Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 University Catalog 
2015-2016 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Index of Courses



  • STA 499/499A/499L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture/activity/laboratory or combination of these.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • STA 525 - Time Series Analysis (4)

    Stationary and non-stationary models. Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions. Autoregressive (AR), Moving Average (MA), Autoregressive moving average (ARMA), and Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models. Models for seasonal time series. Identification, estimation, diagnostic checking and forecasting. Use of computer package such as SAS or MINITAB.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in STA 341  or STA 326  or consent or instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, odd years
  • STA 530 - Random Processes (4)

    Topics will include second order stationary processes, mean and covariance properties, Gaussian processes, Wiener process and white noise, counting and renewal processes.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in STA 241  or STA 326  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, odd years
  • STA 533 - Linear Statistical Models I (4)

    Introduction to general linear models, distribution of quadratic forms, the Gauss-Markov theorem, estimation, testing the general linear hypothesis. Computer package SAS will be used.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in STA 432  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, even years
  • STA 534 - Linear Statistical Models II (4)

    Fixed and random components models, balanced and unbalanced cases, analysis of covariance, components of variance. Computer package SAS will be used.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in STA 533  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, even years
  • STA 560 - Advanced Experimental Designs (4)

    Incomplete block designs, fractional factorial designs, multifactor experiments with randomization restrictions, response surface methods and designs.

    Prerequisite(s): STA 435  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
  • STA 565 - Multivariate Analysis (4)

    Multivariate distribution. Variance-covariance matrices. Multivariate Normal distribution, Hotelling’s T2 distribution. Inference about a mean vector. Discriminant analysis, Principal components, Factor analysis and Clustering. Use of computer package such as SAS or MINITAB.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in STA 341  or STA 326 , and MAT 208  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, odd years
  • STA 584 - Queueing Theory (4)

    Analysis of queueing systems, discrete and continuous time Markov processes, birth and death processes, equilibrium results for single and multiple server queues, method of stages, priority queues.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in STA 430 , and STA 341  or STA 441 , or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, even years
  • STA 590 - Supervised Statistical Consulting (2)

    Use of Statistical Computer Packages and Spreadsheets, Formulation of Statistical/Probabilistic Models, Planning of surveys and experiments, data analysis, report writing and presentation, oral communication with clients, role-playing and group discussions.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in STA 432  or STA 435  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 2 lecture/problem-solving.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of 4 units of credit.
  • STA 599/599A/599L - Special Topics for Graduate Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of Instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture/Activity/Laboratory or combination of these.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.

Teacher Education

CR/NC courses noted with a +

  • TED 105 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education - Field Experience (4)

    Survey course for undergraduate Liberal Studies students as an introduction to the field of early childhood education. Students will become acquainted with school organization, state and national connections, relevant court decisions, contemporary social issues, school funding, demographics and trends, guided observation, diverse school populations, and the American early childhood education scene today.

  • TED 302/302A - Literacy and Schooling (1/1)

    Exploration of issues and strategies related to early childhood literacy and literacy instruction. Effective techniques for literacy instruction are examined within ten hours of observation in diverse early childhood educational settings. TED 302/302A and TED 303/303A  are contiguous courses. Credit for TED 302/302A is earned upon completion of TED 302/302A and TED 303/303A .

    Component(s): One seminar/discussion. One two-hour activity.
  • TED 303/303A - Seminar in Literacy (1/1)

    Early literacy instruction strategies are applied to twenty hours of field experience in early childhood education settings. Participants develop a literacy case study. TED 302/302A  and TED 303/303A are contiguous courses. Credit is earned upon completion of TED 302/302A  and TED 303/303A.

