Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 University Catalog 
2015-2016 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Index of Courses



F,W, Sp, and Su notations indicate the quarter(s) each course is normally offered. Unless otherwise specified, the course is offered this year during the indicated quarter(s).

  • MAT 216 - Differential Equations (4)

    The theory of ordinary differential equations with emphasis on the linear case.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 116  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W, Sp, Su
  • MAT 224 - Elementary Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (4)

    Separable and linear ordinary differential equations; numerical and analytical solutions. Linear algebra: vectors in n-space, matrices, linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization; applications to the study of systems of linear differential equations.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 116  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
  • MAT 299/299A/299L - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture/Activity/Laboratory or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • MAT 306 - History of Mathematics (4)

    Development of mathematics over four millennia. Recommended for students preparing to teach mathematics.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 215  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture.
    When Offered: F, Sp
  • MAT 310 - Basic Set Theory and Logic (4)

    Basic set theory and logic, relations, functions, mathematical induction, countable and uncountable sets. Emphasis on how to present and understand mathematical proof.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 116  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W, Sp
  • MAT 314 - Intermediate Analysis (4)

    Metric spaces and continuity. Analysis of functions of a single variable. Sequences, limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, introduction to function spaces.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 215  and MAT 310  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W
  • MAT 315 - Intermediate Analysis (4)

    Metric spaces and continuity. Analysis of functions of a single variable. Sequences, limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, introduction to function spaces.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 314  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, Sp
  • MAT 317 - Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series (3)

    Introduction to Fourier Series and Integrals with applications. Elementary theory of Laplace transformation with applications including the solution of differential equations.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 216  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 3 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W, Sp, Su
  • MAT 318 - Mathematical Analysis of Engineering Problems (3)

    Introduction to the algebra and calculus of vectors including the divergence and Stokes’ theorem. Introduction to analytic functions of a complex variable. Not open to mathematics majors for math elective credit.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 215  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 3 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, Sp, Su
  • MAT 321 - Introduction to Topology (4)

    Topology of the line and plane, topological spaces, continuity and topological equivalence and topics selected from the following: bases and sub-bases, metric and normed spaces, countability axioms, separation axioms, compactness, connectedness, product spaces, completeness and function spaces.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 310  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F
  • MAT 325 - Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (4)

    Fundamentals of the system of integers, divisibility, congruences, theorems of Fermat and Wilson, power residues and indices, quadratic reciprocity, factorization techniques, diophantine equations, theorems of Euler, Gauss and Lagrange. Elementary results concerning the distribution of primes.

    Prerequisite(s): junior standing or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W
  • MAT 330 - Modern Euclidean Geometry (4)

    Euclidean geometry using modern techniques of transformations, inversions. Extension of elementary geometry to elegant results on triangles, circles, polygons, famous theorems of geometry, unsolved problems. Introduction to deductive reasoning and techniques of proof.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W
  • MAT 370 - Graph Theory (4)

    The study of graphs, trees, Eulerian, Hamiltonian, planar graphs, connectivity, coloring, independence and covering numbers, directed graphs, theorems of Menger, Ramsey with applications.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, Sp
  • MAT 380 - Mathematics of Operations Research (4)

    Introduction to mathematics of linear programming (LP): algebra and geometry of simplex method, solution of LP problems by Gauss-Jordan elimination method. Duality theory and sensitivity analysis. Development of revised and dual simplex algorithms. Introduction to parametric and separable convex programming. Applications of LP: computational considerations, case studies.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 208  and MAT 215  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, even years
  • MAT 381 - Mathematics of Operations Research (4)

    Solution of transportation, transshipment and assignment problems. Formulation and solution of network problems: maximal flow, minimal spanning tree, shortest route problems; PERT-CPM techniques. Introduction to dynamic and integer programming. Elements of game theory, solution of games by linear programming. Introduction to nonlinear programming: Kuhn-Tucker conditions, quadratic and convex programming; SUMP solution procedure.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 380  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, odd years
  • MAT 394 - Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Viewpoint: Algebra (4)

