

SELF, JANE - Staff, Payroll Services (2015-16)

SELF, JOHN - Faculty, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2015-16)

SELLE, MARY Etta - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1977-78)

SELLERS, KAREN - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2015-16)

SENN, ALAN R. - Faculty, Accounting (1986-87)

SETHIA, NIRMAL - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2017-18)

SETHIA, TARA - Faculty, History (2020-21)

SEUBERLING, HARRISON P. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (1978-79)

SEWARD, DORIS K. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1998-99)

SEYEDKAZEM, DARBANDI - Faculty, Technology and Operations Management (2015-16)

SHABELL, BARBARA J. - Faculty, Mathematics (2006-07)

SHAFFER, RALPH E. - Faculty, History (1991-92)

SHAFIA, FRED - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1999-00)

SHAH, SAYED (SADIQ) S. - Staff, AVP Research, Innovation & Economic Development (2020-21)

SHAPIRO, LAURENCE L. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (1991-92)

SHAPIRO, MILTON M. - Faculty, Economics (1986-87)

SHARIFZADEH, MANSOUR - Faculty, Management and Human Resources (2013-14)

SHARP, DUANE G. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (1997-98)

SHARP, ROBERT I. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1997-98)

SHAW, LINDA - Staff, University Library (1996-97)

SHEDD, PAMELA - Staff, VP Admission (2012-13)

SHEETS, JR., FRED G. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (1996-97)

SHEINE, JUDITH - Faculty, Architecture (2012-13)

SHELDON, ALFRED E. - Faculty, Communications (1993-94)

SHELTON, MICHAEL T. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2007-08)

SHELTON, TINA - Faculty, College of Engineering (2011-12)

SHENG, HENRY P. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1995-96)

SHENKER, GLENN R - Staff, Parking & Transportation Services (2010-11)

SHEREEN, FAIZA - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2017-18)

SHIEH, JOHN T. - Faculty, Economics (1998-99)

SHIELDS, BRIAN - Staff, Physics (2018-19)

SHIELDS, RON - Staff, Parking & Transportation Services (2008-09)

SHIFFLET, RAY C. - Faculty, Mathematics (1999-00)

SHIH, ANGELA C. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2020-21)

SHIMABUKURO, MARGARET - Staff, College of Science - Chemistry (2009-10)

SHING, JULIANNA H. - Staff, Engineering Dean’s Office Sppt (2020-21)

SHOEMAKER, TIMOTHY - Staff, Biological Sciences (2005-06)

SHOO, MARY M. - Staff, Engineering Dean’s Office Sppt (2021-22)

SHORT, RODNEY - Staff, AVP Enroll (2012-13)

SHOWGHI, DARIOUCHE G. - Faculty, Architecture (1998-99)

SHRAGE, LAURIE - Faculty, Philosophy (2008-09)

SHRAGER, SIDNEY - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1990-91)

SHROYER, NANCY - Staff, Accounting, Univ Financial Services (2014-15)

SHUPE, DONALD V. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1995-96)

SHUTE, LAURENCE - Faculty, Economics (2002-03)

SIAW, SUSAN - Faculty, Pscyhology (2021-22)

SIBBALD, PETER G. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (1993-94)

SIDDEL, MARVIN J. - Faculty, Accounting (2003-04)

SIEGEL, BEN - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2004-05)

SILLIMAN, G. SIDNEY - Faculty, Political Science (2005-06)

SIMMONS, TERRY - Staff, AcadTechnology (2014-15)

SIMON, ROBERT L. - Faculty, Music (1987-88)

SIMONI, DOROTHY - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2004-05)

SIMONS, RON - Staff, University Advancement (2006-07)

SIMPSON, ANNE - Faculty, English and Foreign Languages (2014-15)

SIMPSON, ERNEST J. - Faculty, Chemistry (2001-02)

SING, JIH-HSIENG - Staff, I & IT Support (2010-11)

SISNEY, MARY FRANCIS - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2008-09)

SKAMSER, HAROLD P. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1975-76)

SKOUSEN, OWEN K. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1991-92)

SLATKIN, WENDY - Faculty, Art (2014-15)

SLAUGHTER, ALICE - Staff, University Police (1991-92)

