Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 University Catalog 
2015-2016 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Index of Courses



Courses in Graphic Design are open only to declared art majors. Courses should be taken sequentially whenever possible. 

  • ART 220A - Introduction to Painting (3)

    Image as painting. Varied projects designed to foster development of visual equivalents for ideas and emotions using basic painting skills.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 150A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 225A - Fundamentals of Watercolor Painting (3)

    Methods and techniques with transparent watercolor. Outdoor sketching and studio projects.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 150A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 230A - Ceramics I (3)

    Basic methods of forming, decorating, glazing and firing pottery forms with an emphasis on use of the potter’s wheel.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 130A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 242A - Intermediate Drawing (3)

    A synthesis of the basic drawing elements (line, value, texture, composition) and perspective with an imaginative and self-expressive use of material.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 141A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 244A - Beginning Life Drawing (3)

    Skills and techniques in drawing the human figure from studio models.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 141A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 251A - Lettering and Typography (3)

    Development of appreciative and skillful usage of alphabets. Techniques of forming and spacing letters.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 150A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 252A - Graphic Design I (3)

    Application of design principles of visual communication with an introduction to design process, methodology/theory and problem solving.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 155A , and ART 251A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 253A - Design and Color Theory (3)

    Elements and principles of two-dimensional design, especially color theory and visual perception.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 150A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 254A - Typography II: Normative to Expressive (3)

    An in-depth exploration of typographic nomenclature and its application to live copy, grid systems, and complex hierarchy. Composition is explored, from simple to complex text type, as an avenue for expressive typography.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 155A , and ART 251A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 255A - Digital Image Design (3)

    Continued study and use of personal computers in graphic design and visual communication. Emphasis on aesthetics in computer-generated design.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , and ART 155A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 260A - Printmaking (3)

    Method and techniques of printmaking. Relief and intaglio processes.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 150A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 261A - Monotype Printmaking (3)

    Exploration of materials and processes in Mono printing including: additive, subtractive, multicolor, viscosity and cardboard.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , and ART 260A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 262A - Screen Printing (3)

    Screen printing as an art form using paper, glue, lacquer film stencils and photo techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 150A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 275A - Introduction to Digital Photography (3)

    Explore the basic operational and technical methods of effectively utilizing a digital camera, digital printer, and Photoshop and storage devices to create aesthetically pleasing works of art.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 150A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 280A - Fundamentals of Sculpture (3)

    Fundamentals of sculpture involving modeling, carving or forming clay, plaster, wood, stone and metal.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , and ART 180A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 288A - Exhibition Design (3)

    Practices and projects in exhibition design and display. Includes wall display and gallery installation.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A  and ART 150A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 299 - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Corequisite(s): may be required.
    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture or activity or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • ART 299A - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Corequisite(s): may be required.
    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture or activity or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • ART 305 - Gender and Western Art (4)

    This course explores the intersection of gender theory, art history, and feminist discourses to examine the role of women artists and images of women in the history of Western art from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century. Course fulfills GE Synthesis C4.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GE Area A and GE Area C (1, 2, and 3).
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 309 - Japanese Art History (4)

    A survey of the arts of Japan from Neolithic times to the 19th century. Emphasis on Buddhist art.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing. ART 216  recommended.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 310 - Art of the United States (4)

    Survey of the art of the United States from the provincial art of the colonies to the key role of American artists in the development of modern art.

    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 311 - History of Design (4)

    A trans-disciplinary, international survey of major developments in modern and postmodern visual and spatial aesthetic design. Design trends are studied as products of larger transformations in commerce and culture.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing. ART 214  recommended.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 312 - Visual Arts in the Twentieth Century (4)

    Comprehensive survey and analysis of the founding movements and key developments in the history of modern art in Europe and the United States and other centers from 1900 to the present.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 313 - Contemporary Art (4)

    Survey and analysis of international trends in visual art since the 1960s with special emphasis on the current scene.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 214 .
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 314 - Art of Mexico, Central and South America (4)

    Arts of pre-Columbian civilizations and the colonial period to the present.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 315 - Art of Ancient Egypt and the Near East (4)