    Component(s): One seminar/discussion. One two-hour activity.
  • TED 400 - Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-2)

    Individual or group investigation, research studies, or surveys of selected problems.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units, with a maximum of 2 units per quarter.
    Note(s): Optional credit/no credit grading basis at the student’s request.
  • TED 405 - Introduction to Contemporary Teaching (4)

    Required of candidates for the multiple and single subject credentials prior to admission to clinical practice. Emphasis on Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) standards for teacher candidates; standards for English learners, state curriculum content standards, common core standards, and the knowledge, skills and dispositions included in the Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs) for teacher candidates and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). May be taken concurrently with core courses. Recommended as background preparation for the TPA.

  • TED 406 - Educational Psychology (4)

    Theories and knowledge of human development, learning and language acquisition are explored in relation to self, others and schooling. Course provides opportunities for applied professional decision making, planning and reflection related to a variety of situations.

    Component(s): 4 seminar/discussions.
    Note(s): 15 hours of field participation required.
  • TED 407 - Education in a Diverse Society (4)

    Explores the nature of culture as a complex body of knowledge related to the understanding of self, others and schooling. Explores diversity in relation to educational history, philosophy, sociology and law, which forms a basis for equity, ethics and understanding of English Language learners.

    Component(s): 4 seminar/discussions.
    Note(s): 15 hours of field participation required.
  • TED 410 - Public Schooling and Literacy (Student Literacy Corps I) (4)

    Exploration of issues and strategies related to literacy and literacy instruction are applied to 20 hours of volunteer one-on-one tutoring in the community. TED 410 and TED 411  are contiguous courses. Credit for TED 410 is earned upon completion of TED 410 and TED 411 .

    Component(s): 4 seminars.
  • TED 411 - Seminar in Community Tutoring (Student Literacy Corps II) (4)

    Problem-solving strategies are applied to 40 hours of volunteer one-on-one tutoring in the community. Participants investigate an independent research topic related to literacy or literacy instruction.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 410 .
    Component(s): 4 seminars.
    Note(s): Credit for TED 411 is earned upon completion of TED 410  and TED 411.
  • TED 412/412A - Developing and Implementing a Comprehensive Pre K - 3 Literacy Program (3/1)

    Development of literacy in children in grade Pre K - 3. Background information and introduction to the elements of a balanced reading program. Development and organization of an integrated reading program including: phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, spelling, comprehension and writing. Twenty hours field experience required.

    Component(s): Three seminar/discussion. One two-hour activity.
  • TED 422 - Science, History, Integrated Arts in Special Education (4)

    Principles and methodology of assessing and teaching academic content areas within K-12 levels. State standards in history, social science, science, physical education, and visual and performing arts. Adapting and modifying curriculum and instruction for student backgrounds, interests, abilities.

    Prerequisite(s): EDS 403 TED 406 , TED 407 , GED 400/400L ; or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar-discussion.
  • TED 425 - Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education (4)

    Principles and methodology of teaching mathematics in the elementary school including: instructional design, material selection, and student assessment with an emphasis on problem solving.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program.
    Component(s): Four unit hours seminar/discussion.
  • TED 427 - Clinical Practice I (8)

    Supervised teaching in university-approved classroom. The prospective teacher will experience initial teaching responsibilities in culturally diverse public school settings. Approval to clinical practice required.

    Corequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in TED 440 .
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 429 - Clinical Practice II (8)

    Supervised full-day teaching in university-approved schools.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 427 .
    Corequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in TED 441 .
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated upon the advice of the Coordinator.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 431 - Theory and Practice in Science Education (4)

    Theories, strategies and experiential learning opportunities for science education through inquiry and discovery in diverse classrooms. Topics address: content and common core standards, expectations, curricula, materials, assessment, and technology as they relate to the teaching of science.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program.
    Component(s): Four unit seminar/discussions.
  • TED 432 - Secondary Reading and Literacy (4)

    Examines the role that language, cognition, culture, and social context play in learning subject matter across the curriculum. Presents diagnostic, developmental, and assessment techniques for comprehension of content and common core standards in single-subject classrooms. Minimum 20 hours field experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Credential Program.
    Component(s): 4 unit seminar/discussions.
  • TED 434 - Secondary Curriculum and Methods (4)

    Strategies and techniques for teaching in a content area in the secondary schools. Objectives, curriculum, methods and materials used in secondary education to meet content and common core standards. Course will be taught by a Subject Specialist.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program.
    Component(s): 4 unit seminar/discussions.
  • TED 435 - Clinical Practice I (8) +

    Supervised teaching in university-approved classroom. The prospective teacher will experience initial teaching responsibilities in culturally diverse public school settings. Admission to Clinical Practice required.