SLAVEN, NANCY C. - Staff, Career Planning & Placement (1988-89)

SLUSSER, DIANE M. - Staff, Psychology (2020-21)

SMALL, ROBERT - Faculty, Collins College of Hospitality Management (2006-07)

SMITH, BETTY J - Staff, Custodial Services (2017-18)

SMITH, CAROL L. - Staff, Student Health Services (2013-14)

SMITH, CAROL - Faculty, Mathematics (2008-09)

SMITH, DAVID - Faculty, History (2008-09)

SMITH, DONALD D. - Faculty, Chemistry (1982-83)

SMITH, EVA - Staff, Facilities Management (1996-97)

SMITH, LAURA M. - Faculty, University Library (1991-92)

SMITH, MARSHA - Staff, Registrar’s Office (2006-07)

SMITH, MERRILINE V. - Faculty, Mathematics (2004-05)

SMITH, PAT - Staff, Associated Students Inc. (2010-11)

SMITH, RICHARD F. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2004-05)

SMITH, RICHARD H. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (1984-85)

SMITH, ROSE - Faculty, Admissions & Outreach (2000-01)

SMITH, WILLIAM A. - Faculty, History (1989-90)

SMITH DAUGHERTY, NANCY - Staff, Library (2018-19)

SMOTHERS, MILDRED - Staff, Evaluations (1978-79)

SNODGRASS, CANDACE MARIE - Staff, Facilities Admin Services (2019-20)

SNYDER, COREEN L. - Staff, Kellogg West (2019-20)

SNYDER, PEGGY J. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1998-99)

SOE, LOUISE - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2009-10)

SOHRABIAN, AHMAD - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (2017-18)

SOLDO, DIANNE - Staff, Admissions & Outreach (2006-07)

SOLIZ, SYLVIA C - Staff, Univ Advancement (2010-11)

SORENSEN, GALE - Staff, Career Center (2006-07)

SORRELL, DANIEL - Faculty, Art, Art History, and Visual Communication Design (2020-21)

SPANKS, CAROL A. - Faculty, Intercollegiate Athletics (1993-94)

SPARKS, WILLIAM - Faculty, Communication (2018-19)

SPEAK, DAVID - Faculty, Political Science (2017-18)

SPEAKS, KAREN C. - Staff, Physics (2013-14)

SPENCER, CORI L - Staff, Geography Department (2014-15)

SPERRY, PAMELA - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2012-13)

SPOHN, H.T. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2018-19)

SPOON, DOUGLAS - Faculty, Communication (2015-16)

SRINIVAS, MANDAYAM - Faculty, Computer Science (2011-12)

SRINIVAS, SHANTHI - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2015-16)

STABOLEPSZY, ANN - Faculty, Theatre and New Dance (2017-18)

STALLINGS, DALE G. - Faculty, Economics (1990-91)

STANLEY, EMILO J. - Faculty, Social Sciences (1988-89)

STANTON, THOMAS B. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1988-89)

STAPLETON, CHARLES R. - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (1988-89)

STARK, CHARLES M. - Faculty, Agricultural Engineering (1991-92)

STARNES, SIGNE - Faculty, Social Work (1983-84)

STAUBLE, VERNON R. - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2007-08)

STAVROS, GEORGE - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2001-02)

STEELE, CRYSTAL H. - Staff, Fin Aid & Scholarship Off (2019-20)

STEELE, DAVID F. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2002-03)

STEELE, DONALD D. - Staff, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1991-92)

STEELE, PAUL - Staff, Landscape Services (2018-19)

STEGEMANN, MARY C. - Staff, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (2017-18)

STEPHAN, OKIYAMA - Faculty, Counseling and Psychological Services (2012-13)

STERLING, CHARLES - Staff, Facilities Management (1992-93)

STEVENSON, SARA E. - Staff, CLASS Dean’s Office Support (2019-20)

STEVENSON, WILLIAM - Staff, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1988-89)

STEWART, GLENN R. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2002-03)

STEWART, WILLIE P. - Staff, ASI Bronco Student Center (2019-20)

STIFFLER, DANIEL F. - Faculty, Behavioral Sciences (1998-99)

STINE, SHARON R. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (1997-98)

STINE, WILLIAM B. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1997-98)

