Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 University Catalog 
2015-2016 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Index of Courses


Foods and Nutrition

All courses offered by the department may be taken on a CR/NC basis only by non-majors.

  • FN 536 - Advanced Life Cycle Nutrition (3)

    Discussion of how developmental physiology and cellular growth and differentiation influence nutrient requirements during pregnancy and lactation, fetal growth, infancy, premature birth, childhood, adolescence and old age. Planning nutrition programs to meet the nutrient needs of at-risk women, infants and children. Review of the nutritionally relevant chronic diseases with age. Oral presentation and discussion of the scientific literature dealing with the life cycle.

    Prerequisite(s): FN 434  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 3 lecture/discussions.
  • FN 540 - Field Experience (3)

    Supervised experience in various areas determined by graduate advisor.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of advisor.
  • FN 543 - Diet Therapy (3)

    Study of the physiological and biochemical changes imposed on the body by certain diseases and dietary modifications used for treatment. Adaptation of dietary patterns of individuals to special needs of disease states and preventive care.

    Prerequisite(s): FN 433 , FN 434 , FN 435  or equivalent and completed dietetics internship.
    Component(s): 3 lecture discussions.
  • FN 545 - Current Topics in Clinical Practice I, II, III (2)

    Presentations by professionals on selected topics. Student case presentations.

    Prerequisite(s): acceptance into Dietetic Internship.
    Concurrent: To be taken concurrently with FN 560  Clinical Practice.
    Repeatable: May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 units.
  • FN 550 - Independent Study (1-2)

    Individual investigation and original study to be conducted in a field of interest selected by the student with consent of advisor. Designed to meet individual student needs.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Maximum of 2 units may be earned.
  • FN 560 - Clinical Practice I, II, III (4)

    Supervised pre-professional practice in an assigned clinical site.

    Prerequisite(s): acceptance into Dietetic Internship. No master’s degree credit given.
    Concurrent: To be taken concurrently with FN 545  Introduction to Clinical Practice.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 12 units.
  • FN 570 - Seminar (2)

    Study of selected topics in nutrition and food science. Each seminar subtitled to describe its emphasis.

    Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.
    Component(s): 2 seminars.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units.
  • FN 599/599A/599L - Special Topics (1-3/1-3/1-3)

    Group study of a selected topic in nutrition or food science and technology which is specified in advance for graduate students.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, activity, or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 3 units.
  • FN 630 - Critical Review Development (3)

    Crosslisted as: AG 630 .

    Preparation and presentation of the critical review paper, suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Students work with their major professor to develop and present a substantial literature review selection that demonstrates the need for future research, proposed solutions, updates to current critical reviews or position papers.

    Prerequisite(s): AG 510  or KIN 591 .

  • FN 685 - Nutrition in Sports and Exercise (4)

    Knowledge concerning the role of nutrients in optimizing human performance. Assessment of caloric and nutrient requirements associated with exercise. Special consideration is given to gender specific needs of athletes, nutritional ergogenic aids, and eating disorders.

    Prerequisite(s): KIN 683/683L  and FN 533 . Unconditional standing required.
    Component(s): 4 seminars.
  • FN 691 - Directed Study (1-2)

    Individualized research in a specialized area under the direction of a faculty member which may or may not lead to a thesis.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Maximum credit 2 units.
  • FN 692 - Independent Study (1-2)

    Individual investigation and original study to be conducted in a field of interest selected by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. Study may not lead to a thesis.

    Prerequisite(s): Unconditional standing required.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Maximum credit 2 units.
  • FN 693 - Presentation of Research Proposal (1)

    A public oral presentation and discussion of a written proposed research plan for the master’s thesis. Required for Advancement to Candidacy.

    Prerequisite(s): AG 500  or equivalent with consent of graduate coordinator or thesis advisor. Unconditional standing required.
  • FN 694 - Thesis Research (1-6)

    Individual research in an area of specialization conducted as part of the preparation for writing a thesis under the direction of graduate faculty.

    Prerequisite(s): Unconditional standing required. Must have completed FN 693 .
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Maximum credit 6 units.
  • FN 696 - Master’s Degree Thesis (3)

    Compilation of data culminating in the summarizing and reporting, in thesis form, of independent supervised research. Advancement to Candidacy required.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Maximum credit 3 units.
  • FN 699 - Master’s Degree Continuation (0)

    Enrollment in this course allows candidates that have enrolled in the maximum number of thesis or project units to maintain resident status in order to receive university services. Approval of graduate program coordinator is required to register for this class.

    Prerequisite(s): Advancement to Candidacy required.
    Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit grading basis.

