Feb 08, 2025
2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
General Education-Course Lists
Certain professional programs include GE course patterns not listed here. Students should consult the curriculum of the specific major to identify the exact GE requirement for the major. The symbol (+) indicates that a course may be taken on a credit/no credit basis. Please refer to the corresponding major section in this catalog for prerequisites and a detailed description of general education courses listed below.
AREA A-English Language Communication and Critical Thinking: 9 units:
Students must take one course from each sub-area. 2. Written Communication:
AREA B-Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning: 12 units
To fulfill all B area requirements, students must take at least one course from each sub-area, for a total of 12 units. 1. Physical Sciences:
- AST 1010 - Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe (3)
- CHM 1010 - Chemistry in Our World (2) and
- CHM 1010L - Chemistry in Our World Laboratory (1)
- CHM 1210 - General Chemistry I (3) and
- CHM 1210L - General Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
- CHM 1220 - General Chemistry II (3) and
- CHM 1220L - General Chemistry Laboratory II (1)
- CHM 2120 - Chemistry for Elementary Educators (2) and
- CHM 2120L - Chemistry for Elementary Educators Laboratory (1)
- GEO 1010 - Physical Geography (3) and
- GEO 1010L - Physical Geography Lab (1)
- GSC 1100 - Water in a Changing World (3)
- GSC 1110 - Principles of Geology (3) and
- GSC 1410L - Principles of Geology Laboratory (1)
- GSC 1120 - Earth, Time, and Life (3) and
- GSC 1510L - Earth, Time, and Life Laboratory (1)
- GSC 1160 - Introduction to Astronomy (3)
- GSC 1200 - Introduction to Oceanography (3)
- GSC 1950 - Living in Earthquake Country (3)
- GSC 2120 - Earth Science for Elementary Educators (2) and
- GSC 2120L - Earth Science for Elementary Educators Laboratory (1)
- PHY 1020 - Fundamentals of Physics (3)
- PHY 1050 - The Physics of Musical Sound (2) and
- PHY 1050L - Physics of Musical Sound Laboratory (1)
- PHY 1210 - Physics of Motion, Fluids, and Heat (3) and
- PHY 1210L - Physics of Motion, Fluids, and Heat Laboratory (1)
- PHY 1510 - Introduction to Newtonian Mechanics (3) and
- PHY 1510L - Newtonian Mechanics Laboratory (1)
- PHY 2120 - Physics for Elementary Educators (2) and
- PHY 2120L - Physics for Elementary Educators Laboratory (1)
3. Laboratory Activity:
Laboratory courses are marked with an “L” following the course number. At least one laboratory course from GE Sub-areas B1 or B2 must be taken to fulfill the GE Sub-area B3 requirement. Activity courses, which are marked with an “A” following the course number, do not fulfill the GE Sub-area B3 requirement. 4. Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning:
Students must meet all course prerequisites before enrolling in any mathematics or statistics course. Note(s):
* This course was retroactively approved by President Coley to satisfy GE Subarea B4, Dec 6, 2019, Presidential Memo: Response to Senate Report AS-2861-190-GE MAT 1050 - College Algebra (GE Sub-Area B4) and AS-2862-190-GE MAT 1052 - College Algebra Stretch II (GE Sub-Area B4). 5. Science and Technology Synthesis (upper division):
Students must complete all GE lower-division requirements in Areas A and B before they take any GE B5 Synthesis course. Select at least 4 units of coursework from the following list: Note(s):
*These interdisciplinary courses fulfill units in more than one of the three required GE Synthesis areas. All students are required to complete three different Synthesis courses that cover the three required GE Synthesis areas. AREA C-Arts and Humanities: 12 units
Students are required to take at least one course from each sub-area. A minimum of 12 units must be completed. See also the Interdisciplinary General Education Program (IGE) Section, which is the pattern recommended for students in Engineering and Architecture. 1. Visual and Performing Arts:
2a. Philosophy and Civilization:
2b. Literature and Languages Other than English:
3. Arts and Humanities Synthesis (upper division):
Students must complete all GE lower-division requirements in Areas A and C before they take any GE C3 Synthesis course. Select one course from the following list: - AG 4010 - Ethical Issues in Food, Agricultural and Apparel Industries (3) *
- ANT 3530 - Language and Culture (3)
- ANT 3600 - Magic, Shamanism, and Religion (3) *
- ANT 4050 - Anthropology of Gender (3) *
- ARC 4630 - Interpreting Architecture (3)
- BUS 4820 - International Destinations and the United States: Cross-Cultural Analysis (3) *
- CLS 4100 - The United Nations and the World: Historical Perspectives, Salient Issues, and Current Events (3) *
- DAN 4460 - History of Dance and Its Artistic and Cultural Influences (3)
- ENG 3520 - Harry Potter as Literature and Culture (3)
- ENG 4503 - Shakespeare before 1600 (3)
- ENG 4740 - Chinese Civilization and Culture (3)
- ENG 4880 - Modernism and Postmodernism (3)