    Analysis of patterns and functions; proportional reasoning as foundational to algebra; inductive and deductive reasoning; proofs.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 194  or equivalent. (See Mathematics department for details).
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W, Sp, Su
  • MAT 395 - Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Viewpoint: Geometry (4)

    Analysis of construction of geometric figures; estimation and measurement of perimeter, area and volumes of shapes; induction and deductive geometric proofs.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 394 .
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W, Sp, Su
  • MAT 400 - Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-2)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies or surveys of selected problems.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units, with a maximum of 2 units per quarter.
  • MAT 401 - Numerical Analysis (4)

    Theoretical error and machine error associated with algorithms. Solutions of non-linear equations, systems of linear equations and systems of non-linear equations.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 201 , MAT 208 , MAT 215  and CS 128  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, odd years
  • MAT 402 - Numerical Methods in Differential Equations (4)

    Polynomial interpolation, cubic splines, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of differential equations including Runga-Kutta methods and predictor-corrector methods for solving initial value problems and the shooting method for solving boundary value problems.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 216  and either MAT 401  or CS 301  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, even years
  • MAT 413 - Advanced Calculus (4)

    Differential and integral calculus of functions and transformations in several real variables.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 315  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, odd years
  • MAT 415 - Foundations of Geometry (4)

    Axiomatic development of selected topics from Euclidean and neutral geometries; introduction to non-Euclidean geometry with emphasis on the hyperbolic case.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 208  and MAT 215  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, even years
  • MAT 416 - Projective Geometry (4)

    Synthetic and analytic treatment of selected topics from projective geometry; classical theorems, conics, polarities; quadratic and bilinear forms.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 208  and MAT 215  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, odd years
  • MAT 417 - Modern Algebra (4)

    Introduction to algebraic structures; groups, rings, integral domains, fields; mappings with emphasis on morphisms.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 310  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W
  • MAT 418 - Modern Algebra (4)

    Introduction to algebraic structures; groups, rings, integral domains, fields; mappings with emphasis on morphisms.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 417  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, Sp
  • MAT 419 - Abstract Linear Algebra (4)

    Vector spaces and dimension, linear transformations, dual spaces, adjoints of transformations, multilinear forms, eigenvectors, the Cayley- Hamilton theorem, inner product spaces, orthogonality, similarity transformations, the spectral theorem, Jordan form.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 208  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, even years
  • MAT 420 - Differential Geometry (4)

    The Frenet formulas, covariant derivatives, frame fields, the structure equations, differential forms on a surface, normal curvature, Gaussian curvatures; intrinsic geometry of surfaces in E3, the Gauss and Bonnet theorem.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 314  and MAT 216  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, even years
  • MAT 428 - Functions of a Complex Variable I (4)

    Algebra and geometry of complex numbers; analyticity, mappings of elementary functions; Cauchy integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, the residue theorem; conformal mapping with applications.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 314  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, odd years, W
  • MAT 429 - Functions of a Complex Variable II (4)

    Continuation of Topics in MAT 428 .

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 428  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
  • MAT 431 - Differential Equations (4)

    Partial differential equations with applications to wave actions, heat transfer and fluid flow. Ordinary differential equations; linear with variable coefficients, linear systems; stability and qualitative behavior of solutions.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 216  and MAT 208  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, odd years
  • MAT 432 - Differential Equations (4)

    Partial differential equations with applications to wave actions, heat transfer and fluid flow. Ordinary differential equations; linear with variable coefficients, linear systems; stability and qualitative behavior of solutions.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 216  and MAT 208  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, odd years
  • MAT 444 - Vector and Tensor Analysis (4)

    An integrated course in the algebra and calculus of vectors and tensors; topics in differential geometry; applications to mechanics of deformable media, hydrodynamics, general relativity.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 208  and MAT 216  or consent of instructor. PHY 321  is recommended.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, odd years
  • MAT 450 - Foundations of Mathematics (4)