    Survey of the arts of ancient civilizations, primarily Egypt and Mesopotamia, showing the interrelations and cultural exchanges of the ancient world.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 316 - Art of the Classical World (4)

    Survey of the arts of the classical world; the development of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman art.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 317 - Art of the Middle Ages (4)

    Survey of art and architecture of the European Middle Ages, from early Christian art through late Gothic.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 318 - Art of the Italian Renaissance (4)

    Survey of art and architecture of Italy of the 14th through 16th centuries.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 320 - Art of the Baroque Period (4)

    Survey of art and architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries in both Northern and Southern Europe.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 324A - Intermediate Painting (3)

    Painting methods and techniques with emphasis on form and composition.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , and ART 220A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for total of 9 units.
  • ART 325A - Transparent Watercolor (3)

    Methods and techniques with transparent watercolor. Outdoor sketching and studio projects.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , and ART 225A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for total of 9 units.
  • ART 327A - Multimedia Painting (3)

    Painting projects in mixed media. Discovering visual effects by combining traditional and nontraditional methods and techniques.

    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for total of 9 units.
  • ART 330A - Ceramics II (3)

    Intensified study of ceramic and sculptural forms; study of glaze calculation and firing processes.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 130A  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 338A - Ceramics: Glaze Calculations (3)

    Analytical approach to the development of glazes; working knowledge of the empirical formula; understanding of glaze materials.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 130A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 342A - Technical Illustration (3)

    Basic mechanical drawing techniques and interpretations; architectural drafting, furniture detailing, blueprint reading, and graphic communication.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 141A , ART 150A , ART 155A , and ART 242A  or ART 244A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 344A - Life Drawing (3)

    Drawing for creative expression from studio models using variety of drawing materials.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 141A , and ART 244A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 345A - Expressive Drawing (3)

    Advanced problems in draftsmanship with special emphasis on linear and textural expression.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 141A , and ART 242A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 346A - Illustration (3)

    Developing graphic images with an individual voice; emphasis on innovation and conceptual thinking through varied illustrative media and techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , and ART 242A  or ART 244A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 347A - Digital Illustration (3)

    An exploration of the computer as illustrative medium. Idea development within real-word parameters, originality, aesthetics and technical proficiency are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 141A , ART 150A , ART 242A  and/or ART 244A , ART 255A , and ART 346A .

    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.

  • ART 351A - Graphic Media and Production (3)

    Advanced study of the graphic media and their practical applications. Methods and procedures for preparing two-dimensional design for reproduction.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 155A , ART 251A , ART 252A , ART 253A , and ART 255A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 352A - Graphic Design II (3)

    Continued study of visual communications with emphasis on complex problem solving within the context of identity systems.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 155A , ART 251A , ART 252A , ART 253A , ART 254A , and ART 351A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 355A - Web Design I (3)

    Introduction to design for screen based media. Emphasis will be on learning HTML, web development software, and non-linear sequencing.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 155A , ART 251A , ART 252A , ART 253A , ART 254A , and ART 255A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 361A - Relief Printmaking (3)

    Exploration of materials and processes in relief printing including block carving, collage and assemblage techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 260A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 362A - Advanced Screen Printing (3)

    Advanced projects in screen printing.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , and ART 262A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 363A - Intaglio Printmaking (3)

    Techniques and skills in intaglio methods of printmaking including drypoint, etching, aquatint, mezzotint, and engraving.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , and ART 260A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 375A - Photography as an Expressive Art Form (3)

    Explores the technical and aesthetic aspects of photography for creative expression in the fine arts and design.

    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 381A - Intermediate Sculpture (3)

    Work in sculpture using variety of techniques and materials.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 180A , and ART 280A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 387A - Three-Dimensional Design (3)

    Theory and application of aesthetic elements in three-dimensional forms.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 180A , and ART 280A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 388A - Gallery and Exhibition Design (3)

    Professional practices in gallery exhibition design and installation.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 280A , and ART 288A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 395A - Craft Design (3)

    Development of concepts, methods, and skills in basic craft media such as clay, wood, metal, and fiber construction.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 190A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 400 - Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-2)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies or surveys of selected problems.