    Corequisite(s): TED 436 .
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated upon the advice of the Coordinator.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 436 - Seminar in Secondary Clinical Practice I (1)

    Constructive analysis of problems and procedures of secondary teaching experiences.

    Corequisite(s): TED 435  or TED 439 .
  • TED 437 - Secondary Clinical Practice II (8) +

    Supervised student teaching in university-approved schools.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 435  and TED 436 .
    Corequisite(s): TED 438  and TED 441 .
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 438 - Seminar in Secondary Clinical Practice II (1)

    Synthesis of knowledge and experiences provided in the clinical practice experiences of a prospective secondary teacher.

    Corequisite(s): TED 437  or TED 439 .
  • TED 439 - Secondary Intern Clinical Practice and Seminar (3-18) +

    Supervised intern teaching in university-approved classrooms. The intern will experience teaching responsibilities in culturally diverse, Single Subject public school classrooms. Admission to Single Subject Intern Program required.

    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for up to 18 units; a minimum of 12 units required.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 440 - Teaching Performance Assessment Block I (2)

    Assessment of instructional strategies and techniques relevant to the education professional. Interpersonal relationships in educational settings including effective communication skills with formative feedback for collaborative classrooms. Application of legislation aligned with the state-adopted academic content standards for K-12 students, as well as with the state content frameworks, the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) and the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs). A focus on school culture and analysis of teaching performance. To be taken concurrently with first quarter of Clinical Practice/Internship and requires the successful completion of TPA 2, Designing Instruction and TPA 3, Assessing Learning.

    Corequisite(s): TED 427  or TED 435 ; or enrolled in one of these courses: TED 439 , or TED 449 , or EDS 554 , or EDS 564 .
  • TED 441 - Teaching Performance Assessment Block II (2)

    Assessment of instructional strategies and techniques relevant to the education professional. Interpersonal relationships in educational settings including effective communication skills with formative feedback for collaborative classrooms. Application of legislation aligned with the state-adopted academic content standards for K-12 students, as well as with state content frameworks, the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) and the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) as they relate to school culture, leadership skills, and continued analysis of teaching performance. To be taken concurrently with Final quarter of Clinical Practice/Internship and requires the successful completion of TPA 4, Culminating Experience.

    Corequisite(s): TED 429  or TED 437 ; or enrolled in one of these courses: TED 439  or TED 449  or EDS 554  or EDS 564 .
  • TED 442 - Secondary Writing and Literacy (4)

    Examines the role that writing plays in learning. Examines the cognitive and socio-cultural characteristics shared by the reading and writing processes relative to content and common core standards.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program.
    Component(s): 4 unit seminar/discussions.
  • TED 443 - Theory and Practice in Literacy Instruction (4)

    Theoretical models and pedagogical applications of research related to language and literacy acquisition for native English speaking and English language learners. Language development, emergent literacy, structure of language, phonemics, phonetics, letter formation, decoding, spelling, literature and literacy assessment; Minimum 20 hours field experience.