    Introduction to axiom systems including consistency, independence, satisfiability and completeness; transfinite arithmetic; the continuum hypothesis; well-ordering and its equivalents.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 310  or consent of the instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, odd years
  • MAT 461 - Senior Project (2)

    Selection and completion of a project under faculty supervision. Projects typical of problems which graduates must solve in their fields of employment. Project results are presented in a formal report.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Minimum of 120 hours total time.
  • MAT 462 - Senior Project (2)

    Selection and completion of a project under faculty supervision. Projects typical of problems which graduates must solve in their fields of employment. Project results are presented in a formal report.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Minimum of 120 hours total time.
  • MAT 463 - Undergraduate Seminar (2)

    Discussions through seminar methods of new developments in the fields of student’s particular interests.

    Prerequisite(s): senior standing in mathematics.
    Component(s): 2 lecture/discussion.
  • MAT 470 - Combinatorics (4)

    Study of enumeration techniques, permutations, combinations, principle of inclusion and exclusion, finite fields, combinatorial designs, error correcting codes.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 208  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, W
  • MAT 480 - Mathematical Programming (4)

    Treatment of linear inequalities, duality, general algorithms, application of linear programming. Introduction to discrete and nonlinear programming.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 208  and CS 128  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, odd years
  • MAT 485 - Mathematical Modeling and Simulation (4)

    Introduction to the general principles of modeling. Models will be selected from the areas such as physics, biology, political science, chemistry, engineering and business. Analytical, numerical and simulation methods will be used to solve the models.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in the following courses: CS 128 , MAT 201 , MAT 208 , MAT 216  and STA 241  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, even years
  • MAT 486 - Mathematical Modeling and Simulation (4)

    Introduction to the general principles of modeling. Models will be selected from the areas such as physics, biology, political science, chemistry, engineering and business. Analytical, numerical and simulation methods will be used to solve the models.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in the following courses: CS 128 , MAT 201 , MAT 208 , MAT 216  and STA 341  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, even years
  • MAT 492 - Technological Applications in Mathematics (4)

    Use of computers, microcomputers, calculators and other technologies in doing mathematics. Evaluation and utilization of instructional software in mathematics; use of application software including databases and spreadsheets; social issues related to microcomputer use. This course is intended for future teachers at the middle and high school levels.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, Su
  • MAT 493 - Algebraic Structures and Computing for Elementary and Middle School Teachers (4)

    Development of algebraic structures from groups to fields. Study of modular arithmetic, relationships and functions. Use of the computer, to investigate algebraic relationships and algorithms.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, Sp
  • MAT 494 - Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Viewpoint: Probability, Statistics, and Data Analysis (4)

    Basic notions of chance and probability, inferences, predictions and arguments based on data collection, organization and representation.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 394 .
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
  • MAT 495/495A, 496/496A - Topics in Contemporary Secondary Mathematics I, II (3/1,3/1)

    Examination of the high school mathematics curriculum from an advanced viewpoint. Analysis of current issues and trends in secondary school mathematics. Use of technology in learning mathematics. Assessment of students’ competency in mathematics. Field experiences in educational and non-educational settings.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of 28 units of 300 and 400- level mathematics courses, including MAT 417 , MAT 325 , MAT 306  and a course in Geometry selected from MAT 330 , MAT 415 , or MAT 416  or the equivalent of these three courses.
    Component(s): 3 hours lecture, 1 two-hour activity.
    Grading: MAT 495/495A and MAT 496/496A are mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.
    When Offered: F (495/495A)/W (496/496A)
  • MAT 497/497A - Topics in Contemporary Secondary Mathematics III (3/1)

    Examination of the high school mathematics curriculum from an advanced viewpoint. Analysis of current issues and trends in secondary school mathematics. Use of technology in learning mathematics. Assessment of students’ competency in mathematics. Field experiences in educational and non-educational settings.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of 28 units of 300 and 400- level mathematics courses, including MAT 417 , MAT 325 , MAT 306  and a course in Geometry selected from MAT 330 , MAT 415 , or MAT 416  or the equivalent of these three courses.
    Component(s): 3 hours lecture, 1 two-hour activity.
    Grading: The first two quarters of the sequence, MAT 495/495A, 496/496A  are graded on a CR/NC.
    When Offered: Sp
  • MAT 499/499A/499L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture/activity/laboratory or combination of these.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • MAT 508 - Numerical Linear Algebra (4)

