Sep 26, 2024  
2018-2019 University Catalog 
2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Index of Courses



  • PSY 4170 - Basic Counseling Skills (3)

    Overview of the basic elements of helping relationships. Emphasis on exploration and development of basic communication skills used in counseling and psychotherapy, such as building rapport, empathy, active listening, questioning, reflecting, clarifying, probing, confronting, and interpreting. 3 lecture/problem-solving.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 OR PSY 202.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4200 - Environmental Psychology (3)

    Physical and social contexts of person-environment transactions. Cognition, perception, and social variables in the determinants of environmental behavior. Environmental appraisal and assessment, settings for environmental design, and place analysis. Psychology of resource management and sustainability. 

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201 , PSY 201, or PSY 202; or Instructor consent.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4220 - Psychology of Creativity (3)

    Experiential seminar with students acquiring an understanding of the theories and practices in the study of creativity. Areas of discussion include: the creative person, assessing creative potential, techniques used to stimulate and enhance creativity, the creative process, the creative press (social and psychological) in which creativity is nourished, potential barriers to creativity and how they can be eliminated, and international perspectives to creativity. Students will develop creative abilities individually through a variety of techniques and projects, and within teams as they construct entrepreneurial projects.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201 , PSY 201, or PSY 202; or instructor consent.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4250 - Community Psychology (3)

    Examination and exploration of the field of Community Psychology. Examines how psychological theory and research are applied for understanding and changing social and community problems. Explores how the Community Psychology perspective is incorporated into research, intervention, social action, and public policy. Includes 8 hours of required community activity. 3 lecture discussions.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 or PSY 202.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4260 - Applied Social Psychology (3)

    Application of methods, concepts and content of social psychology to helping to resolve social problems in areas such as diversity, the environment, workplace, community, law, education, health, well-being, and the mass media. Development and evaluation of applied programs.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 4401  or PSY 401.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4401 - Social Psychology (3)

    Advanced study of human behavior as a product of the individual and social environment: social influences on cognition, perception, emotion, and behavior; attitude formation and change; the self and identity; interpersonal and intergroup relations; and the nature of prejudice.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 or PSY 202.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4402 - Theories of Learning (3)

    Examination of both classical theories of learning and current theories and research, including a detailed overview of Pavlovian and operant conditioning, stimulus control and traditional learning theories, cognitive challenges to traditional theory and the evolution of contemporary theories. The limits imposed on learning by biological influences are also discussed. Throughout, theories are related to applications such as parenting, teaching, and therapeutic behavior modification.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 or PSY 202.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4403 - Psychology of Personality (3)

    Advanced study of major contemporary approaches to personality. Emphasis on development and structure of personality. Biological, psychological and socio-cultural determinants. Dynamics and changes of personality.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 or PSY 202.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4404 - Qualitative Methods in Psychology (3)

    Exploration of the theories, characteristics, and approaches to designing and conducting qualitative research projects in psychological applied settings. Hands-on experience in various qualitative methods and analysis techniques while implementing a qualitative research project related to their area of interest.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 or PSY 202; and PSY 2204  or PSY 204 or SOC 204.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4404A .
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4404A - Qualitative Methods in Psychology Activity (1)

    Exploration of the theories, characteristics, and approaches to designing and conducting qualitative research projects in psychological applied settings. Students gain hands-on experience in various qualitative methods and analysis techniques while implementing a qualitative research project related to their area of interest.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201 , PSY 201 or PSY 202; PSY 2204 , PSY 204 or SOC 204.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4430 - Program Evaluation (3)

    Application of psychological theories, research designs, methods, analysis procedures, and communication strategies used in applied research and program evaluation to bring solutions to social and organizational problems. Examination of potential ethical and political problems in applied research.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2204 , PSY 204, or SOC 204.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4430A 
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4430A - Program Evaluation Activity (1)

    Hands on experience with program evaluation (i.e. data collection instrument design, data collection, analysis, etc.). Word, Excel, SPSS, or similar software is used.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2204 , PSY 204, or SOC 204.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4430 .
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4433 - Experimental Psychology (3)

    Research method and design in contemporary experimental psychology. Univariate design. Statistical and experimental control techniques. Prediction, hypothesis-testing, evaluation of results. Research ethics. Critique of sampling designs. Evaluation of current literature.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 or PSY 202; PSY 2204  or PSY 204 or SOC 204; and PSY 3307  and PSY 3307A  or PSY 307 and PSY 307A or SOC 307 and SOC 307A.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4433A .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4433A - Experimental Psychology Activity (1)