STOCKING, MELISSA - Staff, Learning Resource Center (2014-15)

STODDER, JOSEPH H. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1995-96)

STOLL, GEORGE A. - Faculty, Chemical & Material Engineering (2002-03)

STOLTZ, LESLIE - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2009-10)

STONE, JOICS B. - Faculty, Deceased (1982-83)

STONER, MARTIN F. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2007-08)

STOREY, G. PAUL - Staff, Foundation, Administration (2016-17)

STOUKLOVA, SVETLANA - Faculty, Physics and Astronomy (2021-22)

STOVER, CLIFFORD - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2017-18)

STRANEY, DONALD - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2010-11)

STRANG, SANDRA D. - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2021-22)

STRASEN, WILLIAM C. - Faculty, Operations Management (1991-92)

STREET, KATHLEEN A - Staff, AVP Enrollment Services (2017-18)

STRENG, JOHN - Faculty, Chemistry (2015-16)

STUEWE, SHARON - Staff, Foundation (2012-13)

STULL, ROBERT B. - Faculty, Health and Physical Education (1982-83)

STUMPF, ROBERT V. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2002-03)

STYMELSKI, PAUL H. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (1990-91)

SUAREZ, MARIO - Faculty, Deceased (1990-91)

SULLIVAN, PATRICK M. - Faculty, Architecture (2002-03)

SULLIVAN, KAREN - Faculty, Art (2012-13)

SUTER, RICHARD W. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2000-01)

SUTHERLAND, RODNEY D. - Faculty, Aerospace Engineering (1990-91)

SUTTON, CRAIG - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2015-16)

SUTTON, JR., ARTHUR W. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2000-01)

SUZUKI, BOB H. - President, President Emeritus (2002-03)

SWART-REITER, SHARON L. - Staff, Sustainability (2020-21)

SWARTZENDRUBER, JULIA - Faculty, Academic Programs (2016-17)

SWITZER, MARY - Faculty, Communication (2015-16)

SYVERSON, MAGNUS - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1978-79)

SZIJJ, LASZLO J. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1999-00)

TAMBASH, MIKE A. - Staff, Client Services (2021-22)

TAPP, D. RODNEY - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2005-06)

TARMAN, DONALD - Faculty, Geological Sciences (2004-05)

TARN, KOAN - Faculty, Mathematics (2009-10)

TASSONEY, JOSEPH P. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1991-92)

TAYLOR, CATHERINE A. - Staff, Facilities Admin Services (2016-17)

TAYLOR, CHARLES L. - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2002-03)

TAYLOR, HALSEY P. - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1995-96)

TAYLOR, KAREN D. - Staff, Engineering (2002-03)

TAYLOR, LINDA F. - Staff, AVP Enrollment Services (2020-21)

TAYLOR, MOORIS L. - Staff, Project Management (2019-20)

TAYLOR, STANLEY H. - Faculty, Communications (1991-92)

TAYLOR, TUOI T. - Staff, Classification & Compensation (2019-20)

TEAGUE, LAVETTE C. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (1997-98)

TEGHTMEYER, LEO H. - Faculty, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1999-00)

TENNANT, FRANK A. - Faculty, Communications (1984-85)

TENNANT, TERRENCE H. - Faculty, Engineering (2002-03)

TERENCE, YOUNG - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2015-16)

TESTERMAN, WARD D. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (1998-99)

THACKER, ANDREW J. - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2003-04)

THAI-CHEN, MIMI - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2019-20)

THIBODEAUX, DEIDRA Muzette - Faculty, Student Affairs (2004-05)

THOMAS, CHRISTINE M - Staff, Library (2010-11)

THOMAS, CONNIE J - Staff, Ethnic & Women’s Studies (2010-11)

THOMAS, JANIS A - Staff, Parking & Transportation Services (2010-11)

THOMAS, MINERVA - Staff, Dean’s Office-College of Business (2006-07)

THOMAS, WILLIAM O. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1980-81)

THOMPSON, ALVIN - Faculty, College of Education (1982-83)

THOMPSON, BARBARA A. - Faculty, Communications (2003-04)

THOMPSON, BEN F. - Faculty, Communications (1979-80)

THOMPSON-GIROUX, ROSALIE - Staff, Geological Sciences (2006-07)