    Component(s): Preliminary 4 unit seminar/discussions required for admission to Multiple Subjects and Education Specialist Credential programs.
  • TED 444 - Theory and Practice in Language Arts Education (4)

    Acquisition of theories, research knowledge and pedagogues that develop comprehension, critical thinking and writing for native English speakers and English language learners. Questioning/discussion and reading/study strategies and the writing process within/for multicultural literature and expository text.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program.
    Component(s): 4 unit seminar/discussions.
  • TED 446 - Models of Teaching for the Secondary Classroom (4)

    Theories and models of teaching, presentation and applied instructional techniques to address content and common core standards. Focuses on planning, visualizing, displaying, organizing and developing lessons and concepts in the visual-spatial, musical, kinesthetic and thematic arenas of the curriculum.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program.
    Component(s): 4 seminar discussions.
  • TED 449 - Multiple Subject Intern Clinical Practice and Seminar (3-18)

    Supervised intern teaching in university-approved Multiple Subject classrooms. The intern will experience teaching responsibilities in a Multiple Subject, culturally diverse public school setting. Admission to Multiple Subject Intern Program required.

    Grading: Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
    Repeatable: May be repeated for up to 18 units; a minimum of 12 units required.
  • TED 450 - Topics in Education (3)

    Emphasis on discussion and analysis of selected topics in education.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 3 lecture discussions.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of 9 units.
  • TED 451 - Theory and Practice in History/Social Science Integrated Arts Education (4)

    Integration of theory and application of elementary social science curriculum, common core standards, and school and classroom group processes. Provides study and application of group processes such as, cooperative learning, instructional approaches for teaching social science include provisions for learners with language and other special needs.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program.
    Component(s): Four unit seminar/discussions.
  • TED 452 - Language Structure and Development for Teaching/Learning in English/Bilingual Classrooms (4)

    Language structure, theories, pedagogical practices and assessment techniques of bilingual education and English language development for elementary and secondary classrooms.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TED 453 - Culture and Cultural Diversity in Multicultural and International Educational Settings (4)

    Inquiry into the nature of culture, manifestations of culture, cross-cultural analysis, cultural contact, and cultural diversity internationally, in the U.S.A. and California; development of skills and materials specifically designed for working in a multicultural learning environment.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teaching credential program or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 seminars.
  • TED 455 - Clinical Practice I for Mild/Moderate Credential (8) +

    Supervised teaching in university approved culturally diverse public school special education setting for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Includes seminar. Integrates the competencies for the Level I Credential.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , TED 407 , TED 425  or TED 434 , TED 443 , TED 442  or TED 444 , TED 422  or TED 446 , and TED 551 , admission to Clinical Practice or permission of Coordinator.
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated upon the advice of the Coordinator.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 457 - Clinical Practice II for Mild/Moderate Credential (8) +

    Continuation of supervised teaching in university-approved culturally diverse public school special education setting for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Includes seminar. Integrates the competencies for the Level I Credential.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 455  or permission of Coordinator.
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated upon the advice of the Coordinator.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 459 - Intern Clinical Practice for Mild/Moderate Credential (3-18) +

    Supervised intern teaching in university-approved culturally diverse public school special education setting for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Includes seminar. Integrates the competencies for the Level I Credential.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , TED 407 , TED 443 , admission to the Intern program or permission of Coordinator.
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated upon the advice of the Coordinator. Total of 16 units required.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 465 - Clinical Practice I for Moderate/Severe Credential (8) +

    Supervised teaching in university-approved culturally diverse public school special education setting for students with moderate/severe disabilities. Includes seminar. Integrates the competencies for the Level I Credential.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , TED 407 , TED 425  or TED 434 , TED 443 , TED 442  or TED 444 , TED 422  or TED 446 , TED 551 , admission to Clinical Practice or permission of Coordinator.
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated upon the advice of the Coordinator.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 467 - Clinical Practice II for Moderate/Severe Credential (8) +

    Continuation of supervised teaching in university-approved culturally diverse public school special education setting for students with moderate/severe disabilities. Includes seminar. Integrates the competencies for the Level I Credential.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 465  or permission of Coordinator.
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated upon the advice of the Coordinator.
    Note(s): Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 469 - Intern Clinical Practice for Moderate/Severe Credential (3-18)