    Topics will include numerical methods for determinants, systems of linear equations (direct and iterative methods), matrix inversions, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, techniques to minimize error propagation, splittings, rate of convergence of methods.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in MAT 208 , MAT 315  and MAT 401  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, even years
  • MAT 509 - Error Analysis (4)

    Topics will include sources of error, types of error, error propagation, techniques for minimizing error, backward error analysis, approximation of functions, error analysis of iterative methods for non-linear equations.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in MAT 401  and MAT 402  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, even years
  • MAT 511 - Real Analysis (4)

    Properties of Lebesgue measure and integration, Borel Sets, monotone functions and functions of bounded variation, classical Banach spaces, metric spaces, measure spaces and measurable functions, the Radon- Nikodym theorem, the Fubini theorems, Daniel integrals, applications.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in MAT 315  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
    When Offered: F, W
  • MAT 512 - Real Analysis (4)

    Properties of Lebesgue measure and integration, Borel Sets, monotone functions and functions of bounded variation, classical Banach spaces, metric spaces, measure spaces and measurable functions, the Radon- Nikodym theorem, the Fubini theorems, Daniel integrals, applications.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in MAT 315  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
    When Offered: F, W
  • MAT 517 - Abstract Algebra (4)

    Groups, Sylow theorems, rings and modules, chain conditions, morphism theorems, principal ideal domains, field extensions and finite fields, Galois theory.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in MAT 418  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
    When Offered: W, Sp, odd years
  • MAT 518 - Abstract Algebra (4)

    Groups, Sylow theorems, rings and modules, chain conditions, morphism theorems, principal ideal domains, field extensions and finite fields, Galois theory.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in MAT 418  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
    When Offered: W, Sp, odd years
  • MAT 521 - Topology (4)

    Topological spaces, connectedness, compactness, continuity, separation and countability axioms, metric spaces, product spaces, function spaces and quotient spaces, uniform spaces, paracompactness.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
    When Offered: F, even years
  • MAT 528 - Complex analysis (4)

    General form of Cauchy’s theorem, conformal mappings, normal families. Riemann mapping theorem, theorems of Mittag-Leffler and Weierstrass, analytic continuation. Picard’s theorem. Selected topics such as Dirichlet’s problem, generalization of Picard’s theorem, gamma and zeta functions.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 314  or MAT 428  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
    When Offered: F, odd years, W, even years
  • MAT 529 - Complex analysis (4)

    General form of Cauchy’s theorem, conformal mappings, normal families. Riemann mapping theorem, theorems of Mittag-Leffler and Weierstrass, analytic continuation. Picard’s theorem. Selected topics such as Dirichlet’s problem, generalization of Picard’s theorem, gamma and zeta functions.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 314  or MAT 428  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
    When Offered: F, odd years, W, even years
  • MAT 535 - History of Mathematics (4)

    Historical development of selected mathematical topics drawn generally from the body of 18th century and later mathematics. Topics to be covered announced by the professor prior to registration.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • MAT 540 - Kalman Filter (4)

    Discrete- and continuous-time Kalman Filter. Design, simulation, and implementation; the extended Kalman Filter. Applications to radar, tracking, communication networks, space navigation, social and environmental systems.