THORNBURGH, PAUL A. - Faculty, Counseling & Psychological Services (1987-88)

THUMBUTU, TENGEMANA M. - Staff, Collins College of Hosp Mgmt (2013-14)

TICE, THOMAS O. - Faculty, Engineering Technology (2003-04)

TILFORD, DENNIS W. - Staff, Client Services (2020-21)

TILLIE, JUDY - Staff, Parking & Transportation Services (2014-15)

TILLMAN, DONNA I. - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2007-08)

TILLOTSON, ROBERT (RUSTY) W. - Staff, Procurement and Support Services (1998-99)

TIO, MERRY - Staff, Dining Services (2016-17)

TIPTON, LOUANA M - Staff, Library (2015-16)

TOMASSO, ROBIN C - Staff, Academic Senate (2015-16)

TOMLINSON, JOHN L. - Faculty, Chemical & Materials Engineering (1993-94)

TOPALIAN, LAURA - Staff, Learning Resource Center (2005-06)

TORRENCE, MARGEL M. - Staff, Electrical & Computer Engr (2020-21)

TORRES, FRANK - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (2009-10)

TORRES, LETICIA - Staff, Grants and Contracts (2020-21)

TOTMAN, JANE M. - Faculty, Social Work (1985-86)

TOWNSEND, ELIANE - Staff, Financial Services (2016-17)

TOWNSEND, RANDALL - Staff, MIS IT (2020-21)

TRACY, ELIZABETH K. - Faculty, Apparel Merchandising & Management (2003-04)

TRAN, PAUL - Staff, Client Services (2020-21)

TRATNYEK, EVELYN - Faculty, CEIS-Lecturer Emerita (2018-19)

TREI, JOHN E. - Faculty, Animal & Veterinary Sciences (2001-02)

TRONCALE, LENARD R. - Faculty, Biological Sciences (2007-08)

TROW, RUBY L. - Faculty, Food, Nutrition & Consumer Science (2001-02)

TROZZI, ANTHONY - Staff, Distribution Services (2008-09)

TUCKER, DOROTHY M. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1975-76)

TUCKER, LINDA - Faculty, Apparel Merchandising & Management (2016-17)

TULAC, JOHN - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate, and Law (2011-12)

TULLOCK, ROBERT J. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (1997-98)

TUNULI, MOHAMMAD - Faculty, Chemistry (2004-05)

TURNBULL, HAROLD F. - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2004-05)

TURNER, HOWARD - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2011-12)

TURNER, LYNN - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2009-10)

TURNER, THERESE - Staff, Classification & Compensation (2019-20)

TURNER, VINCENT - Faculty, Accounting (2017-18)

TURNER, YVONNE - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (1996-97)

TUUL, JOHANNES - Faculty, Physics (1990-91)

TYSKA, LESLIE A - Staff, Student Health Services (2010-11)

UESUGI, TAKEO - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (1999-00)

UMPHENOUR, JESSE - Staff, College of Business (1998-99)

UYBOCO, MARIO - Faculty, Technology and Operations Management (2015-16)

VACKRINOS, ANN - Staff, Institutional & Research Planning (2003-04)

VADI, JOSE M. - Faculty, Political Science (2007-08)

VALDEZ, JUAN M. - Staff, Custodial Services (2019-20)

VALDEZ, LAURA E. - Staff, International Programs (2020-21)

VALLEJO, ANTONIO C - Staff, College of Agriculture (2010-11)

VANDUSEN, MARK E. - Staff, Engineering Dean’s Office Sppt (2016-17)

VANIMAN, BARRY - Staff, Instructructional Technology & Acad. Computing (1998-99)

VARGAS, DONNA - Staff, I&IT Support (2006-07)

VARGAS, RUDY - Staff, I&IT Learning (Media Vision) (2009-10)

VASQUEZ, DANNY - Staff, Library (2018-19)

VAUGHAN-ACTON, SANDRA JEAN - Staff, Real Estate (2019-20)

VAUGHN, KAREN - Faculty, Mathematics & Statistics (2018-19)

VEACH, RONALD G. - Staff, Police and Parking Services (2002-03)

VEAL, EGLA - Staff, Disability Resource Center (2020-21)

