2012-2013 University Catalog (Revised 2012-10-02) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Physics and Astronomy
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Steven McCauley, Chair
Nina Abramzon
Suketu Bhavsar
Barbara Hoeling
Kai-Shue Lam
Hector C. Mireles
Alexander Rudolph |
Homeyra Sadaghiani
Ertan Salik
Peter B. Siegel
Alexander Small
Kurt G. Vandervoot |
The major in physics prepares students for careers as physicists with industry, government, university laboratories, and in teaching. Through suitably chosen electives, students may emphasize the interdisciplinary areas of biophysics, astrophysics, computational physics, health physics, geophysics, physical chemistry, engineering or mathematics.
Physics majors enjoy relatively small upper division classes spanning experimental and theoretical aspects of classical and modern physics. They each complete a senior project under faculty supervision. Additionally, they are encouraged to participate in other independent or group study/research activities sponsored by individual faculty.
Students majoring in physics have the opportunity to join the honorary society, Sigma Pi Sigma. Additional information concerning membership can be obtained from the Physics Department.
For those planning a career as a secondary school teacher, a Single Subject Credential in Science is required. This credential is obtained by completing coursework in Education and passing the National Teacher Examination. The latter can be waived by taking the courses listed in the Waiver Program. See the Director of the Center for Education and Equity in Mathematics, Science and Technology. ProgramsMajorMinorCoursesPhysics
The quarters in which particular courses are offered are indicated by the F, W, Sp, Su notations. If a course is not given each year, an indication of its offering in odd or even years is given.
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