- EWS 3010 - Ethnic Identity (3)
- EWS 3750 - Gender, Ethnicity, and Film (3)
- EWS 4430 - Women, Health, and Body Politics (3) *
- EWS 4500 - Multiracial and Hybrid Identities (3) *
- EWS 4510 - Diaspora Studies (3) *
- HST 3306 - Modern India (3) *
- HST 3313 - The Middle East from the Rise of Islam to 1500 (3)
- HST 3340 - History of American Institutions and Ideals, 1877-present (3)
- HST 3352 - History and Culture of the British Empire (3)
- HST 3370 - History of California (3)
- HST 3373 - History and Hollywood (3)
- HST 4406 - Women in the United States (3) *
- HST 4408 - History of American Science and Technology (3) *
- HST 4230 - Modern Science in World History (3) *
- HST 4433 - Nonviolence in the Modern World (3) *
- IGE 3200 - Visions of Science and Technology (3)
- IGE 3300 - Demons, the Undead, and the Monstrous Other (3)
- IGE 3500 - The Creative Process: Theory and Practice (3) *
- IME 4020 - Ethical Concepts in Technology and Applied Science (3) *
- MU 3100 - History of Technology in Music (3) *
- MU 4171 - Theory, History, and Design of Musical Instruments (3)
- MU 4240 - Beatlemania (3) *
- MU 4250 - Life and Death in the Arts (3)
- PHL 3110 - Philosophical Issues in the Law (3) *
- PHL 3330 - Bioethics (3) *
- PHL 3400 - Current Debates About Sexuality (3)
- PHL 3450 - Confrontations With The Reaper (3)
- PHL 3530 - Cognitive Science (3) *
- PHL 3810 - Race and Racism (3) *
- RS 3030 - Organization for Regenerative Practices (3) *
- RS 4500 - Sustainable Communities (3) *
- SPN 3420 - Latin American Civilization (3)
- TH 3010 - Through Artists’ Eyes (3)
- TH 4100 - Theatrical Pursuit of an American Ideology (3)
- URP 4040 - Placemaking: Theories, Methods, and Practices (3)
*These interdisciplinary courses fulfill units in only one of the three required GE Synthesis areas. All students are required to complete three different Synthesis courses that cover the three required GE Synthesis areas. AREA D-Social Sciences: 12 units
Students are required to take at least one course from each sub-area. A minimum of 12 units must be completed. See also the Interdisciplinary General Education Program (IGE) Section, which is the pattern recommended for students in Engineering and Architecture. 1. U.S. History and American Ideals:
2. U.S. Constitution and California Government:
3. Social Sciences: Principles, Methodologies, Value Systems, and Ethics:
4. Social Science Synthesis (upper division):
Students must complete all GE lower-division requirements in Areas A and D before they take any GE D4 Synthesis course. Select one course from the following list: - AG 4010 - Ethical Issues in Food, Agricultural and Apparel Industries (3) *
- ANT 3500 - Environment, Technology and Culture (3) *
- ANT 3600 - Magic, Shamanism, and Religion (3) *
- ANT 3790 - Culture Areas of the World (3)
- ANT 4050 - Anthropology of Gender (3) *
- BUS 4820 - International Destinations and the United States: Cross-Cultural Analysis (3) *
- CLS 4100 - The United Nations and the World: Historical Perspectives, Salient Issues, and Current Events (3) *
- COM 3314 - Organizational Communication (3)
- COM 3327 - Intercultural Communication (3)
- COM 4133 - Public Opinion, Propaganda and Mass Media (3)
- COM 4222 - Crisis Communication (3)
- COM 4233 - Political Economy of Mass Communication (3)
- COM 4447 - Political Communication (3)
- CRM 3390 - Media and Crime (3)
- CS 3750 - Computers and Society (3) *
- DAN 4490 - Dance in Contemporary Culture (3)
- EC 4441 - Industry Studies (3) *
- EC 4442 - Countrywide Economic Studies (3)
- EGR 3321 - CA Boundary Law and Public Lands (3)
- EGR 4050 - Role of Design Professionals In Society (3)
- EWS 3300 - Ethnicity and Families (3)
- EWS 3700 - Race, Gender and the Law/Public Policies (3)
- EWS 3800 - Women in Global Perspective (3)
- EWS 4010 - Contemporary African American Studies (3)
- EWS 4020 - Contemporary Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies (3)
- EWS 4030 - Contemporary Native American Studies (3)
- EWS 4040 - Contemporary Asian Pacific Islander American Studies (3)
- EWS 4070 - Diverse Gender and Sexual Identities (3)
- EWS 4250 - Gender, Identity and Technology (3)
- EWS 4310 - Ethnicity, Gender and Religion/Spirituality (3)
- EWS 4430 - Women, Health, and Body Politics (3) *
- EWS 4450 - Multiethnic Heritage of California (3)
- EWS 4500 - Multiracial and Hybrid Identities (3) *
- EWS 4510 - Diaspora Studies (3) *
- EWS 4520 - Ethnicity, Race, and Sexuality (3)
- GEO 3510 - Geography of California (3) *
- HST 3306 - Modern India (3) *
- HST 3315 - The Middle East from 1500 (3)
- HST 3324 - European Revolutions, 1789-1914 (3)
- HST 3337 - Latin America since 1810 (3)
- HST 4210 - History of the Scientific Revolution (3)
- HST 4230 - Modern Science in World History (3) *
- HST 4406 - Women in the United States (3) *
- HST 4407 - History of American Workers, 1877-Present (3)
- HST 4408 - History of American Science and Technology (3) *
- HST 4433 - Nonviolence in the Modern World (3) *