    Supervised intern teaching in university-approved culturally diverse public school special education setting for students with moderate/severe disabilities. Includes seminar. Integrates the competencies for the Level I Credential.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , TED 407 , TED 443 , and admission into the Intern program or permission of Coordinator.
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    Repeatable: May be repeated upon the advice of the Coordinator. Total of 16 units required.
    Faculty: Credit/No Credit (CR/NC)
  • TED 499/499A/499L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Corequisite(s): may be required.
    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, activity, or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • TED 515/515A - Bilingual Education: Reading, Language Arts and Content Instruction in the Primary Language (Spanish or Mandarin Chinese) (4/1)

    Issues in bilingual education; pedagogical practices, assessment techniques and exploration of instructional materials for reading, language arts, and content instruction in Spanish/English or Mandarin Chinese/English bilingual elementary and secondary classrooms.

    Prerequisite(s): Admitted to the teaching credential program and/or approved by the Bilingual Coordinator.
    Component(s): 4 seminar/discussions. 1 two-hour activity.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Minimum 20 hours student/classroom/activity contact hours required.
  • TED 530 - Advanced Study of Moderate and Severe Disabilities (4)

    Advanced study of moderate/severe developmental disabilities. Evaluation of current research and educational practices. Use of data-based decision making in educational programming.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 465  or TED 469  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar/discussion.
  • TED 551 - Special Populations (4)

    An overview of students with disabilities and students who are gifted which includes federal and state legislation requirements; IEP principles and procedures; principles for assessing and instructing mainstreamed students; curricular and instructional adaptations; and fieldwork across a variety of special education settings.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , and TED 407 .
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar/discussion.
  • TED 553 - Assessment of Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities (4)

    Theory and practice of formal and informal assessment of students with mild/moderate disabilities. Policies/procedures for adapting assessment for English language learners with mild/moderate disabilities. Using assessment results to plan and implement student goals and objectives and curricula.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , TED 407 , TED 432  or TED 443 , TED 551  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar/discussion.
  • TED 554 - Advanced Reading Seminar in Mild/Moderate Disabilities (4)

    Comprehensive study of current/emerging research and practice in reading instruction for academically, culturally, and linguistically diverse students with mild/moderate disabilities. Emphasis on characteristics, impacting factors, assessment strategies, and data-based decision making. In-depth investigation/application of selected areas of inquiry.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 457  or TED 459  or TED 467  or TED 469  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar/discussion.
  • TED 555 - Assessment of Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities (4)

    Theory and practice of formal and informal assessment of students with moderate/ severe disabilities. Policies/procedures for adapting assessment for English learners with moderate/severe disabilities. Using assessment results to plan and implement student goals, objectives, and curricula.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , TED 407 , TED 432  or TED 443 , TED 551  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar/discussion.
  • TED 556 - Curriculum for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities (4)

    Theory and application of curricula for students with moderate/ severe disabilities. Instructional strategies, curricular modification, and practices. Adaptations for English learners. Theories and practices of inclusion. Strategies for meeting mobility, sensory, and specialized health care needs in the classroom.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , TED 407 , TED 432  or TED 443 , and TED 551  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar/discussion.
  • TED 559 - Advanced Seminar in Mild/Moderate Disabilities (4)

    Advanced seminar on the examination, evaluation, and implementation of curricula and instruction for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Evaluation of current research and educational practices. Uses of data-based decision making in educational programming.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 455  or TED 459  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 seminar/discussions.
  • TED 582 - Introduction to Mild/Moderate Disabilities (4)

    Etiology, characteristics, and basic principles of curriculum and instruction for students with mild and moderate disabilities. Evaluation of current research and educational practices.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 105  or TED 405 , TED 406 , TED 432  or TED 443 , and TED 551  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 seminar/discussion.
  • TED 584 - Organization and Management of Special Education Programs (4)