VELASCO, POWELL R. - Staff, BSC Corporate (2020-21)

VELASCO, TERESITA G - Staff, Health Services-Mandatory (2017-18)

VERA, BERTHA - Staff, I&IT MediaVision (2006-07)

VERA, CAROL - Staff, Geological Sciences (2018-19)

VERBRUGGE, WILLIAM - Faculty, Computer Information Science (2006-07)

VERDUGO, LEO - Staff, Police and Parking Services (2010-11)

VERNON, NOEL - Faculty, Landscape Arch (2012-13)

VESTEY, ANDREA - Staff, Biological Sciences (2006-07)

VETTER, PERKY F. - Faculty, Kinesiology and Health Promotions (2015-16)

VICTOR, WEGRZYN - Faculty, Plant Sciences (2012-13)

VIENNA, SUSAN - Staff, Academic Affairs - Vice President’s Office (2009-10)

VILLANUEVA, ROLANDO - Staff, Utility Plants (2017-18)

VILLEGAS, MARIA - Staff, Facilities Management (2014-15)

VIS, EUDELL G. - Faculty, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences (2003-04)

VOGEN, BLAINE - Faculty, Civil Engineering (1983-84)

VOLLMAR, ARNULF - Faculty, Chemistry (1990-91)

VOLSEY, JANEEN - Faculty, Education (2021-22)

VOLSKI, CHESTER A. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (1990-91)

VON WODTKE, MARK - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2000-01)

WAGAR, JOCELYN L. - Staff, Accounting Services (2016-17)

WAGNER, GERALD E. - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (1994-95)

WALKER, JOE O - Staff, Custodial Services (2015-16)

WALTON, ANNE - Staff, Telecommunications (2006-07)

WALTON, EDWARD - Faculty, Chemistry (2011-12)

WANDERMAN, WENDY - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (2011-12)

WANG, MARTIN I. - Faculty, Communications (1986-87)

WANG, RAY (RUI) - Faculty, Library (2017-18)

WANG, RUI - Staff, Library Administration (2017-18)

WARD, CHRISTINE - Staff, VP Student Affair’s Office (2006-07)

WARD, KAREN - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (2010-11)

WARE, NANCY C. - Faculty, College of Education & Integrative Studies (2001-02)

WASSERMAN, BARRY L. - Faculty, Architecture (1996-97)

WATERS, GAIL - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (2013-14)

WAY, BARBARA J. - Faculty, Dean of CLASS & CEIS, Political Science (2007-08)

WAY, ROSE - Staff, Admissions & Outreach (2006-07)

WEBER, CRAIG J. - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2002-03)

WEBER, SARA C. - Staff, Continuing Education (1995-96)

WEBER, WARREN C. - Faculty, Management & Human Resources (1996-97)

WEEKS, KEITH L. - Faculty, Music (1977-78)

WEGRICH, ROSEANNE - Faculty, Athletics (2018-19)

WEI, JULIE H. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2005-06)

WEISEND, PAUL F. - Faculty, Finance, Real Estate & Law (1991-92)

WEISSBUCH, THEODORE N. - Faculty, Deceased (1979-80)

WELCH, JOHN C. - Staff, Student Health Services (1987-88)

WELCH, JR., HARRY J. - Faculty, Deceased (1973-74)

WELLS, DONALD G. - Faculty, Civil Engineering (2002-03)

WELLS, HAROLD F. - Faculty, University Library (1982-83)

WELLS, KATHERINE - Staff, Graphic Communications Services (2010-11)

WENTZ, MARILYN - Faculty, Dean’s Office, CLASS (2000-01)

WESTFALL, RALPH - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2008-09)

WHEELER, LINDA - Staff, Student Accounting & Cashier’s (2014-15)

WHIPPIE, STEVE - Staff, Facilities (2021-22)

WHITAKER, ANA MARIA - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (2008-09)

WHITE, MILTON R. - Faculty, Deceased (1979-80)

WHITE, SYLVIA - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (1993-94)

WHITE, TIVAI - Staff, Fin Aid & Scholarship Off (2017-18)

WHITSON, DEBBORA - Faculty, International Business & Marketing (2016-17)

WICKLER, NICOLE - Faculty, Mathematics & Statistics (2018-19)