    Hands on experience with experimental psychology (i.e., data collection, analysis, etc.).  Conduct experiments in psychology and analyze the data.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201 , PSY 201, or PSY 202; PSY 2204 , PSY 204, or SOC 204; and PSY 3307  and PSY 3307A , PSY 307 and PSY 307A, or SOC 307 and SOC 307A.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4433 
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4444 - Survey Research (3)

    Development and execution of an original research project, experience with the methodology, strengths, and problems in survey research: hypothesis development, operationalization, sampling, questionnaire construction, data analysis, and report writing. 3 hours lecture/discussion.

    Prerequisite(s): STA 1200  or STA 120; PSY 2204  or PSY 204; and PSY 3307  and PSY 3307A , PSY 307 and PSY 307A, or SOC 307 and SOC 307A.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4444A .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4444A - Survey Research Activity (1)

    Development and execution of an original research project, experience with the methodology, strengths, and problems in survey research: hypothesis development, operationalization, sampling, questionnaire construction, data analysis, and report writing. 1 two hour activity.

    Prerequisite(s): STA 1200  or STA 120; PSY 2204 , PSY 204, or SOC 204; and PSY 3307  and PSY 3307A , PSY 307 and PSY 307A, or SOC 307 and SOC 307A.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4444 
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4450 - Principles of Behavior Modification (3)

    Principles and practice of behavior modification as applicable to home, school, and institutional settings.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 or PSY 202.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4452 - Organizational Development and Change (3)

    Exploration of the theories and practices in organizational development and change. Interventions for organizations, groups and teams, and individuals are discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 3314 , PSY 314, PSY 3332 , PSY 332, or permission of Instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4455 - Human Sexuality: Relationships (3)

    Investigation of human sexual relationships. Survey of scientific literature on human sexual behavior and close interpersonal relationships. Examination of historical, cultural, and socioeconomic differences. Comparison of experiences, beliefs and knowledge with class members. Course fulfills GE synthesis D4.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing; and GE area D1, D2, D3.
    GE Area(s): D4
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4460 - Sensation and Perception (3)

    Examination of the psychophysiological and perceptual aspects of vision, audition, the somatosensory system, and the chemical senses. It also examines the classical and contemporary psychophysical methods used to study sensation and perception.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201  or PSY 201 or PSY 202; and PSY 2204  or PSY 204 or SOC 204.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4460A .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4460A - Sensation and Perception Activity (1)

    Examination of psychophysiological and perceptual aspects of vision, audition, the somatosensory system, and the chemical senses. It also examines the classical and contemporary psychophysical methods used to study sensation and perception.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201 , PSY 201 or PSY 202; and PSY 2204 , PSY 204 or SOC 204.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 4460 .
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4490 - Leadership and Teams (3)

    Major theoretical approaches in the psychological study of leadership. Examination of traits, skills, and behaviors necessary for effective leadership. Examination of situational factors in determining what is effective leadership. Lectures, discussions, and experiential activities to assist in developing leaders. 3 hours seminar

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2201 , PSY 201, PSY 202, or instructor consent.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Contact Hour(s): 3 hours seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4610 - Senior Project (2)

    Selection and completion of a project under faculty supervision. Projects typical of problems, which graduates must solve in their fields of employment or interest. Formal written report required.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing and Instructor consent.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4611 - Senior Symposium (3)

    Contemporary concepts, issues, and studies in psychology.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY major and upper division standing.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4620 - Senior Project II (2)

    Selection and completion of a project under faculty supervision. Projects typical of problems which graduates must solve in their fields of employment or interest. Formal written report required.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 4610  or PSY 461 and Instructor Consent.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 4990 - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • PSY 4990A - Special Topics for Upper Division Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • PSY 4990L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • PSY 5000 - Special Study for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems at graduate level. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • PSY 5510 - Research Methods and Statistics (3)

    Review of basic research methods in clinical psychology. Systematic examination of advanced research methods and statistical procedures. Extensive supervised experience in critiquing and redesigning research studies.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program OR Permission of instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5515 - Advanced Topics in Human Development (3)

    Focus on developmental changes in, and interactions between, the physical, cognitive, social and emotional domains throughout the lifespan. The influence of heredity and environment on development, including cross-cultural influences, will be considered. Psychopathology and its causes throughout the lifespan will also be highlighted.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program OR Permission of instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5530 - Psychobiology of Mental Disorders (3)

    A neuropsychological overview of neural systems and the brain, and the effects of brain trauma (stroke, closed head injury, etc.). Provides a psychobiological overview of the major mental disorders including schizophrenia, the affective disorders, Alzheimer’s, and developmental disorders such as autism.

