PHY 1210 - Physics of Motion, Fluids, and Heat (3)

Introduction to Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics: Kinematics, forces, conservation laws, viscous fluids, heat transfer, and the microscopic nature of gases. Emphasis on biological applications.

Prerequisite(s): C- or better in MAT 106, MAT 1060 , MAT 112, MAT 114, MAT 1140 , MAT 1140C, MAT 115, MAT 116, MAT 1150 , MAT 1200 , or MAT 1300 . (MAT 1300 can be concurrent.)
Corequisite(s): PHY 1210L 
GE Area(s): B1
Component(s): Lecture
Grading Basis: Graded Only
Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
Course Category: Service Course, GE Course

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