Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 University Catalog 
2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Index of Courses


Visual Communication Design

  • VCD 3361A - Studio Arts: Life Drawing Activity (3)

    Drawing for creative expression from studio models using a variety of drawing materials at an advanced level. May be taken up to two times for a total credit of 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; and VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • VCD 3362A - Studio Arts: Painting Activity (3)

    Traditional and non-traditional painting methods and subject matter explored to develop the students’ ability to express themselves in varied media. May be taken up to two times for a total credit of 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; and VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • VCD 3363A - Studio Arts: Print Processes Activity (3)

    A study of methods and techniques for historical and contemporary studio print processes such as relief, intaglio, monotype, letterpress, and screen printing, and their application to visual communication design. May be taken up to two times for a total credit of 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; and VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • VCD 3364A - Studio Arts: Ceramics Activity (3)

    Technical construction of three-dimensional clay. Define ceramic history, safe clay studio management, load and unload kilns, and glaze calculation. May be taken up to two times for a total credit of 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; and VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • VCD 3365A - Studio Arts: Sculpture Activity (3)

    Application and study of sculpture, using a variety of techniques and materials, with emphasis on developments in sculptural media. May be taken up to two times for a total credit of 6 units.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; and VCD 1331A   or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • VCD 4000 - Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems at advanced level. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Instructor consent required. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • VCD 4301 - Workshop: Typography (4)

    Advanced study of normative typography and an in-depth exploration of typographic nomenclature, its application to live copy, grid systems, and complex hierarchy across a variety of mediums in 2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1312A  or ART 242A/244A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A; VCD 1341A  or ART 155A; VCD 1351A ; VCD 2301A ; VCD 2311A  or ART 255A/346A; VCD 2321A  or ART 252A; and VCD 2361A  or ART 275A/375A.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Course Category: Major Course
  • VCD 4311 - Workshop: Illustration (4)

    Advanced study in the creation of contemporary, commercial illustration and further explores the computer as an illustrative medium. Idea development within real-world parameters, originality, aesthetics, and technical proficiency are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1312A  or ART 242A/244A; VCD 1321A   or ART 150A/253A; VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A; VCD 1341A  or ART 155A; VCD 1351A ; VCD 2311A  or ART 255A/346A; VCD 2321A  or ART 252A; and VCD 2361A  or ART 275A/375A.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Course Category: Major Course, Service Course
  • VCD 4321 - Workshop: 2D (4)

    Advanced study in print processes, identity systems, and serial print communications in publication, editorial, and book design.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1312A  or ART 242A/244A; VCD 1321A   or ART 150A/253A; VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A; VCD 1341A  or ART 155A; VCD 1351A ; VCD 2311A  or ART 255A/346A; VCD 2321A  or ART 252A; and VCD 2361A  or ART 275A/375A.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Course Category: Major Course, Service Course
  • VCD 4331 - Workshop: 3D (4)

    Advanced study of visual communication design in three-dimensional applications in branding of products and reinforcing the sense of place.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1312A  or ART 242A/244A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A; VCD 1341A  or ART 155A; VCD 1351A ; VCD 2311A  or ART 255A/346A; VCD 2321A  or ART 252A; and VCD 2361A  or ART 275A/375A.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Course Category: Major Course, Service Course
  • VCD 4341 - Workshop: 4D (4)

    Advanced study of time-based media and motion using technology within the field. Emphasis is on acuity to and the creation of motion as may be used in visual communications.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1312A  or ART 242A/244A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A; VCD 1341A  or ART 155A; VCD 1351A ; VCD 2311A  or ART 255A/346A; VCD 2321A  or ART 252A; and VCD 2361A  or ART 275A/375A.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Course Category: Major Course, Service Course
  • VCD 4351 - Workshop: 5D (4)

    Advanced study of User Experience and User Interaction (UX/UI) and application to design, technology, and acuity with a comprehensive understanding of experimental processes, techniques and methodology found therein.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A  or ART 140A/141A; VCD 1312A  or ART 242A/244A; VCD 1321A  or ART 150A/253A; VCD 1331A  or ART 180A/190A/342A/395A; VCD 1341A  or ART 155A; VCD 1351A ; VCD 2311A  or ART 255A/346A; VCD 2321A  or ART 252A; and VCD 2361A  or ART 275A/375A.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
    Course Category: Major Course
  • VCD 4410 - Visual Communication Design: Internship (1-2)

    On-the-job training in visual communication design. University and department internship guidelines must be followed, coordinated with sponsor, and approved in advance by the department internship coordinator. One unit of credit is given for 50 or more hours of training visual communication design professional. May be taken up to four times for a total credit of 8 units.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 1311A or ART140A/141A; VCD 1312A  or ART242A/244A; VCD 1321A  or ART150A/253A; VCD 1331A  or ART180A, 190A, 342A or 395A; VCD 1341A  or ART155A; VCD 2301A  or ART251A; and VCD 2321A  or ART252A; VCD major Jr or Sr Standing; and Instructor Consent.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 4
    Course Category: Major Course
  • VCD 4610 - Professional Practices in Visual Communication Design (4)

    A capstone course for senior visual communication design in which a professional portfolio is developed. Professional business practices are thoroughly discussed and reviewed.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in: VCD 3321A  or ART 351A; and VCD 3321A  or ART 352A.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • VCD 4990 - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • VCD 4990A - Special Topics for Upper Division Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • VCD 4990L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.

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