    Prerequisite(s): Art or Graphic Design major and instructor permission.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units, maximum of 2 units per quarter.
  • ART 405 - Art and the Child (4)

    Understanding the development of visual language and perception through study of children and their art.

    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • ART 407 - Art and Architecture of India (4)

    Survey of the art and architecture of the Indian subcontinent. Focuses on the religious traditions of India and their role in the production of architecture and visual imagery from the Indus Valley Civilization to the Mughal Empire.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing. ART 216  recommended.
    Component(s): 4 hours lecture discussion.
  • ART 418 - Art History Seminar (4)

    Intensive study of selected issues and topics in the history of art, with emphasis on developing skills in research and writing. Each seminar will have a sub-title describing its focus.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing, and instructor consent.
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar.
  • ART 425A - Advanced Watercolor (3)

    Advanced techniques in wet, cross wash and compositional development.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 225A , and ART 325A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
  • ART 428A - Advanced Painting (3)

    Advanced work in relationship of form to idea. Greater development of personal imagery and paint materials.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 220A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 430A - Advanced Ceramics (3)

    Advanced work in ceramic sculpture and design in clay.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 230A  or ART 330A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 450A - Book Arts I (3)

    An exploration of the book as a visual object. A study of visual communication through the integration of art, design, authorship, and visual experience in the artist book. Some studio experience is advised.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 150A  or ENV 101/101L , or permission of the instructor via portfolio.
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 454A - Environmental Graphic Design (3)

    A study of visual communications with emphasis on complex problem solving within the context of graphic design in the built environment.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 155A , ART 251A , ART 252A , ART 253A , ART 254A , ART 255A , and ART 351A .
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 455A - Motion Graphics I (3)

    Introduction to time based media and motion graphics. Emphasis is on developing visual acuity to scripting, storyboarding, composition, and editing.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 155A , ART 251A , ART 252A , ART 253A , ART 254A , ART 255A , ART 352A , and ART 355A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 457 - Graphic Design Seminar (2)

    Advanced study of selected topics in Graphic Design. Emphasis will be on current issues and developments in the field, issues of creativity, process, methodology, technical advances and leading artists. Each seminar will have a sub-title describing its focus.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 155A , ART 251A , ART 252A , ART 253A , ART 254A , ART 255A , ART 351A , and ART 352A .
    Component(s): 2 hour lecture once a week.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 6 units.
  • ART 458 - Internships in the Fine Arts and Graphic Design (1-2)

    On-the-job training involving learning and production. Department guidelines must be followed, and internships must be approved in advance by department internship coordinator. One unit of credit given for each 50 or more hours of training with artist or design professional.

    Prerequisite(s): Art or Graphic Design majors in junior or senior standing, permission of instructor required.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units with a maximum of 2 per quarter.
  • ART 461 - Senior Project (2)

    Selection and completion of a project under faculty supervision and culminating in a public exhibit or presentation of research.

    Prerequisite(s): Art majors, senior standing, and instructor permission.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Minimum 120 hours total time.
  • ART 462 - Senior Project (2)

    Selection and completion of a project under faculty supervision and culminating in a public exhibit or presentation of research.

    Prerequisite(s): Art majors, senior standing, and instructor permission.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Minimum 120 hours total time.
  • ART 463 - Undergraduate Seminar (2)

    An open forum of senior students in which the latest developments and practices in art criticism, education, and professional studio and gallery management are discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): Fine Art majors, senior standing, and instructor permission.
    Component(s): 2-hour lecture.
  • ART 477A - Video (3)

    Introduction to video practice, emphasizing the image-making process and proficiency with video equipment, and exploring strategies for using video as a medium for artistic expression and social inquiry. 

