2015-2016 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Liberal Studies
Return to: College of Education and Integrative Studies
Christina Chávez-Reyes, Chair
Estela C. Ballón |
Deborah Meadows |
Howard Jian |
Susan Rogers |
Karen S. Langlois |
The major in Liberal Studies offers a diversified curriculum for those who are attracted to an interdisciplinary program of study. The purposes of Liberal Studies are twofold: (1) to provide the undergraduate preparation for students to teach in the public elementary schools of California, and (2) to prepare students for graduate work in such fields as law; or for work in business, human services, government, and public relations; or to pursue intellectual fulfillment for its own sake.
Five subplans are available. The first is a baccalaureate curriculum preparation for the teaching credential program (monolingual). The second is a baccalaureate curriculum preparation for teaching with a bilingual Spanish focus. There are also two (English only and bilingual Spanish) BA/credential subplans. The fifth subplan, General Studies, is a flexible program of study for students which assures a breadth of education and provides opportunity for emphasis in an area of one’s choice; this option is currently the best for most students, even those wishing to be teachers.
For students interested in teaching, admission to the Teacher Education Program is by separate application, usually in the senior year or as a graduate student. Students choosing a career in education should consult with the Credential Services Office in CEIS for entrance requirements for the credential program. Future teachers are also advised that the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) should be taken in their junior year to appropriately address possible deficiencies prior to graduation or application to the Teacher Education program. Students taking either Bilingual subplan should consult with the BCLAD advisor in the CEIS Credential Services Office to ensure that they have the proper coursework and experience to meet the credentialing requirements in this area. Teacher candidates also have the responsibility to pass the CSET examination, as well as other requirements. Contact the CEIS Credential Services Office or the Liberal Studies Department office for details, as teacher education requirements are subject to change.
The curriculum for those wishing to be teachers includes discipline areas of language and literature, mathematics, science, social science/history, humanities, the visual and performing arts, physical education and human development. Students must have a grade of C or better in each class to graduate in any of the teacher preparation subplans. (This does not apply to the General Studies subplan.) Students interested in teaching after graduating in Liberal Studies may choose either the Education Specialist Credential Program or the Multiple Subject Credential Program if they meet the requirements – please see Credential Services Office for details.
For students choosing the General Studies subplan, elective courses may be used to satisfy all or part of the requirements for a minor in another subject, an additional major, or a diversified series of courses tailored to the student’s own interests. This subplan is also the most flexible for students pursuing a teaching career.
Advising: There are two types of advising for Liberal Studies majors: curriculum advising and career/personal advising. For curriculum advising - which deals with what classes to take and related issues - Liberal Studies majors will see the College Advisor, Ms. Berlinda Crawford. Call 909-869-3567 for an appointment.
Liberal Studies students are highly encouraged to see the College Advisor at least twice per year. Students, who are also responsible for their progress to degree completion, should keep accurate and careful records and become well informed about degree requirements. Getting advising requires advanced planning since it is physically impossible for all Liberal Studies majors to have curriculum advising appointments during the few weeks of official “advising” and “preregistration” periods set by the University. Appointments are scheduled throughout the year, including summer.
For career/personal advising, each Liberal Studies major are highly encouraged to meet with either the College Advisor or a Liberal Studies faculty member. The department also has a Career Center Counselor who advises in the college a few times a week. Appointments can be scheduled by calling the Liberal Studies Office (909) 869-3567.
ProgramsMajorCoursesLiberal Studies
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