Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 University Catalog 
2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Index of Courses


Educational Leadership Doctorate

  • EDD 5000 - Special Study for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems at graduate level. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • EDD 5990 - Special Topics for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • EDD 5990A - Special Topics for Graduate Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • EDD 5990L - Special Topics for Graduate Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • EDD 6910 - Directed Research (1-3)

    Individual research in a specialized area, under the direction of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • EDD 6920 - Independent Research (1-3)

    Individual study/investigation and research in a specialized area proposed by the student with the approval, and under the supervision, of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • EDD 6990 - Master’s Degree Continuation (0)

    Enrollment in this course allows candidates that have enrolled in the maximum number of thesis or project units to maintain resident status in order to receive university services.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: Unlimited
  • EDD 7000 - Leadership for Learning (3)

    Leaders for learning champion quality, equity, and justice for all children and adults in educational organizations. Emphasis critical analyses of trends in education, competing theoretical conceptions of leadership (e.g., cultural competence, centralized vs. distributed leadership, transformational change, leadership for learning), and research about leaders’ roles and responsibilities in a diverse, democratic society. A variety of leadership roles and responsibilities are explored, including programs for special populations, underserved, and disenfranchised students.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7010 - Research Learning Community Seminar: Introduction to Doctoral Studies and Dissertation Research (3)

    Introduces doctoral studies, an overview of the dissertation process, empirical research, scholarly writing, and ethical standards in research. Identify areas of expertise and potential dissertation topics, learn strategies to search and critique the literature, and practice academic writing style and format for the dissertation.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7020 - Leading and Learning with Technology (2)

    Uses of Information/Communication Technologies (ICT) to meet the needs of 21st Century students, families, and other education stakeholders. Emphasizes the use of ICT to support instructional practices, leadership, communication, and the process of change.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7020L - Leading and Learning with Technology Laboratory (1)

    Uses of Information/Communication Technologies (ICT) to meet the needs of 21st Century students, families and other education stakeholders. Emphasizes the use of ICT to support instructional practices, leadership, communication, and the process of change.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded including RP
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7030 - Quantitative Research Methods for School Improvement (3)

    Introduces quantitative educational research methodology. Topics include: research design, assessment, evaluation, data collection, data analyses, and reporting. Learn to be critical consumers and producers of quality educational research for school improvement.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7040 - Organizational Culture and Institutional Change (3)

    Emphasis on organizational culture, complexity, context, and change through building and sustaining positive relationships with internal/external communities for school improvement. Theories of organizational reform, communication, professional learning communities, adult learning, and distributed leadership are explored.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7060 - Qualitative Methods for School Improvement (3)

    Introduces advanced qualitative research designs and data collection methods within a context that supports school improvement and ethical research. Explores the philosophies, theoretical frameworks, methodologies, assumptions, and epistemologies that inform qualitative inquiries. Field-based research is included in this course.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7070 - Education Policy, Systemic Reform, and Social Justice (3)

    Compares political, philosophical, and ethical perspectives on federal, state, and local educational policies. Models of policy development, implementation, and evaluation. Particular focus on systemic reform policies of standards, curriculum, instruction, assessment, and accountability. Policy effects on equity and justice, particularly about policies for underserved and marginalized students.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7080 - Building School/Community Partnerships for Student Success (3)

    Analysis of school and community relationships and knowledge of how to build reciprocal partnerships for student success and community involvement. Promote understanding, appreciation, advocacy, and uses of the community’s diverse cultural, social, linguistic, and intellectual resource, particularly to address needs of underserved students, including English learners, special education students, and other disadvantaged and disenfranchised groups. Analysis of school/community data to identify needs and resources.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7090 - Maximizing Fiscal and Human Resources for Student Success (3)

    Developing and allocating resources to meet the needs of all students for quality, equity, and justice in educational organizations. Evaluation and accountability for outcomes of resource allocation strategies. Resources include fiscal, human, physical, technological and other forms of capital in schools. Includes public service agencies, clinics, local businesses, higher education/cultural institutions, and other stakeholder assets to ensure equity/justice.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7100 - Research Learning Community Seminar: Literature Review (1)

    The second Research Learning Community Seminar is focused on development of a review of literature for students’ dissertations and the Qualifying Examinations for advancement to candidacy in spring semester.