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 141A , ART 150A , and ART 455A . ART 456A  is also recommended.
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 478A - Time-based Media (3)

    An intermedia approach to creative application in video, film, sound, and multi-image, with emphasis on conceptual and project development, and a special awareness for the shifting paradigm of time-based media.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 141A , ART 150A , ART 455A , and ART 477A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 482A - Installation, an Introduction to Conceptual Art (3)

    Installation art, as a vehicle for 3-dimensional, conceptual self-expression, explores concept, content, format, technique, and documentation in the manipulation of hybrid materials and methods in both gallery and site-specific/public context.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 280A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 484A - Advanced Sculpture (3)

    Intensified study of sculpture with emphasis on new developments in sculptural media.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ART 140A , ART 150A , ART 280A , and ART 381A .
    Component(s): 6 hours activity.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a total of 9 units.
  • ART 499/499A/499L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Corequisite(s): may be required.
    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture or activity or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.

Animal and Veterinary Science

CR/NC courses noted with a +

  • AVS 101 - Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition (4)

    A practical, applied course which provides instruction in animal nutrition and the use of the nutritional values of feedstuffs and the nutritional requirements of animals in the formulation of least-cost, balanced rations for domestic farm animals.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 105  and CHM 121 /CHM 121L .
    Component(s): 4 lectures.
  • AVS 112 - Animal Science 1: Food Animal Science (4)

    A study of livestock industry and animal management techniques emphasizing the importance of management strategies, equipment and facilities, nutrition, selection, breeding principles and disease control to ensure scientifically based management decisions.

    Component(s): 4 lectures.
  • AVS 113 - Animal Science II: Companion, Lab, and Exotic Animal Science (4)

    An introductory course in the areas of nutrition, management, prevention of common diseases, behavior and breed identification of dogs, cats, laboratory animals, small mammals and reptiles. emphasis on animals will be in the order listed.

    Component(s): 4 lectures.
  • AVS 114L - Animal Science I: Food Animal Management Laboratory (1)

    A study of the commonly applied animal techniques and practices used to scientifically manage livestock in the commercial food animal industry. The lab will emphasize the importance of evaluating business management strategies, equipment and facilities, nutrition, genetics and selection, breeding principles and herd health plans in order to evaluate scientifically based domestic animal livestock management methodologies.

    Component(s): 1 three-hour laboratory.
  • AVS 115L - Companion, Lab, and Exotic Animal Science Lab (1)

    An introductory laboratory course covering handling and restraint of dogs, cats, horses, birds, laboratory animals, small mammals, and reptiles. Emphasis on animals will be in the order listed.

    Component(s): 1 three-hour laboratory.
  • AVS 124/124A - Basic Equitation (1/2)

    The fundamentals of the art of equitation. The anatomy of the horse as it pertains to riding. Equipment utilized in training and riding, care of the horse and safety precautions emphasized.

    Concurrent: Concurrent enrollment required.
    Component(s): 1 lecture, 2 two-hour activities.
  • AVS 125/125L - Equine Management Science (3/1)

    A study of the horse industry emphasizing the importance of breeds, selection, evaluation, nutrition, breeding principles, disease control, equipment, and facilities to ensure scientifically-based management decisions.

    Concurrent: Concurrent enrollment required.
    Component(s): 3 lectures, 1 three-hour laboratory.
  • AVS 132/132L - Light Horse Halter and Performance Evaluation (1/1)

    Visual evaluation of various breeds of light horses at the halter and under saddle. Intensive training for intercollegiate horse judging competition.

    Concurrent: Concurrent enrollment required.
    Component(s): 1 lecture, 1 three-hour laboratory.
  • AVS 200 - Special Study for Lower Division Students (1-2) +

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies or surveys of selected problems.

    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units, with a maximum of 2 units per quarter.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • AVS 201 - Animal Diseases (3)

    Study of factors contributing to animal diseases and their control.

    Component(s): 3 lectures.
  • AVS 211 - Drugs and Society (4)

    An introductory course that identifies and explains the action of different drugs. The compounds discussed include over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, social drugs and drugs of abuse. Major emphasis on human pharmacology with some discussion of domestic animals.  Course fulfills GE Area E.