    Prerequisite(s): CS 128 , MAT 208 , MAT 216 , STA 241  or STA 326  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, odd years
  • MAT 545 - Modeling (4)

    Modeling of deterministic systems and random processes using ordinary and partial differential equations. Fourier methods, general modeling principles and techniques, perturbation theory and sensitivity analysis, applications.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, Sp, odd years
  • MAT 546 - Modeling (4)

    Modeling of deterministic systems and random processes using ordinary and partial differential equations. Fourier methods, general modeling principles and techniques, perturbation theory and sensitivity analysis, applications.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: W, Sp, odd years
  • MAT 550 - Seminar in Mathematics (1-4)

    Topics in advanced mathematics chosen according to the interests and needs of the students enrolled. Each seminar will have a subtitle according to the nature of the content.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 1-4 seminars.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 units.
  • MAT 570 - Graphs and Network Flows (4)

    Matching theory in graphs and network flows in capacity-constrained networks. Major topics include the Konig-Egervary Theorem for bipartite graphs and the Maximal Flow Algorithm for networks, along with a wide variety of applications.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 370  or consent of the instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: Sp, even yrs
  • MAT 580 - Optimization Theory and Applications (4)

    Topics will include convex sets, extrema of functions, convex functions, non-linear convex, quadratic and dynamic programming, applications, primal-dual methods for solving constrained problems, applications to large scale mathematical programming problems.

    Prerequisite(s): a grade of C or better in MAT 480  or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/problem-solving.
    When Offered: F, odd years
  • MAT 599/599A/599L - Special Topics for Graduate Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of Instructor.
    Component(s): Lecture/Activity/Laboratory/or combination of these.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • MAT 691 - Directed Study (1)

    Individual reading program in an area chosen by the student under the direction and supervision of the faculty. Students must obtain the written permission of the graduate coordinator in order to register for this course. Unconditional standing required.

    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit, with a maximum of 4 units applied to degree.
  • MAT 696 - Master’s Degree Thesis (1)

    Independent research and study under supervision of a faculty advisor. Research results must be reported in an acceptable form. Students must obtain the written permission of the graduate coordinator in order to register for this course. Advancement to Candidacy required.

    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit, with a maximum of 3 units applied to degree.
  • MAT 697 - Comprehensive Examination (1)

    Credit/no Credit Preparation for the comprehensive examination. Students must obtain the written permission of the graduate coordinator in order to register for this course. Failure to complete exam satisfactorily the second time will result in termination from the program. Only applicable with Pure Math subplan. Advancement to Candidacy required.

    Repeatable: May be taken no more than twice.
  • MAT 699 - Master’s Degree Continuation (0)

    Enrollment in this course allows candidates that have enrolled in the maximum number of thesis or project units to maintain resident status in order to receive university services. Approval of graduate coordinator is required to register for this class. Advancement to candidacy is required.

    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.

Mechanical Engineering

Lecture and laboratory courses listed together are to be taken concurrently.

For graduation, a grade of C- or better is required for all ME courses that are prerequisites to other ME courses.

Unless otherwise noted, all ME classes are open only to ME majors.

  • ME 100L - Mechanical Engineering Orientation (1)

    Introduction to the resources and facilities of the mechanical engineering department. An overview of career opportunities and introspection about mechanical engineering. Various forms of engineering communication including report writing, graphical presentations and problem-solving format. Becoming conversant with unit systems and dimensional analysis. Introduction to engineering design.

    Corequisite(s): MAT 105 .
    Component(s): 1 three-hour laboratory.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, reports, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL and WINTER each year.
  • ME 214 - Vector Statics (3)

    Two and three dimensional equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies including frames, machine and trusses employing vector algebra. Principles of friction, centroids and center of gravity, moments of inertia for areas.

    Prerequisite(s): ARO, CE, CME, IE, ME, or MFE major; ENG 103 , ENG 104 , ENG 107 , ENG 109 , ENG 110 , IGE 120 , IGE 121 , or IGE 122 ; C or better in MAT 115 , and C- or better in PHY 131 .
    Corequisite(s): (for ME majors only) ME 224L .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: Grades will be based on homework, midterms, quizzes and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 215 - Vector Dynamics (4)

    Vector mathematics of absolute and relative motion of particles and the planar motion of rigid bodies in an inertial reference frame. Newton’s laws of motion, work-energy, impulse-momentum, mass moment of inertia.