    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7110 - Advanced Quantitative Research (3)

    Explore and identify potential dissertation topics and formulate quantifiable research questions and problems. Draft of research design, instrumentation, data analyses, interpretation, and reporting field data with quantitative and/or mixed methods most appropriate to topics, problems, and research literature. Additional topics include: research ethics; models of assessment, accountability, and evaluation. Conduct pilot study and determine technical qualities of measures, assessments, and existing databases.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7111 - Advanced Qualitative Research (3)

    Advanced research perspectives as lenses for data analysis for school improvement. The art and politics of analysis, interpretation and evaluation, ethics and representations of research, perspectives, interpretation, and reporting. Practicing professionals apply advanced issues in qualitative research to their research and practice.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7120 - Creating the Conditions for Student Success (3)

    Addresses the past two decades of school reform requiring new leadership roles and expertise to improve teaching and learning by developing teacher leadership and capacity, providing differentiated instructional approaches, using assessments and multiple sources of data for decisions, evaluating curriculum and programs, and identifying research-based strategies. Field-based research assignments apply theories and reforms to practice.The focus is on standards, aligned curricular frameworks, instructional methods for diverse students, assessments to guide practice, and accountability for outcomes.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7140 - Leadership for Equity and Advocacy (3)

    Leadership knowledge, skills, and expertise to implement institutionalized systems resulting in equity and advocacy for all students. Educational sociologies, critical theory, cultural proficiency, social justice, and implications of class, race, gender, sexual orientation, language acquisition and disabilities are addressed.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7150 - Research Learning Community Seminar: Development of a Dissertation Proposal (3)

    Seminar supports students to develop their dissertation proposal. Provides a communal forum for collaborative peer engagement focused on the preparation of a dissertation proposal.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7160 - Synthesizing Key Concepts of Ethics, Equity, and Social Justice for Transformational leadership (3)

    Synthesis of learning about ethics, equity, and social justice for transformative leadership in schools and application to critical problems of practice. The course furthers students’ understanding of their roles as educational leaders along with their plans for ongoing professional development.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7170 - Global Perspectives on Educational Leadership, Achievement, and Equity (3)

    The nature of teaching and learning in global educational systems. Students examine international models of schooling. The philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical theories and assumptions governing curriculum, instruction, uses of technology, assessment and educational leadership are examined.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7180 - Research Learning Community Seminar: Dissertation (1)

    Students prepare dissertations with faculty guidance in areas including advanced research design, data analysis, educational theory and practice. Limited to students haviing completed all required core, specialization, and research courses.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7190 - Research Learning Community Seminar: Dissertation Completion (1)

    Seminar is focused on completion and defense of the dissertation. Group processes support the primary work of students with their dissertation chairs and committees.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7320 - Teaching, Learning and Student Success in Postsecondary Settings (3)

    Community college and postsecondary educational leaders of today must understand the foundational concepts needed to advance high-quality and effective teaching, learning, and student success practices. By centering equity in their application of knowledge, skills, and approaches, students will consider the opportunities and challenges to pedagogical and student affairs efforts across colleges and universities. Topics related to student development theories, learning theories, transfer processes, counseling, and higher education pedagogy in community college and four-year institutions are explored.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7330 - Data-Driven Assessment and Evaluation in Postsecondary Education (3)

    Postsecondary professionals who are committed to equity-minded, transformative leadership must learn how to collect, assess, and evaluate information to make data-driven decisions. Through this course, students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge, tools, and skills to assess, evaluate, and present information regarding postsecondary data, programs, and policies. Educational theories related to assessment, evaluation, and leadership approaches for equity-oriented outcomes are explored.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7340 - Organizational Culture, Leadership and Change in Postsecondary Education (3)

    The development of organizational cultures and structures in postsecondary institutions. Introduction to foundational concepts in organizational leadership, theory and change. How historical contexts shape organizational cultures and what behaviors are necessary for organizations to change. Exploration of how organizations contend with issues of diversity & inclusion, equity and social justice.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7370 - Governance, Policy and Foundations in Community Colleges and Postsecondary Education (3)