- IGE 3400 - Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia: Life along the Silk Road (3)
- IGE 3500 - The Creative Process: Theory and Practice (3) *
- IME 4030 - Fiscal Implications in Technical Decision Making (3) *
- KIN 4430 - Inequality in Sport and Physical Activity (3)
- MHR 3020 - Organizational Behavior (3)
- MU 3100 - History of Technology in Music (3) *
- MU 4240 - Beatlemania (3) *
- PHL 3110 - Philosophical Issues in the Law (3) *
- PHL 3810 - Race and Racism (3) *
- PLS 3821 - Politics, Policies, Pop Culture (3)
- PLS 4205 - American Political Institutions and Behavior (3)
- PLS 4800 - Policies of Need and Greed (3)
- PLS 4811 - California Government (3)
- PSY 3325 - Multicultural Psychology (3)
- PSY 3326 - Health Psychology (3) *
- PSY 4455 - Human Sexuality: Relationships (3)
- RS 3020 - Global Regenerative Systems (3)
- RS 3030 - Organization for Regenerative Practices (3) *
- RS 4500 - Sustainable Communities (3) *
- SOC 3345 - Crime, Criminalization and Society (3)
- SOC 4440 - Technology & Society (3)
- SOC 4451 - Social Inequality, Sport and the Body (3)
- SOC 4465 - Impact of Colonization on the Peoples of Hawaii (3)
- TH 4250 - Community Based Theatre (3)
- URP 3010 - Introduction to Urban Planning (3)
- URP 4110 - Evolution of American Cities and the Planning Movement (3)
- URP 4120 - Urban Design in Europe (3)
- URP 4220 - The Just City (3)
- URP 4750 - Planning in a Global Economy (3)
- URP 4820 - California Water (3)
*These interdisciplinary courses fulfill units in only one of the three required GE Synthesis areas. All students are required to complete three different Synthesis courses that cover the three required GE Synthesis areas. AREA E-Lifelong Learning and Self-Development: 3 units
Use of Completion of Basic Military Training Toward Satisfaction of Area E:
Students who completed basic military training, served one year of active-duty service, and passed ENG 1101 or ENG 1103 or a comparable transfer course will be granted 3 units of GE Area E credit. This credit is limited to students with an other than dishonorable discharge or still on active duty. Interdisciplinary Synthesis Courses:
These courses will satisfy the requirement in one of subareas: B5, C4, D4. Students must complete all lower-division courses in Area A and relevant subareas before they take an Interdisciplinary Synthesis course. Select one course from the following list: - AG 4010 - Ethical Issues in Food, Agricultural and Apparel Industries (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- ANT 3500 - Environment, Technology and Culture (3) (fulfills Area B5 or D4)
- ANT 3600 - Magic, Shamanism, and Religion (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- ANT 4050 - Anthropology of Gender (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- BUS 4820 - International Destinations and the United States: Cross-Cultural Analysis (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- CLS 4100 - The United Nations and the World: Historical Perspectives, Salient Issues, and Current Events (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- CS 3750 - Computers and Society (3) (fulfills Area B5 or D4)
- EC 4441 - Industry Studies (3) (fulfills Area B5 or D4)
- EWS 4430 - Women, Health, and Body Politics (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- EWS 4500 - Multiracial and Hybrid Identities (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- EWS 4510 - Diaspora Studies (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- GEO 3510 - Geography of California (3) (fulfills Area B5 or D4)
- HST 3306 - Modern India (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- HST 4230 - Modern Science in World History (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- HST 4406 - Women in the United States (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- HST 4408 - History of American Science and Technology (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- HST 4433 - Nonviolence in the Modern World (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- IGE 3500 - The Creative Process: Theory and Practice (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- IME 4020 - Ethical Concepts in Technology and Applied Science (3) (fulfills Area B5 or C3)
- IME 4030 - Fiscal Implications in Technical Decision Making (3) (fulfills Area B5 or D4)
- MU 3100 - History of Technology in Music (3) (fulfills Area B5, C3, or D4)
- MU 4240 - Beatlemania (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- PHL 3110 - Philosophical Issues in the Law (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- PHL 3330 - Bioethics (3) (fulfills Area B5 or C3)
- PHL 3530 - Cognitive Science (3) (fulfills Area B5 or C3)
- PHL 3810 - Race and Racism (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- PSY 3326 - Health Psychology (3) (fulfills Area B5 or D4)
- RS 3030 - Organization for Regenerative Practices (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)
- RS 4500 - Sustainable Communities (3) (fulfills Area C3 or D4)