    Prerequisite(s): ARO, CE, ME, or MFE major, C or better in MAT 116 , and C- or better in ME 214 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: Grades will be based on homework, quizzes, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 217 - Mechanics for ECE Majors (4)

    A basic course in statics and dynamics for ECE majors. Selected topics from ME 214  and ME 215  specific to electrical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in PHY 131  and C or better in MAT 115 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL, if needed and depending on availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 218 - Strength of Materials I (3)

    Plane stress and strain. Principal stresses and strains, Mohr’s Circle. Properties of materials, stress strain diagrams. Generalized Hooke’s Law for isotopic materials. Design loads, working stresses, and factor of safety. Statically indeterminate axially-loaded members. Torsional shearing stresses and displacements. Combined axial and torsional loads. Flexural and transverse shear stresses. Shear and moment diagrams. Beams of two materials.

    Prerequisite(s): CE, IE, ME, or MFE major or MTE minor, and C– or better in ME 214 .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 219 - Strength of Materials II (3)

    Deflection and slope of beams by double integration, singularity functions, superposition and energy methods. Statically indeterminate beams. Column analysis with centric and eccentric loads. Combined axial, torsional, and flexural stresses.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 218  and ME 224L .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and/or SPRING each year.
  • ME 220L - Strength of Materials Laboratory (1)

    Standard physical tests of engineering materials including torsion, tension, compression and bending. Experimental stress analysis using strain gages.

    Prerequisite(s): ME major or MTE minor, ENG 105  or PHL 202  or ME 231 , and passing grade in GWT.
    Corequisite(s): ME 219 .
    Component(s): 1 three-hour laboratory.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on lab reports, a student designed experiment, and final exam.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 224L - Mechanics Laboratory (1)

    Spatial visualization, free-body diagramming, vector manipulation, force transmission and distribution, force balances, force-moment equivalences, practice in recognizing and developing problem-solving techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): ARO, CHE, CE, IE, ME, or MFE major.
    Corequisite(s): ME 214 .
    Component(s): 1 three-hour laboratory.
    Grading: Grades will be based on work performed and documented in the lab.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 231 - Mechanical Engineering Communications (4)

    The mechanics of effective engineering communications. Composition and style of various types of written and oral presentations of technical information. Critical analysis of specifications related to the design, test and performance of components and systems typically found in the field of mechanical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 103 , ENG 104 , ENG 107 , ENG 109 , ENG 110 , IGE 120 , IGE 121 , or IGE 122 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL, if needed and depending on availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 232 - Engineering Digital Computations (2)

    Simple math problems involving basic computational methods including elementary concepts of digital computer programming. Proficiency will be gained in writing computer programs. Assignments include the use of the computer facilities.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 114 .
    Corequisite(s): ENG 103 , ENG 104 , ENG 107 , ENG 109 , ENG 110 , IGE 120 , IGE 121 , or IGE 122 .
    Component(s): 2 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL and WINTER each year, and when needed.
  • ME 232A - Engineering Digital Computations Activity (1)

    Engineering problems/projects involving basic computational methods including elementary concepts of digital computer programming. Proficiency will be gained in writing computer programs. Assignments include the use of the computer facilities.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ME 232 .
    Component(s): 1 unit activity/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: WINTER and SPRING each year, and when needed.
  • ME 233/233L - Introduction to Mechanical Design (3/1)

    Introduction to machine and product design techniques and the design and selection of power transmission elements such as couplings; Ujoints, roller and silent chains, V, flat and gear belts, gears and gear transmissions, friction drives, and electric motors. Introduction to shaft design, bearings and attachments. The execution of layouts and engineering specifications for manufacture.