    Legal compliance requirements in planning and financing special education programs. Conceptual framework and research in operation of special education procedures and programs.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 457  or TED 459  or TED 467  or TED 469  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 seminar/discussion.
  • TED 588 - Introduction to Assistive Technology (4)

    Introduction to assistive technology solutions for students with disabilities. Current law, IEP considerations and planning, demonstrations and practical application using selected assistive hardware and software, augmentative communication, universal design. Curriculum integration and inclusion strategies for AT.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 457  or TED 459  or TED 467  or TED 469  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 hours seminar/discussion.
  • TED 589 - Advanced Behavioral and Environmental Supports (4)

    Advanced study of assessment, planning, and provision of academic social skill instruction for students with complex behavioral and emotional needs. Strategies for collaboration with educational, mental health, and community resources to insure a positive learning environment and appropriate supports.

    Prerequisite(s): TED 551 ; TED 553  or TED 555 ; TED 582  or TED 556  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 seminar/discussions.

Technology and Operations Management

  • TOM 103 - Business and Its Environment (4)

    American business system in its economic, social, political, national, and international environment. Coverage of the major activities of business and the key institutions influencing its service to society. Participation in a computerized competitive business simulation.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 200 - Special Study for Lower Division Students (1-4)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems. A variable number of units, from 1 to 4, is allowed in any quarter.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Maximum total credit is limited to 4 units.
  • TOM 299/299A/299L - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • TOM 301 - Operations Management (4)

    Fundamental concepts of operations including: productivity, quality control and total quality management, new product and process development, forecasting, inventory management, supply chain management, project management, operations strategy, and computer applications.

    Prerequisite(s): STA 120  or equivalent, and Personal Computer Proficiency.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 302 - Managerial Statistics (4)

    Theory and application of managerial statistics: data collection, confidence interval estimation of mean and proportion, one and two-sample hypothesis testing of mean and proportion, one-way and two-way Chi-square testing, simple regression, and multiple regression. Use of computers.

    Prerequisite(s): STA 120  or equivalent, MAT 125  or equivalent, and Personal Computer Proficiency.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
  • TOM 309 - Logistics Management (4)

    Logistics strategy and planning, logistics chain customer service, order processing and information systems, transport decisions and vehicle routing, procurement, storage and handling, logistics organization and control.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • TOM 315 - Management Science (4)

    Introduction to deterministic quantitative decision analysis, modeling, and problem-solving. Linear programming model formulation, solution, sensitivity analysis transportation, assignment, transshipment, integer models, network models; application of computers in deterministic modeling.

    Prerequisite(s): STA 120  or equivalent, and Personal Computer Proficiency.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 319 - Transportation Systems and Traffic Management (4)

    Analysis of competitive alternative modes, systems, rates, services, and regulations as prerequisite to transport purchase decisions. Organization, operations, and management of the firm’s traffic department. Impact of present and proposed transportation and environmental developments on industrial and carrier operations.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • TOM 320 - Management of Technology (4)

    The planning, development, and implementation of technological capabilities to shape and accomplish the strategic and operational objectives of a business organization. Topics of study include: dimensions, life cycle, and diffusion of technology; technological forecasting and environmental monitoring, role of technology in strategic management; managing change, assessment, justification, and financing new technology; and management of new technology-based firms.

    Prerequisite(s): MHR 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 332 - Production Management (4)

    Application of quantitative methods to problems in production and operations management, including facility location, design of operations and work systems, job simplification, queuing systems, scheduling, motion and time study.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 , or concurrent enrollment in TOM 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 350 - Decision Support and Expert Systems (4)

    Computer-based information systems for semi-structured business problems; database, dialogue management, and model-base subsystems; design and implementation of decision support and expert systems; introduction to artificial intelligence and expert systems.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 400 - Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-4)

    Individual or group research, studies, or surveys, of selected problems. A variable number of units from one to four is allowed in any quarter.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Maximum total credit is limited to 4 units.
  • TOM 401 - Quality Management (4)

    Quality history, definitions, philosophies, awards, ISO 9000. Quality in manufacturing and services. Customer focus, process management, cost of quality, statistical thinking. Six Sigma: principles, DMAIC, and DFSS. Process improvement methods and tools. Statistical process control.