Foreign Languages

  • FL 101 - Elementary French I (4)

    Essentials of the spoken and written language for the beginner. Fundamentals of pronunciation, intonation, and grammar within a cultural context. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 102 - Elementary French II (4)

    Extension of fundamentals of pronunciation and grammar within a cultural context for the continuing student. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 101  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 103 - Elementary French III (4)

    Advanced grammatical patterns and pronunciation within a cultural context for the continuing student. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 102  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 111 - Elementary German I (4)

    Essentials of the spoken and written language for the beginner. Fundamentals of pronunciation, intonation, and grammar, within a cultural context. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 112 - Elementary German II (4)

    Extension of fundamentals of pronunciation and grammar within a cultural context for the continuing student. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 111  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 113 - Elementary German III (4)

    Advanced grammatical patterns and pronunciation within a cultural context for the continuing student. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 131 - Elementary Latin I (4)

    Essential vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of classical Latin for the beginner. Basic translation. Introduction to Roman culture. FL 131, FL 132  and FL 133  together are equivalent to two years of high school Latin.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 132 - Elementary Latin II (4)

    Extension of fundamental vocabulary, grammar, and syntax for the continuing student. Intermediate-level translation. Continued study of Roman culture. FL 131 , FL 132, and FL 133  together are equivalent to two years of high school Latin.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 131  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 133 - Elementary Latin III (4)

    Advanced vocabulary, grammar, and syntax for the continuing student. Advanced-level translation. Continued study of Roman culture. FL 131 , FL 132 , and FL 133 together are equivalent to two years of high school Latin.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 132  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 161 - Elementary Japanese I (4)

    Essentials of the spoken and written language for the beginner. Fundamentals of pronunciation, intonation, and grammar, within a cultural context.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/recitations.
  • FL 162 - Elementary Japanese II (4)

    Extension of fundamentals of pronunciation, grammar, and conversation, within a cultural context, for the continuing student.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 161  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/recitations.
  • FL 163 - Elementary Japanese III (4)

    Advanced grammatical patterns and pronunciation, within a cultural context, for the continuing student.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 162  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/recitations.
  • FL 171 - Elementary Chinese I (4)

    Essentials of the spoken and written language for the beginner. Fundamentals of pronunciation, intonation, and grammar, within a cultural context. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Component(s): 4 lecture-recitations.
  • FL 172 - Elementary Chinese II (4)

    Extension of fundamentals of pronunciation, grammar, and conversation, within a cultural context, for the continuing student. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 171  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture-recitations.
  • FL 173 - Elementary Chinese III (4)

    Extension of fundamentals of pronunciation, intonation, grammar, and conversation, within a cultural context, for the continuing student. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite FL 172  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture-recitations.
  • FL 200 - Special Study for Lower Division Students (1-2)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units, with a maximum of 2 units per quarter.
  • FL 201 - Intermediate French (4)

    Review of grammar. Additional elements of French structure. Readings. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 103  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 202 - Intermediate French Reading (4)

    Reading of varied short texts; establishing a steadily increasing vocabulary. Introduction to literary texts. Recommended for prospective graduate students. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 103  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 203 - Intermediate French Composition and Conversation (4)

    French composition, both oral and written. Frequent original presentations.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 103  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 211 - Intermediate German (4)

    Review of grammar; conversation; readings in original German. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 212 - Intermediate German Reading (4)

    Development of reading proficiency in German; analysis and discussion of texts; some translation. Recommended for prospective graduate students.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 213 - Intermediate German Composition and Conversation (4)

    Fundamentals of German composition; intensive practice in conversation; idiomatic German; vocabulary building. Frequent oral and written original presentations.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 261 - Intermediate Japanese (4)

    Review of grammar. Additional elements of Japanese structure. Readings.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 163  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/recitations.
  • FL 262 - Intermediate Japanese Reading (4)

    Development of reading proficiency in Japanese; analysis and discussion of texts; some translation. Recommended for prospective graduate students.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 163  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 263 - Intermediate Japanese Conversation (4)

    Intensive practice in comprehension and production of oral Japanese within the framework of Japanese cultures.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 163  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 271 - Intermediate Chinese I (4)

    Expansion of the first year of Chinese. Continuation of the development of the four language skills of aurally understanding, speaking, reading and writing within a cultural context. Increasing sophistication of grammatical constructions and more advanced language requirement. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 173  or its equivalent.
  • FL 272 - Intermediate Chinese II (4)

    Continuation of Intermediate Chinese I. Further development of the four language skills within a cultural context. Rigorous practice of spoken and written Chinese in complex communicative activities. Application of more advanced grammatical structures in various functional tasks. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 271  or equivalent.
  • FL 273 - Intermediate Chinese III (4)