    Prerequisite(s):  Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program OR Permission of instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5545 - Introduction to Family and Marital Therapy (3)

    History and development of family and marital therapy. Introduction to a variety of theoretical approaches with special emphasis on family systems. Exploration of the therapy process and the relationship of therapist’s personality to that process. 4 hours lecture/discussion

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program OR Permission of instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Contact Hour(s): 4 hours lecture/discussion
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5555 - Psychopathology (3)

    Clinical features, diagnosis, prognosis, and suggested etiological explanations of DSM diagnoses.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program OR Permission of instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5565 - Advanced Testing and Professional Issues (3)

    Theory and practice in assessment techniques in clinical practice. Includes use of assessment procedures in diagnosis, outcome evaluation, as an intervention strategy, and in clinical research. Also includes professional issues such as interviewing skills and issues in professional practice.

    Prerequisite(s):  Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 5565L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5565L - Advanced Testing and Professional Issues Laboratory (1)

    Theory and practice in assessment techniques in clinical practice. Includes use of assessment procedures in diagnosis, outcome evaluation, as an intervention strategy, and in clinical research. Also includes professional issues such as interviewing skills and issues in professional practice.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MS program.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 5565 .
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5570 - Ethical Issues in Counseling and Family Therapy (3)

    Values, ethics, and legal issues in relational therapy. Emphasis on ethical thought and decision-making. Review of professional codes and family, marriage, and divorce laws as they relate to clinical practice.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 5545 ; and Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program or Instructor consent.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5575 - Multicultural and Gender Issues in Therapy and Recovery Model (3)

    Exploration of gender and race/ethnic relations and their impact on family therapy interventions, on a micro as well as a macro level. Analysis of roles and tasks in families from a multicultural and gender perspective. Discussion of Recovery Model. 3 hours lecture/discussion.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program or Instructor consent.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Contact Hour(s): 3 hours lecture/discussion.
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5580 - Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice (2)

    Introduction to psychological services and essential clinical skills required of marital and family therapists through discussions of and exposure to evidence-based programs used in clinical settings. The integration of theory and practice, professional roles, and personal intervention styles are also explored.

    Prerequisite(s):  Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5581 - Practicum I (2)

    Introduction to supervised experience in clinical skills required of marital and family therapists. Group supervision through video-taped sessions, and live supervision and case notes, will focus on difficult aspects of case management for the beginning therapist.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program and PSY 5580 , or instructor consent.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5582 - Practicum II (1)

    Introduction to supervised experience in clinical skills required of marital and family therapists. Group supervision through video-taped sessions, and live supervision and case notes, will focus on difficult aspects of case management for the beginning therapist.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 5580 , PSY 5581  and Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program, or instructor consent.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5583 - Practicum III (2)

    Introduction to supervised experience in clinical skills required of marital and family therapists. Group supervision through video-taped sessions, and live supervision and case notes, will focus on difficult aspects of case management for the beginning therapist.

    Prerequisite(s): Second year status in Psychology MS program and PSY 5582 , or instructor consent.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 6620 .
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5584 - Practicum IV (2)

    Fifth in a series. Group supervision of students’ therapy sessions with marriage and family clients. Supervision and peer discussion of video-taped and live sessions will be used. Presentation of student findings for their difficult and/or instructive cases for supervision.

    Prerequisite(s): Second year status in Psychology MS program and PSY 5583 , or instructor consent.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 6621 .
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5598 - Human Sexuality (3)

    Interdisciplinary considerations (biological, psychological, social) of research and theory related to human sexuality. Prevention and remediation of sexual problems. Clinical case material used to demonstrate dysfunctions and treatment.