WILBERDING, PAT - Staff, Facilities Planning & Management (2009-10)

WILKINS, SUSAN - Faculty, Computer Information Systems (2008-09)

WILKINSON, BESS C. - Staff, University Library (1985-86)

WILLARD, ROBERT E. - Faculty, Accounting (1991-92)

WILLES, BRAD - Staff, Graphics (2014-15)

WILLIAMS, EDWIN H. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1987-88)

WILLIAMS, GLORIA J. - Staff, Registrar’s Office (2013-14)

WILLIAMS, SHIRLEY - Staff, Kinesiology & Health Promotion (1997-98)

WILLIAMS, WAYNE D. - Faculty, Operations Management (1994-95)

WILLS, DOROTHY - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2015-16)

WILLSON, SARA H. - Faculty, Accounting (1991-92)

WILSON, CAROLYN - Staff, Dining Services (2021-22)

WILSON, JOHN J. - Faculty, Economics (1968-69)

WILSON, LINDA J. - Staff, Office of Admission & Outreach (2016-17)

WILSON, STANLEY C. - Faculty, Art (2001-02)

WILSON, WILLIAM (BRUCE) - Staff, University Police (2015-16)

WINSLOW, KENNETH L. - Staff, Environmental Design (1993-94)

WINTERBOURNE, MARILYN I. - Faculty, Ornamental Horticulture (1987-88)

WINTERBOURNE, ROBERT J. - Faculty, Counseling & Psychological Services (1986-87)

WIRTSCHAFTER, ELISE - Faculty, History Department (2017-18)

WISE, SUSAN - Staff, ASI Conference & Events (2017-18)

WOLFE, HARRY K. - Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1972-73)

WONG, GEORGE H. C. - Faculty, History (1995-96)

WONG, SHARON - Staff, Registrar’s (2014-15)

WOO, MICHAEL - Faculty, Dean, College of Enviornmental Design (2019-20)

WOODEN, WAYNE - Faculty, Psychology & Sociology (2004-05)

WOODRUFF, RUSSELL - Staff, Facilities Management (2014-15)

WOODWARD, JOAN - Faculty, Landscape Architecture (2010-11)

WOOTTON, WILLIAM T. - Faculty, Deceased (1982-83)

WORLEY, DOW G. - Faculty, Operations Management (1991-92)

WRIGHT, GARRARD J. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1994-95)

WU, HOFU - Faculty, Architecture (2017-18)

WU, JIA-HIS - Faculty, Biological Sciences (1990-91)

WU, LIN - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2019-20)

WYMER, JOSEPH P. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (1982-83)

YAMADA, SUSAN M - Staff, Biological Sciences (2017-18)

YATES, PETER - Faculty, Music (2020-21)

YEH, GLENDY - Staff, Information Technology (2018-19)

YORK, ELLA - Staff, Foundation, Bronco Bookstore (1981-82)

YORK, RICHARD G. - Staff, Admissions, Records & Evaluations (1985-86)

YOSHIKAWA, TOM T. - Faculty, Deceased (1982-83)

YOSHIOKA, ADELINE - Staff, Student Affairs Administration (2018-19)

YOUNG, LESTER - Faculty, Plant Science (2014-15)

YOUNG, MURIEL - Staff, SA Information and Technology (2010-11)

YOUNG, TERENCE - Faculty, Geography & Anthropology (2015-16)

ZAMBELL, PATRICIA - Faculty, Accounting (2003-04)

ZAMORA, ABEL F. - Staff, Campus & Web Apps (2016-17)

ZARGARYAN, STEPAN S. - Faculty, Mathematics (2007-08)

ZAVALZA, ARNOLD - Staff, Foundation, Los Olivos (2018-19)

ZELL, DARRYL C. - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (1994-95)

ZEMKE, WAYNE - Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (2004-05)

ZHANG, YVONNE (WEI) - Faculty, University Library (2020-21)

ZIMMER, RICHARD - Faculty, Urban & Regional Planning (2020-21)

ZIMMERMAN, BERNARD - Faculty, Architecture (1999-00)

ZOOK, DONALD G. - Faculty, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering (2002-03)

ZRIMC, RUDOLPH - Faculty, English & Foreign Languages (1987-88)