2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Educational Leadership
Return to: College of Education and Integrative Studies
Betty Alford, Chair
Taylor Allbright
José M. Aguilar-Hernández
Liane Hypolite |
Eligio Martinez
Jeff Passe
The Educational Leadership Department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona develops educators’ expertise as champions for equity and excellence in the highly diverse region. The Department is committed to the pursuit of excellence, equity, and justice in education. The Department offers programs for state certification in the Administrative Services Preliminary Credential, a Master’s Degree in Education with an option in Educational Leadership, and a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Degree for experienced educational leaders to deepen their leadership capacities.
The vision of the Educational Leadership Department and Educational Leadership is to be recognized as the premier program that prepares transformative, equity-minded leaders who advance a more socially just future across educational systems.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Department of Educational Leadership of the College of Education and Integrative Studies is to prepare educational leaders to serve the needs of diverse learners, families, schools, and communities across Southern California in ways that are caring, collaborative, and culturally responsive. We are committed to developing transformative educational leaders who embody the values of reflexive self-examination, critical inquiry, and intersectional praxis to lead educational institutions as scholar-practitioners. We commit to providing school leaders with the analytical tools they need to be advocates for equity, social justice, and asset-based approaches that provide opportunities for success to all students, especially historically and persistently minoritized populations.
Core Values guiding the Department include:
The importance of theoretically grounded praxis, in which leaders engage in reciprocal, recursive learning through dialogue, experiential learning, research, action, and reflection.
The development of educational leaders who exhibit a sense of agency and commitment to responsibility, care, and authenticity through their words and actions.
Culturally responsive leadership in transforming schools to become anti-racist learning environments where culturally responsive teaching practices and asset-based approaches prevail.
Authentic school-community-university partnerships that promote spaces for collaboration in achieving positive results.
Cultures of care in which educational leaders advocate for social justice, high academic achievement, humanization, social-emotional development, and personal well-being of students, families, educators, and communities.
The importance of strengthening organizational cultures where the intersections of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or disability is respected, where marginalization is disrupted, and where forms of oppression are dismantled.
General Information
Application requirements, class schedules, and other information are provided on the Department’s website: https://www.cpp.edu/ceis/edleadership/index.shtml.
ProgramsCredentialMasterDoctorateCoursesEducational LeadershipEducational Leadership Doctorate
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