    Prerequisite(s):  Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program 
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 5990 - Special Topics for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • PSY 5990A - Special Topics for Graduate Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • PSY 5990L - Special Topics for Graduate Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • PSY 6605 - Diagnosis and Treatment of the Family/Family Violence (3)

    Part of a three-course sequence in Marriage and Family Therapy. Diagnostic assessment of family dysfunctions and therapeutic interventions, covering various approaches. Examination of family violence issues, including elder abuse.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 6606 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Couples and Spousal Abuse (3)

    Part of a three-course sequence of didactic material in Marriage and Family Therapy. The focus is on the diagnostic assessment of couple dysfunctions and therapeutic interventions covering various approaches to working with couples. 3 hours lecture/problem-solving.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 5515 , PSY 5545 ; and Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Contact Hour(s): 3 hours lecture/problem-solving.
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 6607 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Children and Child Abuse (3)

    Part of a three-course sequence of didactic material in Marriage and Family Therapy. The focus is on the diagnostic assessment of child behavior problems and child abuse, and interventions with children and families covering various approaches to working with children.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 5515 , PSY 5545 ; and Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 6610 - Substance Use Problems: Individual, Family, and Group Processes (3)

    Exploration of theory, research, and clinical treatment of substance use disorders. Contemporary empirically supported approaches to substance use disorders. Includes discussion of drug effects, patterns of use, motivational interviewing, relapse prevention, family interventions, self-help programs, and methods of group therapy. 3 hours lecture/discussion

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology MS Program.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Contact Hour(s): 3 hours lecture/discussion
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 6620 - Supervised Practice (4)

    Directed and supervised training in psychotherapy in a field placement or on-campus clinic setting; weekly case presentations and discussions. Student functions with substantial responsibility at the level.

    Prerequisite(s): Second year graduate standing in PSY MS programs.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 6621 - Advanced Supervised Practice (4)

    Directed and supervised training in psychotherapy in a field placement or on-campus clinic setting. This continues the format of PSY 6620 with steadily increasing student responsibility and autonomy. Weekly case presentations and discussions.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in PSY 5583  and PSY 6620 ; or “I” grade(s) with letter grade(s) pending.
    Corequisite(s): PSY 5584 .
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 6692 - Independent Study (1)

    Independent study of a particular subject under faculty supervision and consultation.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 1
  • PSY 6910 - Directed Research (1-3)

    Individual research in a specialized area, under the direction of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • PSY 6920 - Independent Research (1-3)

    Individual study/investigation and research in a specialized area proposed by the student with the approval, and under the supervision, of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • PSY 6970 - Comprehensive Exam (1)

    Essay examination based on all required coursework.

    Prerequisite(s): Second year graduate standing and consent of instructor. 
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • PSY 6990 - Master’s Degree Continuation (0)

    Enrollment in this course allows candidates that have enrolled in the maximum number of thesis or project units to maintain resident status in order to receive university services.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: Unlimited

Regenerative Studies

  • RS 1110 - Introduction to Regenerative Studies (3)

    A survey of interactions between physical, biological and social systems essential for human life, including food, water, energy, shelter and waste management. Development of conscious understanding of the relationship between people and their social and physical environments, through examination of systems that sustain future generations through the regeneration of critical resources and ecosystem processes.

    GE Area(s): E
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 2000 - Special Study for Lower Division Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • RS 2990 - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-3)

    Group study of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 2990A - Special Topics for Lower Division Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 2990L - Special Topics for Lower Division Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 3010 - Life Support Processes (3)

    Understanding the complex physical and biological systems, and the social context within which they occur, which provide resources and processes to meet the basic needs of human communities. These systems and processes provide water, food, energy, shelter, atmosphere, and a functional landscape. Course fulfills GE synthesis B5.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing; and one course in GE Areas A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, and B4. 
    GE Area(s): B5
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 3020 - Global Regenerative Systems (3)

    Study of the institutional factors affecting the implementation of regenerative practices needed to meet the challenges of limited resources. Investigations of the global effects of human activities in the pursuit of food, water, energy, shelter, and waste sinks.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing; and one course in GE Areas A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, and B4. 
    GE Area(s): D4
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 3030 - Organization for Regenerative Practices (3)

    Investigation of sustainable organizing processes for regenerative practices. The cultural and institutional organizing processes are examined at the global, multi-national, national, regional, local, family, and individual levels. Organizing practice is examined in the context of coalitions among government, business, community and environmental groups, and evaluated with regard to effectiveness in advancing pro-environmental change.