    Component(s): 4 lectures.
  • AVS 224L - Intermediate Equitation (2)

    A laboratory riding class allowing students to develop proficiency in the riding skills they have been exposed to in prior experience.

    Component(s): 2 three-hour laboratory periods.
  • AVS 234 - Farrier Science (2)

    Understanding the fundamentals of horseshoeing, anatomy and physiology of the horses foot, pastern and leg. Caring for the horses feet and legs, principles of horseshoeing and introduction to corrective shoeing.

    Component(s): 2 lectures.
  • AVS 235L - Farrier Science (2)

    Fundamentals of horseshoeing, anatomy and physiology of the horses foot, pastern and leg. Trimming feet, fitting, milling shoes, principles of horseshoeing, an introduction to corrective shoeing.

    Prerequisite(s): AVS 234  or concurrent enrollment in AVS 234 .
    Component(s): 2 three-hour laboratories.
  • AVS 240/240L - Principles of Market Animal and Carcass Evaluation (2/1)

    A study of the relationship between live meat animal evaluation and carcass evaluation. Visual appraisal techniques used in the quality and yield grading of live meat-type animals compared to the grading parameters used for carcass evaluation. Incorporates the effect of selection and management on body composition and live animal and carcass value.

    Concurrent: Concurrent enrollment required.
    Component(s): 2 lectures, 1 three-hour laboratory.
  • AVS 241L - Introductory Livestock Evaluation (2)

    Instruction in selection of beef cattle, sheep, swine, and horses according to utility, type and breed.

    Component(s): 2 three-hour laboratories.
  • AVS 299/299A/299L - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, activity, or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • AVS 300 - Animal Issues in Science and Society (4)

    This course addresses global issues and ethics relating to animal use in science and society, including the use of animals for food, research and companionship. The impacts of livestock production on environment such as global warming, soil erosion, forestry and rangeland resources, water resources and livestock-wildlife interactions will be considered.

    Component(s): 4 lectures.
  • AVS 303/303L - Applied Animal Feeding (3/1)

    A study of the nutritional requirements for maintenance, growth, fattening, reproduction and lactation of domestic animals. The use of computerized formulation of rations to satisfy nutritional requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): AVS 101 .
    Concurrent: Concurrent enrollment required.
    Component(s): 3 lectures, 1 three-hour laboratory.
  • AVS 304 - Avian Health Care and Management (3)

    Consideration of the etiology, symptomatology, and control of infectious, nutritional, and parasitic diseases of poultry.

    Component(s): 3 lectures.
  • AVS 305 - Genetics of Domestic Animals (4)

    An introductory course dealing with genetic principles of all species of livestock and companion animals. Topics covered include: principles of heredity, genetic abnormalities, transmission genetics, Mendelian principles, molecular genetics, population genetics, DNA and RNA structure and function, gene expression, and biotechnology advances in genetics.

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 115/115A/115L  or BIO 121/121L .
    Component(s): 4 lectures.
  • AVS 311 - The Animal Industries and Society (4)

    The course analyzes the application of science in the food animal industry and animal production systems, the role and use of food animals and animal products in resolving problems associated with humanity, and the influence of animal agriculture on history, civilization and human values. Course fulfills GE Synthesis B5.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GE Area A and two GE Area B sub-areas (1, 2, 3, or 4).
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
  • AVS 327/327L - Meat Science and Industry (3/1)

    Introduction to processing and utilization of fresh and value-added red meat products. Discussions on identity standards, factors affecting sensory, nutritional, and shelf-life qualities, food safety and inspection, and grading of red meats.

    Concurrent: Concurrent enrollment required.
    Component(s): 3 lectures, 1 three-hour laboratory.
  • AVS 328/328A - Seafood and Poultry Processing Technology (3/1)

    Introduction to the processing, marketing and utilization of fresh and value-added seafood and poultry products for the supermarket and food service industries. Examination of classification and standards to identify, marketing channels and forms, grading systems, factors affecting quality, food safety and public health considerations, and processing methods for the respective product types.

    Concurrent: Concurrent enrollment required.
    Component(s): 3 lectures, 1 two-activity.

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