    Prerequisite(s): MFE 126/126L , and C– or better in ME 100L , ME 214  and ME 224L .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving and 1 three-hour laboratory.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL and SPRING depending on availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 299/299A/299L - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-4)

    Study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, or a combination.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, of which 3 may be used in the technical elective package. Maximum of 4 units per quarter.
    When Offered: Depending on demand and availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 301 - Thermodynamics I (4)

    Thermodynamic properties and processes; equations of state; tables and charts of thermodynamic properties; work and heat, the first law of thermodynamics and first law properties; the second law of thermodynamics and entropy; carnot cycle, simple Brayton cycle

    Prerequisite(s): CE, ME, or MFE major, and C– or better in ME 214 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 302 - Thermodynamics II (4)

    Rankine cycle and its variations; refrigeration cycles; advanced Brayton cycle and Otto and Diesel cycles; mixtures of ideal gases; Maxwell relations; chemical thermodynamics.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and/or reports.
    When Offered: FALL and WINTER each year; additional sections depending on the availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 306 - Energy Management (4)

    Energy system modeling; forecasting techniques; analysis of energy requirements; energy audits; net energy analysis; conservation strategies; energy, environment and economics interface; role of energy management and case studies.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: WINTER each year, depending on availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 307 - Alternative Energy Systems (4)

    Analysis and synthesis of energy systems; fossil fuel systems; viable alternative energy sources, solar, geothermal, wind, biomass, hydro and ocean resources; conversion, storage, and distribution. Environmental impact and economics of alternative systems. Synthesis of energy system components.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams, a rerm paper and a group design project.
    When Offered: WINTER each year.
  • ME 311 - Fluid Mechanics I (3)

    Analysis of problems dealing with properties and behavior of fluids at rest and in motion. Fundamental concepts, fluid statics, transport theorem, flow of incompressible frictionless fluid, laminar and turbulent flow of real fluids in closed conduits, impulse and momentum applied to fluids, and fluid measurement.

    Prerequisite(s): CE, ME, or MFE major, C or better in MAT 214 , and C- or better in ME 215 .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 312 - Fluid Mechanics II (3)

    Similarity and dimensional analysis; steady closed conduit flow in pipes and pump/pipe networks; flow of real compressible fluids; from boundary layers, and drag.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 301  and ME 311 .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 313L - Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (1)

    Measurement of viscosity of fluids, centrifugal pump and/or fan performance, pressure drop in pipes, fluid rate meters, jet momentum and air velocity distribution in ducts. Calibration and use of laboratory equipment; design of a basic fluid mechanics experiment; acquisition, processing, and analysis of data by manual and automated methods; report writing.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 105  or PHL 202  or ME 231 , and passing grade in GWT.
    Corequisite(s): ME 312 .
    Component(s): 1 three-hour laboratory.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on lab assignments, reports and final exams.
    When Offered: WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 315 - Engineering Materials (4)

    A study of the relationship among structure, processing and properties of engineering materials. Strengthening mechanisms for ferrous and non-ferrous metals and the application of such materials in engineering situations. Phase diagrams and their relevance to the structure, processing and properties of metallic alloys. Mechanical behavior of polymers, ceramics and composites and their applications in engineering practice. Corrosion and degradation of materials.

    Prerequisite(s): CHM 121  and C- or better in ME 218 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, quizzes, term paper and final exams.
    When Offered: WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 316 - Intermediate Dynamics (3)

    Three-dimensional particle and rigid body dynamics, motion relative to rotating reference frames, moments and products of inertia, momentum and energy principles, gyroscopic motion.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 215  and C or better in either MAT 216  or MAT 224 .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, quizzes, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL and SPRING depending on the availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 319 - Stress Analysis (4)

    Thin and thick-walled pressure vessels, shrink fit, contact stresses, Castigliano’s theorem, and other special topics. Failure theories, stress concentration, steady and repeated loading. fatigue and endurance strength, shaft design and analysis, fastener and spring analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 219 , ME 220L  and ME 233/233L .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, quizzes, midterm(s) and final exams.
    When Offered: WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 325/325L - Machine Design/Laboratory (3/1)

    Design and application of machine components such as brakes, clutches, gears, mechanisms, bearings, ways, sleeves, and bushings. Lubrication of machine elements, gaskets, seals, “o” rings, and fasteners. Design techniques and the design of a simple machine.