    Prerequisite(s): GE Areas A, C1, C2a, C2b, D1, D2, and D3.
    GE Area(s): C3, D4
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 4000 - Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems at advanced level. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • RS 4140 - Current Applications in Regenerative Studies (2)

    Application of regenerative processes and technologies to contemporary community, energy, food, water, waste, and biotic systems. Includes laboratory component for hands-on learning. Specific topics vary by term. See Lyle Center office for topics offered. May be taken up to three times, only with different topics, for a total credit of 6 units.

    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 3
  • RS 4140L - Current Applications in Regenerative Studies Laboratory (1)

    Application of regenerative processes and technologies to contemporary community, energy, food, water, waste, and biotic systems. Includes laboratory component for hands-on learning. Specific topics vary by term. See Lyle Center office for topics offered. May be taken up to three times, only with different topics, for a total credit of 3 units.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 3
  • RS 4200 - Watershed Restoration (2)

    Watershed restoration strategies integrate basic concepts of hydrology, sedimentology, geomorphology, and ecology in an effort to reverse degraded water quality and watershed function. Explore the physical processes of watersheds and stream corridors through lectures, field trips and case study discussions. Engage in hands-on field work and address current watershed problems at local field sites.

    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 4200L - Watershed Restoration Laboratory (1)

    Watershed restoration strategies integrate basic concepts of hydrology, sedimentology, geomorphology, and ecology in an effort to reverse degraded water quality and watershed function. Explore the physical processes of watersheds and stream corridors through lectures, field trips and case study discussions. Engage in hands-on field work and address current watershed problems at local field sites.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 4300 - Solar Energy Systems (2)

    Analysis of solar technologies applied to heat, power generation and associated loss mechanisms. Examines fundamental theories that form the basis of light from the sun, and how this energy stream is appropriated for human usage. The lab component utilizes projects that must be designed and built by the student to test theory.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 106 or MAT 1060 
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 4300L - Solar Energy Systems Laboratory (1)

    Analysis of solar technologies applied to heat, power generation and associated loss mechanisms. Examines fundamental theories that form the basis of light from the sun, and how this energy stream is appropriated for human usage. The lab component utilizes projects that must be designed and built by the student to test theory.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 106 or MAT 1060 
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 4500 - Sustainable Communities (3)

    Interdisciplinary and cross cultural study of sustainable communities, emphasizing the interdependence of human society and ecology expressed in built form. Examination and analysis of intentional communities as models of traditional and/or alternative patterns. Exploration of legal and economic organization of land holding patterns, housing and community design features and values inhibiting or facilitating experimentation. Explores the impact of cultural values in our interpretation of science and history.

    Prerequisite(s): GE Areas A, C1, C2a, C2b, D1, D2, and D3.
    GE Area(s): C3, D4
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 4650 - Ecological Patterns and Processes (3)

    Investigation of principles in the emerging field of landscape ecology, and their relationship to planning, design and management decisions upon the land. Course covers landscape-scale structure, function and change in the environment, and the implications for environmental sustainability.

    Prerequisite(s): RS 301, RS 501, RS 3010 , or Instructor Consent.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 4990 - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): To be specified in the course outline.
    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 4990A - Special Topics for Upper Division Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): To be specified in the course outline.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 4990L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study at an advanced level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): To be specified in the course outline.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 5000 - Special Study for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems at graduate level. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • RS 5100 - Regenerative Concepts and Applications (3)

    Investigations of diverse historical, cultural and contemporary orientations that contribute to successful regenerative communities.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment with RS 5150 , RS 5170L  , RS 5200 , and RS 5250 .       
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5150 - Regenerative Social Practices (3)

    Investigations of psychological, sociological and cultural approaches to resource consumption, related behaviors and appropriate methods for conservation.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment with RS 5100 , RS 5170L , RS 5200 , and RS 5250 .      
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5170L - Community Practice Laboratory (1)

    Practice engaging university students, faculty and others in building community with hands-on projects.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in RS 5100  and RS 5150  
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5200 - Nature as Model (3)

    The biosphere as a model for regenerative practice with strategy implications. Exploration of modeling as a tool for understanding natural and human-designed systems in terms of impacts on quantity and quality.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment with RS 5100 , RS 5150 , RS 5170L , and RS 5250 .    
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5250 - Scientific Foundations in Regeneration (3)

