2012-2013 University Catalog (Revised 2012-10-02) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Engineering Technology
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Massoud Moussavi, Chair
Hovel Y. Babikian |
Norali Pernalete |
Gerald K. Herder |
Tariq Qayyum |
Fazal B. Kauser |
Yasser Salem |
The Engineering Technology department offers three bachelor of science degrees in engineering technology; Electronics and Computer (ECET), Construction (CET) and Engineering Technology (ET General - Mechanical and Manufacturing). The programs have integrated curricula designed to prepare graduates for technical careers in industry.
In each degree program, emphasis is placed on application engineering principles in solving real world problems. Extensive laboratory work with industry-based problems and software constitute unique features of each program. Engineering technologists serve as members of the engineering team and engage in the management, design, production, assembly, quality control and sales activities in their respective fields.
The engineering technologist is applications-oriented, building upon a background of applied mathematics, including the concepts and applications of calculus. Utilizing applied science and technology, technologists work with engineers in utilizing applied design techniques to produce practical, workable and safe results quickly and economically; configure hardware from proven concepts; install, operate, or manage complex technical systems, and/or provide customer engineering support.
High school graduates and community college transfer students with an aptitude in algebra, trigonometry, and the physical sciences, along with an interest in applications of new technology, are encouraged to apply to the program. Students desiring to major in Engineering Technology should have a capacity for science and mathematics, and incoming freshmen should have taken college preparatory courses in these disciplines in high school. Typical incoming transfer students should have completed college algebra and trigonometry and two quarters of college physics (with laboratory) prior to beginning the program at Cal Poly Pomona. All students should contact a program advisor to obtain assistance in developing their educational goals prior to actually starting their coursework. Each student will work with an advisor to coordinate a specific program of study. A minimum of 198 quarter units is required to complete the degree.
The department’s programs are oriented to help students achieve competency in applying current methods and design procedures developed by engineers to solve practical technical problems commonly found in industry. Included in each program is instruction in applied sciences, computer-aided drafting (CAD), computer usage, oral and written communications, design and manufacturing processes, and the impact of technology within a broader societal context.
The faculty of the department is committed to helping students develop a strong sense of professionalism, high ethical standards and the pride that comes from accomplishment through technical competence. The department is also committed to helping students develop sound work habits, including neatness, completeness, and timeliness; to communicate effectively in written, oral, graphical, and mathematical form; and to be responsible for their own actions and inactions. The faculty is committed to academic excellence and professional integrity.
The Engineering Technology Department currently offers three degrees, and an incoming student will select from the following choices:
Construction Engineering Technology (CET)
The Construction Engineering Technology Program is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. This degree provides the student with a firm background in construction practices. Graduates may eventually work in any area of construction including commercial, heavy-civil, and residential. Construction Engineering Technology (CET) graduates work with owners, developers, architects, engineers (civil, mechanical, and electrical), building departments, governmental agencies, contractors, and subcontractors to implement a variety of construction projects. Job titles include field engineer, project engineer, superintendent, as well as estimator, scheduler, and project manager.
Students receive training in construction materials, drafting, computer applications, construction surveying, structural design, construction equipment, estimating, scheduling, accounting, project management, safety and law.
The program has close ties with the construction industry. The student organization is the Construction Engineering and Management Association (CEMA), which is associated with the Associated General Contractors (AGC), Building Industry Association (BIA), and Construction Management Association of America (CMAA). The CET program offers a number of construction scholarships, and students may apply for grants based on financial need and/or academic achievement. Additional information on the CET program can be found on the web at www.csupomona.edu/cet/.
Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET)
The Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology program is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. In today’s complex world, electronics, computers, and communications permeate every facet of our lives, and will do even more so in the future. This growth can provide exciting, challenging, and rewarding career opportunities for forward-looking students in Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology. This program is an integrated four-year curriculum designed to prepare graduates for entry into industry as electronic engineering technologists.
The lower division mathematics, science, and electrical and electronics coursework is designed to provide a strong foundation for the upper-division program. The upper-division coursework emphasizes analog and digital electronics, computer hardware and software, networks, communications and control electronics. The program stresses the use of established electronic engineering analysis and design principles and applications for the solution of day-to-day technical problems currently found in industry. Graduates become members of the engineering team involved in the realization of technical projects. Typical roles are in Systems Engineering positions with an emphasis in product verification (test) and validation (application). www.csupomona.edu/ ecet/.
Engineering Technology General (Mechanical/Manufacturing)
The Engineering Technology program is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org.
The ET major stresses the application and design of mechanical and thermal power systems utilizing strength of materials, metallurgy, statics, dynamics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer principles. Graduates may be involved in applied design, analysis, application, or production of mechanical/thermo-fluid systems.
The program also offers courses with a manufacturing emphasis which stresses technological competency and managerial skills in the economical utilization of raw material and resources through planning, selection, and organization of manufacturing processes. Graduates may be involved in mass production, tooling, selection of machines, and the marketing of manufactured goods. www.csupomona.edu/etg/.
Note: A 2.0 GPA is required in core courses to receive a degree in all Engineering Technology majors. ProgramsMajorCoursesConstruction Engineering Technology
Lecture and laboratory courses listed together are to be taken concurrently. Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology
Lecture and laboratory courses listed together are to be taken concurrently. Engineering Technology
Lecture and laboratory courses listed together are to be taken concurrently. Engineering Technology - Manufacturing
Lecture and laboratory courses listed together are to be taken concurrently. Engineering Technology - Mechanical
Lecture and laboratory courses listed together are to be taken concurrently.
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