    Prerequisite(s): MFE 201/201L , C– or better in ME 215 , and ME 319 .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving and 1 three-hour laboratory.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, project, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL and SPRING each year.
  • ME 330 - Engineering Numerical Computations (4)

    Numerical methods applied to the solution of problems in engineering. Roots of equations, matrix methods, curve fitting, numerical integration and differentiation, numerical solution of differential equations.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in either MAT 216  or MAT 224 , and C– or better in ME 232  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, exams in class presentaitions and reports.
    When Offered: WINTER each year; additional sections depending on the availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 330A - Engineering Numerical Computations Activity (1)

    Numerical methods applied to the solution of problems in engineering. Roots of equations, matrix methods, curve fitting, numerical integration and differentiation, numerical solution of differential equations.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ME 232A .
    Corequisite(s): MAT 224 .
    Component(s): 1 unit activity.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments and projects.
    When Offered: FALL and SPRING
  • ME 340 - Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems (3)

    Analysis and synthesis of steady-state and transient engineering problems associated with mechanical engineering. Emphasis is placed upon formulating the differential of fundamental equations from basic assumptions and applying various methods of solution. Computer simulations.

    Prerequisite(s): Open to ME Majors Only; ECE ECE 231/231L , C or better in either MAT 216  or MAT 224, C- or better in ME 232A  and ME 301 .
    Component(s): 3 lecture/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL and SPRING each year.
  • ME 350L - Engineering Materials and Selection Laboratory (1)

    Laboratory tests of brittle fracture cold working, annealing, heat treatment, and mechanical properties of materials. Material selection for prescribed applications.

    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in ME 315 , C- or better in ENG 105  or ME 231  or PHL 202 , and passing grade in GWT.
    Component(s): 1 three-hour laboratory.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on lab reports, materials selection project, and final exam.
    When Offered: FALL, WINTER and SPRING each year.
  • ME 400 - Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-2)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies or surveys of selected problems. The student(s) must submit a proposal of the work to be done to the ME Curriculum Committee and obtain the committee’s approval before beginning the proposed effort.

    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units, with a maximum of 2 units per quarter.
    When Offered: Depending on demand and availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 405 - Acoustics and Noise Control (4)

    Fundamental acoustic parameters (dB, dBA, PSIL, octave band). Physiological response to noise, noise standards, sound pressure-power relation, and noise measurement, with individual experience using a Precision Integrating Noise Meter. Noise suppression by absorption, isolation and resonators. Case studies in noise control and reduction.

    Prerequisite(s): Open to ME Majors Only; C- or better in ME 311 , and ME 340 
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: SPRING, depending on availability of faculty and resources.
  • ME 406/406A - Finite Element Analysis (3/1)

    Stiffness and influence coefficients, shape functions, element stiffness, coordinate transformations, and assembling of stiffness matrix. Solution to give deflections and forces, or analogous parameters for heat transfer and fluid flows. Apply a widely-used finite element computer program (NASTRAN) to structure design, heat transfer and/or fluid flow.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 219 , and ME 330  or ME 340 .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving and 1 two-hour activity.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL and WINTER each year.
  • ME 407/L - Solar Thermal Engineering (3/1)

    Solar radiation distribution and measurement; methods of solar energy collection; thermal analysis of flat plate solar collectors; experimental testing and efficiency determination; solar energy storage; solar economics; transient and long-term system performance; computer modeling for solar space and water-heating applications.

    Prerequisite(s): C– or better in ME 301  and ME 415 .
    Component(s): 3 lectures/problem-solving and 1 three-hour laboratory.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterms, projects, lab reports and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL each year.
  • ME 408 - Nuclear Engineering (4)

    Nuclear power plant design, operation and safety, reactor vessel internal and core components, nuclear physics, neutron reactions, fission and moderation; reactor physics and reactor kinetics.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in either MAT 216  or MAT 224 , C- or better in PHY 133  and , and C– or better in ME 301 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading: The course will be graded based on homework assignments, midterm and final exams.
    When Offered: FALL each year.

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