    Introduction to scientific methods and concepts in relation to regenerative practices. Focus on natural processes and their chemical and physical attributes in relation to life. The development and implementation of scientific studies will be covered including the use of current and classic experimental methods and data analysis through the use of basic and advanced statistical methods.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment with RS 5100 , RS 5150 , RS 5170L , and RS 5200 .    
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5300 - Regenerative Technology (3)

    Investigation of cultural, philosophical, ethical, economic, political and technological orientations of regenerative technologies in regard to quality of human life and environmental sustainability. Introduction to renewable energy technologies used in stationary power generation and in the transportation sector for reduction in greenhouse gases emission.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing; RS 510 or RS 5100  ; and RS 520 or RS 5200 .
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5350 - Regenerative Environments (3)

    Investigation of cultural, philosophical, ethical, economic, political and technological orientations of regenerative technologies in regards to quality of human life and environmental sustainability. Concepts, systems, strategies and tools for the design of environments at multiple scales, from buildings to neighborhoods, with reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing; RS 510 or RS 5100 ; and RS 520 or RS 5200 .
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5400 - Coalition Building (3)

    Theory and case studies of coalitions among government, business, community and environmental groups.

    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5500 - Seminar in Research Methods (3)

    Exploration of research framework and research design in regenerative studies. Comparison of methodologies from different disciplines for investigating regenerative systems. Application of disciplinary based approaches and developing interdisciplinary collaboration for research projects in regenerative studies.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent; or RS 510 or RS 5100 ; RS 520 or RS 5200 ; RS 530 or RS 5300 ; and RS 530 or RS 5350 .
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 5990 - Special Topics for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 5990A - Special Topics for Graduate Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 5990L - Special Topics for Graduate Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • RS 6100 - Methods and Applications in Regenerative Studies (2)

    Investigation and application of regenerative principles and methods to contemporary environmental problems, encompassing a broad range of social and ecological considerations.

    Prerequisite(s): RS 520, RS 5200 , or Instructor Consent.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 6100L - Methods and Applications in Regenerative Studies Laboratory (1)

    Investigation and application of regenerative principles and methods to contemporary environmental problems, encompassing a broad range of social and ecological considerations.

    Prerequisite(s): RS 520 or RS 5200 .
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 6910 - Directed Research (1-3)

    Individual research in a specialized area, under the direction of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Prerequisite(s): RS 550 or RS 5500 .
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • RS 6920 - Independent Research (1-3)

    Individual study/investigation and research in a specialized area proposed by the student with the approval, and under the supervision, of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing and Instructor Consent.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • RS 6940 - Thesis/Project Research (3)

    Research leading to thesis or project for Master’s Degree.

    Prerequisite(s):  Graduate Standing; and RS 550 or RS 5500 .
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: Unlimited
  • RS 6950 - Master’s Project (3)

    Project concerning a significant research or demonstration problem in sustainable environments. May be client-oriented. Required for students selecting a Project option for the MSRS Degree.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing; and RS 694 or RS 6940 .
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s): Required for students selecting a Project option for the MSRS Degree.
  • RS 6960 - Master’s Thesis (3)

    A formal thesis concerning a significant research problem in the field of regenerative studies. Required for students selecting the Thesis option for the MSRS Degree.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing; and RS 694 or RS 6940 .
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • RS 6990 - Master’s Degree Continuation (0)

    Enrollment in this course allows candidates that have enrolled in the maximum number of thesis or project units to maintain resident status in order to receive university services.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing; and RS 694, RS 6940 , or Graduate Coordinator Consent.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: Unlimited


NOTE: For all courses which have both a lecture component and an activity and/or laboratory component (e.g. SCI 1010 , SCI 1010A , SCI 1020A ), all components are corequisities; that is, they must be taken concurrently.

  • SCI 1010 - Science and Mathematics: Freshman Experience I (1)

    Academic success as a College of Science student. As members of a college-wide learning community, students will explore engaging interdisciplinary problems with global impact while developing critical thinking, networking and communication skills. Identification and understanding of academic expectations, intellectual challenges, resources and opportunities available to students as university learners. SCI 1010/1010A and SCI 1020A together satisfy GE Area E.

    Corequisite(s): SCI 1010A .
    GE Area(s): E
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s): SCI 1010/1010A and SCI 1020A together satisfy GE Area E.

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