PHY 4410 - Internship in Physics (1-2)

On-the-job training and work experience in physics under the guidance of a faculty internship coordinator and on-site job supervisor. The internship is arranged by the student and may not be a continuation of an ongoing job or volunteer experience. A minimum of 4 hours per week (60 hours/semester) per unit credit. Total credit limited to up to 3 units. Student must be enrolled in PHY 4410 during the term in which work at the internship site is done. Hours worked in one term may not carry over into another. May be taken up to two times for a total credit of 4 units.

Component(s): Supervisory
Grading Basis: Graded Only
Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
Repeat for Credit Limit: 2
Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to up to 3 units.
Course Category: Major Course
Note(s): Student must be enrolled in PHY 4410 during the term in which work at the internship site is done. Hours worked in one term may not carry over into another.

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