    Continuation of Intermediate Chinese II. Further expansion and integration of the four language skills within a cultural context. Development of idioms and more advanced grammar. Emphasis on language proficiency and social skills in various communicative tasks. Course fulfills GE Sub-area C3.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 272  or equivalent.
  • FL 299/299A/299L - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): may be required.
    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.
  • FL 307 - French Civilization (4)

    Survey of French culture and social customs to the 20th century. Conducted in French.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 103  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 308 - Contemporary France (4)

    Culture of 20th century France, including art, music, history, literature, social customs, and the systems of government and education. Conducted in French.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 202  or equivalent.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 309 - Introduction to the Literature of the French-speaking World (4)

    Literature of France and the Francophone world. Canonical authors such as Marie de France, Ronsard, Molière, Voltaire, Hugo, Baudelaire, Duras, as well as representatives from the French-speaking world such as Bâ, Senghor, Césaire, Hebert.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 202  or permission of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussion.
  • FL 317 - German Civilization (4)

    Survey of German culture and social customs. Conducted in German.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/recitations.
  • FL 371 - Chinese Culture and Civilization (4)

    Comprehensive interdisciplinary survey of traditional Chinese culture and civilization. Taught in Chinese. Emphasis on classical primary texts (including visual texts) of Chinese history, philosophy, religion, literature, art, education, and medicine complemented by modern critical references. The primary texts are read either in the Chinese original or in English translation.

    Prerequisite(s): FL 172  and FL 173 , or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
  • FL 400 - Special Study for Upper Division Students (1-2)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 4 units, with a maximum of 2 units per quarter.
  • FL 499/499A/499L - Special Topics for Upper Division Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Group study of a selected topic, the title to be specified in advance.

    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): may be required.
    Component(s): Instruction is by lecture, laboratory, or a combination.
    Minimum/Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 8 units, with a maximum of 4 units per quarter.

Graduate Business Administration

  • GBA 510 - Financial Accounting (4)

    Accounting principles used in the collection, interpretation, and use of financial data from the standpoints of creditors, investors, and management.

    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 514 - Managerial Statistics (4)

    Decision making using classical techniques, non-parametric tests, Bayesian analysis, utility theory, index numbers, and time-series analysis. Sampling and sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis-testing, variance analysis, regression, correlation and multiple regression.

    Prerequisite(s): STA 120 , equivalent, or consent of instructor.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 517 - Essentials of Marketing Management (4)

    Development of marketing strategy to identify and serve the needs of an organization’s markets and publics. Concepts relating to the analysis, planning, implementation and control of marketing strategy involving product, promotion, pricing and distribution decisions made within an external environmental context.

    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 522 - Information Systems Analysis and Design (4)

    Introduction to object-oriented analysis and design of computer information systems. The system life cycle and its business environment. Case studies using event analysis, data dictionary, normalization and data modules. Class hierarchies, structures, and collaboration of objects. User/computer interface design.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • GBA 524 - Information Systems Implementation and Programming (4)

    Introduction to computer programming. Use of event-driven programming language to develop interactive business information systems.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 530 - Legal Environment of Business (4)

    Analysis of the essential legal aspects of the business environment dealing with contracts, business-related torts, agency, employment law, and corporations. Function and operation of the courts and administrative agencies. Risk analysis and preventative law approach.

    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 531 - Production and Operations Management (4)

    Introduction to fundamental concepts of production and operations management. Use of quantitative methods, forecasting, resource allocation, decision theory, capacity planning, project management, inventory and quality control.

    Prerequisite(s): GBA 514 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • GBA 532 - Fundamentals of Contracts and Administration (4)

    A study of the procedures/applications associated with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). In-depth approach at operational level. Sets pace for employment of FAR, concept formation, contract life and program’s successful completion.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 535 - Organizational Management, Principles, and Behavior (4)

    Integration of management functions and behavioral processes as they relate to the operation of total enterprise.

    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions, case studies, experiential exercises.
  • GBA 546 - Fundamentals of Financial Management (4)

    Theoretical and conceptual framework for financial decision making stressing analytical and quantitative techniques. Analysis of controversial and sophisticated methods of allocating resources and raising funds both internally and externally within the corporate context.