    Prerequisite(s): STA 120  or STA 309  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 419 - Simulation Modeling and Analysis (4)

    Computer simulation of manufacturing and service operations. Model development with a simulation software package; statistical output analysis; model verification and validation; and applications of simulation in manufacturing operations, transportation systems, and layouts for service organizations such as banks and hospitals.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 302 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 420 - Operations Technologies and Strategies (4)

    Contemporary supply chain management technologies (including but not limited to technologies for supply chain visibility, facility design, transportation and logistics, materials management, warehousing and distribution); innovative use of technology for competitive advantage; structural and infrastructural policies and systems in operations strategy decisions, team-based case study and learn-by-doing exercises.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 .
  • TOM 425 - Supply Chain Design, Analysis and Representation (4)

    Examination of how operational models are developed to facilitate supply chain design. Introductory supply chain basics, components, metrics, cost tradeoffs, and principles. Optimization models and decision theory are utilized to face emerging supply chain decisions. Computer software emphasis.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301  and Personal Computer Proficiency.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 432 - Production and Distribution Management (4)

    Manufacturing planning and control, distribution-center operations, storage and handling, order-picking and replenishment, receiving and dispatch, distribution-center management and information, warehouse management system, item tracking, customer service.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures.
  • TOM 434 - Purchasing Management (4)

    Examines activities directed to securing the materials, supplies, equipment and services required for the proper and efficient functioning of a business, including related planning and policy issues.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/ problem-solving.
  • TOM 436 - Project Management (4)

    Study of CPM (critical path method), PERT (program evaluation and review technique) and other techniques for planning sequences of responsibilities to accomplish complex projects. Monitoring allocation of resources within rigid time and cost constraints. Use of computers.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • TOM 441 - Internship in Operations Management (1-8)

    On-the-job training in business management involving new, collegiate-level learning experiences. Experiences may be useful as a basis for senior projects.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of internship coordinator.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: A maximum of 8 units may be applied to the 44 unit directed elective requirement. Total credit limited to 8 units each course.
  • TOM 442 - Internship in Operations Management (1-8)

    On-the-job training in business management involving new, collegiate-level learning experiences. Experiences may be useful as a basis for senior projects.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of internship coordinator.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: A maximum of 8 units may be applied to the 44 unit directed elective requirement. Total credit limited to 8 units each course.
  • TOM 453 - Operations Management in Services (4)

    Introduction to fundamental concepts of operations management in services. Service strategy and development. Quality management in service operations. Service location problems. Facility design and process flows. Managing capacity and demand. Technology in services.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 .
  • TOM 460 - Project Design and Development (4)

    Problem solving in a business environment. Problem identification and selection. Preparation of project proposals, including problem statement, data collection procedures, selection of analysis techniques. Types of projects (laboratory, field, survey, ex post facto). Ethical issues. Presentation of summary proposals.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 301 , TOM 302 , TOM 315 , TOM 332 , TOM 401 .
    Component(s): 4 seminars.
  • TOM 461 - Senior Project (3)

    Selection and completion of a project under faculty supervision. Projects typical of problems which graduates must solve in their fields of employment. Formal report is required.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 460 .
    Corequisite(s): TOM 463 .
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Minimum time commitment: 120 hours.
  • TOM 463 - Undergraduate Seminar (1)

    Student presentation of project status reports, and discussion of recent developments in carrying out their senior projects.

    Prerequisite(s): TOM 460 .
    Corequisite(s): TOM 461 .
    Component(s): 2 seminars.
  • TOM 499/499A/499L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.