    Prerequisite(s): GBA 510 , GBA 514 , and EC 521 .
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 547 - Management Information Systems (4)

    Management and development of information systems in modern business and the public sector from the customer and the MIS perspective. Information as a strategic asset. Acquisition, analysis, integration, presentation of internal and external information. Information management in international and multinational enterprises. Ethical, social impacts.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 550 - Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance (4)

    Core concepts of financial accounting and managerial finance.  Financial statements and their analysis.  Conceptual framework of accounting.  International Financial Reporting Standards overview. Financial Markets. Time value of money concepts and applications. Relationship between risk and return. Cost of Capital and Financial Leverage.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 552 - Analysis of Key Federal Contract Elements: Price/Cost (4)

    A study of problems related to federal contracts’ categories, either price contract or cost contract. Examines policies/procedures of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) price/cost regulations. Includes DOD/DFAS (variations of FAR) applications, influence and advances price/cost policy/theory.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • GBA 554 - Database Design and Processing (4)

    Introduction to client/server computing environments. Relational database concepts, data modeling and database design. Distributed database and processing techniques.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 555 - Fundamentals of Management and Marketing (4)

    Fundamental management and marketing concepts and principles.  Organization’s internal and external environments.  Practical applications of management and marketing theories to problems in planning, organizing, and controlling business activities with ethical considerations.  Development of marketing strategy involving product, promotion, pricing, and distribution decisions.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/discussion.
  • GBA 557 - Computer-Based Data Communications (4)

    Introduction to the use of computers to support data communications. Information systems design issues related to hardware, software, media, networks and protocols.

    Prerequisite(s): GBA 522 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 560 - Legal Environment of Information Systems (4)

    Fundamentals and intermediate knowledge of the legal environment concerning IS. Typical legal problems (private and public sector) arising from the acquisition, use and control of IS.

    Prerequisite(s): CIS 433  and GBA 530 , or equivalent experience.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 562 - Strategic Human Resources Management (4)

    Analytical and descriptive overview of all the main sub-fields within personnel (human resources) management. Typical personnel problems of diverse organizations and their solutions, using contemporary techniques in accordance with legal requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): GBA 535 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 563 - Executive Development (4)

    Analysis of the factors endemic to the successful executive and how these skills and traits can be acquired.

    Component(s): 4 seminars.
  • GBA 564 - Creativity and Innovation (4)

    Exploring, understanding and developing creativity and innovation in individuals, groups and organizations. Role of creativity and innovation in venturing: opportunity recognition, disruptive technological change, and external environmental dynamics. Innovative organizational structures and cultures.

  • GBA 565 - Professional Presentations Using Technology (4)

    Techniques for blending technology with oral and written presentations.  Presentation design, development and delivery.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem-solving.
  • GBA 567 - Internet Technologies for Business (4)

    Topics include: history of the internet; how the internet works; basic web design, human computer interface design; e-commerce; interactivity on the web; group and individual internet technologies; ethical issues of internet technology.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 570 - Creating a Business Plan (4)

    Development of a business plan for a new and/or existing business, including managerial philosophies and capabilities. Learning to integrate financials, marketing and operations. Identifying the growth industries in the new millennium.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 571 - Venture Growth and Financing (4)

    Identifies and analyzes “fast companies” in the 21st century, including $1 to $3 million startups and rapidly emerging firms in the information technology, telecommunications, media, biotechnology, health sciences, and financial -services industries. Explores rapid growth and financial strategies including debt, angel and venture investment, lPOs, harvesting, and being acquired.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 573 - Family Business (4)

    Business, personal, and interpersonal issues associated with family owned/managed firms are explored; competitive strengths/ weaknesses in family firms; dynamics of family interactions and the business culture; conflict resolution; estate planning; planning for succession.

    Component(s): 4 hours lecture-discussion.
  • GBA 574 - Promotional Consultancy (4)

    Classroom instruction and field consulting for Competitive Marketing Edge Program. Consultancy clients are real firms in the Cal Poly Pomona market area. Consultancy focus: promotional strategy, advertising, sales promotion, direct sales, public relations, and marketing communications.

    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
  • GBA 577 - Advanced IS Auditing (4)

    Hands-on experience in applying IS Auditing techniques and methods. Fundamentals of advanced concepts in IS Auditing.

    Prerequisite(s): CIS 433 , GBA 522  and GBA 524  or equivalent experience.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions and projects.
  • GBA 578 - Security and Privacy of Information Systems (4)

    Practical case-study approach to solving security problems peculiar to the commercial data systems environment.

    Prerequisite(s): CIS 433  and GBA 557 , or equivalent experience.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 580 - Introduction to Real Estate Analysis and Valuation (4)

    Analysis of the economic, financial, institutional, and legal factors affecting the ownership, use, development and valuation of real estate. Qualifies students for the California Real Estate Broker License Examination.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 599/599A/599L - Special Topics for Graduate Students (1-4/1-4/1-4)

    Lecture-discussions of selected topics comprising new or experimental courses not otherwise offered. Each offering identified in the current schedule and on the student’s transcript.

    Minimum/Maximum Units: No limitation on repeats.
  • GBA 605 - Business Data Analytics and Modeling (4)

    Data analytics methods and business applications.  Uses of data and information in organizational decision making.  Data gathering and sharing.  Data mining.  Descriptive, predictive and prescriptive modeling.  Ethical issues in data analytics.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
  • GBA 607 - Global Telecommunications (4)

    Telecommunications networks in the global economy. Topics include: the international telecommunications industry; international telecommunications services and applications; international standards; international trade in telecommunications services and products; global telecommunications infrastructure; management and design of telecommunications networks for global corporations.

    Prerequisite(s): GBA 557  and completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/ problem solving.
  • GBA 608 - Accounting and Managerial Decisions (4)

    Use of accounting information for planning and control. Special attention to managerial uses of budgeting and cost data for decision making purposes.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 610 - Financial Markets and Institutions (4)

    The structure and role of the financial system, interest rates, security markets, derivative security markets, government influence on financial markets, commercial banking, and nonbank financial institutions.

    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 613 - Telecommunications Policy (4)

    Examination of global telecommunications policy focusing on the evolution of U.S. telecommunications policy-making and regulation. Analysis of the telecommunications industry from a political, legal, economic, and technological perspective. Policy issues and implementation strategies at the international, national, and organizational levels.

    Prerequisite(s): GBA 557 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 614 - Network Management and Design (4)

    An advanced course in managing and designing telecommunications networks. Topics include: the network life cycle; managing telecommunications projects; quality of service measurement; the five ISO network management functions; network management systems; the network design process; network modeling, simulation, and optimization.

    Prerequisite(s): GBA 557  and completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 615 - Leadership and Ethics in Organizations (4)

    Human processes employed in accomplishing work tasks and creating employee satisfaction within the organization. Group experiences whereby students test their interpersonal skills in the organizational environment.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): Group activities; 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 617 - Management-Union Relations (4)

    The evolving interaction of unions and management within organizations. In-depth look at productivity, quality of working life, and components of our rapidly changing work culture. The future of participative management, legislation, collective-bargaining, and arbitration.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 620 - International Business (4)

    Survey of social, economic, and political factors governing conduct of business abroad. Analysis of successful and unsuccessful methods of international managers and their staffs.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 625 - Operations and Supply Chain Management (4)

    Introduction to Operations and Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Fundamentals of Process Analysis and Value Stream Mapping, Quality Management, Six Sigma/Lean Operations, Inventory Management, Revenue Management, Interrelationship of Operations with other business functions.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lecture/discussions.
  • GBA 628 - Management Science Seminar (4)

    Quantitative theory and techniques. Linear, integer, non-linear, and dynamic programming, transportation and assignment algorithms, replacement problems, game theory and Markov processes. Introduction to computer solutions.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 630 - Federal Government Contract Cases, Appeals and Jurisdiction (4)

    Study and criticism of federal contracts. Study of important statutes which are framed and directed only at government contracts.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 633 - Promotion Management (4)

    Advertising management as related to entire communication effort of the organization. Emphasis on communication theory, advertising, customer analysis, communicative goals, positioning, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, publicity, media planning, and budgeting. Cases. Design of promotion plan.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 634 - Sales Productivity (4)

    Analytical and descriptive overview of successful productivity theory models used in contemporary business to business selling and sales management.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lecture discussions.
  • GBA 635 - Motivation and Market Behavior (4)

    Theory and application of the fundamentals of human behavior that affect buying decisions: perception, learning, social and cultural factors. Models of consumer behavior. Selected applications including diffusion of innovation, opinion leadership, marketing communications. Applications to industrial markets and institutional markets.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/discussions.
  • GBA 636 - Project Management (4)

    Planning, scheduling, resource allocation, coordination and control of the activities using bar charts, networks, critical path analysis, resource leveling, and cost-expediting. Computer usage and comparison of microcomputer software for project management.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 645 - Financial Decision Making (4)

    A seminar course in finance, utilizing comprehensive cases to simulate the role of the financial manager.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses, GBA 608 .
    Component(s): 4 lectures/problem solving.
  • GBA 647 - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (4)

    The three major types of investment analysis: fundamental, technical and random walk, with emphasis on the fundamental approach to valuation and stock selection. Portfolio analysis, composition, selection, revision and performance. Two-parameter, risk and return models, such as the capital asset pricing model and the capital market line.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA prerequisite courses.
    Component(s): 4 seminars.

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