  • TH 125/125A - Introduction to Acting (2/2)

    Introduction to theories and approaches to acting through participation. Intensive exercises in improvisation, characterization, concentration, and interpretation. This class focuses on the individual as an instrument for creative expression and encourages research that investigates the human condition from diverse cultures. Courses fulfill GE Sub-area C1.

    Corequisite(s): TH 125/125A.
    Component(s): 2 lectures/problem-solving, 2 two-hour activities.
    Repeatable: May be repeated once for credit
  • TH 131/131A - Technical Production I (2/2)

    Principles of backstage organization, scenery construction, stage lighting preparation, property organization and design.

    Corequisite(s): TH131/131A.
    Component(s): 2 lectures/problem solving and 2 two-hour activities.
  • TH 132/132A - Technical Production II (2/2)

    Principles and techniques of theatrical make-up, and costume construction.

    Corequisite(s): TH 132/132A.
    Component(s): 2 lectures/problem-solving. 2 two-hour activities.
  • TH 133/133A - Technical Production III (2/2)

    The mechanics of stage lighting, principles and techniques of sound for the theatre, rigging of stage scenery, and techniques and application of scenic art.

    Corequisite(s): TH 133/133A.
    Component(s): 2-lecture/problem solving and 2 two-hour activities.
  • TH 150L - Beginning Voice and Movement for the Stage (2)

    An introductory study of the actor’s vocal and physical instrument from a kinesthetic approach.

    Component(s): Two three-hour laboratories.
  • TH 151/151L - Acting I (2/2)

    Theory and practice of acting with special attention to basic approaches, including improvisation, motivation, concentration, and character development using the individual as an instrument for creative expression and encouraging research of theatre literature from diverse cultures.

    Corequisite(s): TH 151/151L.
    Component(s): 2 lectures/problem-solving, 2 three-hour laboratories.
    Repeatable: May be repeated once for credit by permission of instructor.
  • TH 152/152L - Acting II (2/2)

    Theory and practice of acting, to refine and expand upon basic acting skills through improvisation and scene study using the individual as an instrument for creative expression and encouraging research of theatre literature from diverse cultures. Includes working with a student director.

    Prerequisite(s): TH 151/151L  or consent of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): TH 152/152L.
    Component(s): 2 lectures/problem-solving; 2 three-hour laboratories.
    Repeatable: May be repeated once for credit by permission of instructor.
  • TH 153/153L - Acting III (2/2)

    Theory and practice of acting, to explore techniques of performing monologues, scenes and one-act plays using the individual as an instrument for creative expression and encouraging research of theatre literature from diverse cultures. Includes vocal and physical aspects of characterization, and a range of roles, which stretch the actor’s instrument.

    Prerequisite(s): TH 151/151L , TH 152/152L  and consent of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): TH 153/153L.
    Component(s): 2 lectures/problem-solving, 2 three-hour laboratories.
    Repeatable: May be repeated once for credit by permission of instructor.
  • TH 170 - Applied Theatre (2)

    A series of specialized individual instruction for theatre majors in primary performance disciplines. A minimum of 10 hours of tutorial guidance for 2 units of credit.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for up to 6 units each, by permission of instructor.
  • TH 171 - Applied Acting and Performance (2)

    A series of specialized individual instruction for theatre majors in primary performance disciplines. A minimum of 10 hours of tutorial guidance for 2 units of credit.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor
    Repeatable: May be repeated for up to 6 units each, by permission of instructor.
  • TH 172 - Applied Directing and Management (2)

    A series of specialized individual instruction for theatre majors in primary performance disciplines. A minimum of 10 hours of tutorial guidance for 2 units of credit.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for up to 6 units each, by permission of instructor.
  • TH 173 - Applied Movement (2)

    A series of specialized individual instruction for theatre majors in primary performance disciplines. A minimum of 10 hours of tutorial guidance for 2 units of credit.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for up to 6 units each, by permission of instructor.

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