    Higher education is constantly changing and adjusting to internal and external pressures that institutions must balance. The historical development of postsecondary institutions and their governance structure. How governance and policy shape community colleges and postsecondary institutions. Additionally, explore how external social and political forces influence how institutions of higher education function.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7390 - Leadership in Postsecondary Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation (3)

    Leading institutions presents challenges for educational leaders who must balance the needs of changing student demographics with limited financial resources. Examination of resource allocation and strategic planning theories, models and practices in education that foster equity across postsecondary institutions. Identification of persistent challenges facing college students and how institutional leaders can meet the needs of their students. Discussion of challenges and promising practices of human and resource management across postsecondary settings.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 7990 - Special Topics for Doctoral Students (1-3)

    Study and exploration of topics of current interest related to education.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 8000 - Dissertation (1-6)

    Supervised research leading to completion of a doctoral dissertation. May be taken unlimited times.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: Unlimited
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EDD 8990 - Dissertation Continuation (0)

    Enrollment in this course allows doctoral candidates to continue supervised progess on the dissertation after fulfilling the required three year full-time enrollment in the program. Candidate(s) must have completed all coursework, demonstrate satisfactory progress toward completing the dissertation, and have approval of the Doctoral Director(s) in order to enroll in this course. May be taken unlimited times.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Ed. Leadership Doctoral Program.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 1
    Course Category: Major Course

Educational Multimedia

  • EMM 5000 - Special Study for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems at graduate level. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • EMM 5100 - Foundations of Educational Multimedia Design (2)

    A review of the issues related to the design and development of multimedia instruction. Involves a historical overview of the field, important figures, current and emergent trends and debates, theoretical frameworks that shape the discipline, and professions within the field.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5100L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5100L - Foundations of Educational Multimedia Design Laboratory (1)

    A review of the issues related to the design and development of multimedia instruction. Involves a historical overview of the field, important figures, current and emergent trends and debates, theoretical frameworks that shape the discipline, and professions within the field.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5100L.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5110 - Production of Digital Video Content (2)

    Preparation, production and editing of instructional video clips for e-learning programs based on the principles of instructional design; writing scripts; capturing media photographically; utilizing software to assimilate multiple forms of media; encoding/exporting content items for multiple delivery platforms.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5110L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5110L - Production of Digital Video Content Laboratory (1)

    Preparation, production and editing of instructional video clips for e-learning programs based on the principles of instructional design; writing scripts; capturing media photographically; utilizing software to assimilate multiple forms of media; encoding/exporting content items for multiple delivery platforms.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5120 - Game Design for Educators (2)

    Theoretical and conceptual understanding of the field of game design, along with practical exposure to the process of creating a game. Focus on analyzing what video games have to teach us about learning and literacy.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5110L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5120L - Game Design for Educators Laboratory (1)

    Theoretical and conceptual understanding of the field of game design, along with practical exposure to the process of creating a game. Focus on analyzing what video games have to teach us about learning and literacy.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5130 - Mobile Tech in Education (2)

    The potential of mobile technology in teaching and learning, it creates opportunities for students to produce mobile resources and applications such as eBooks, webinars, etc. for educational, industry, and corporate settings.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5130L .
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5130L - Mobile Tech in Education Laboratory (1)

    Explore the potential of mobile technology in teaching and learning, it creates opportunities for students to produce mobile resources and applications such as eBooks, webinars, etc. for educational, industry, and corporate settings.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5130 .
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5140 - Culture-Inclusive Digital Storytelling (2)

    Principles, techniques, and application of culture- or identity-inclusive digital storytelling appropriate for educational and advocational settings. The pedagogical benefits and processes for using new media technologies to provide human element and cultural perspective to address a learning topic or position of advocacy or social justice.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5140L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5140L - Culture-Inclusive Digital Storytelling Laboratory (1)

    The principles, techniques, and application of culture- or identity-inclusive digital storytelling appropriate for educational and advocational settings. The pedagogical benefits and processes for using new media technologies to provide human element and cultural perspective to address a learning topic or position of advocacy or social justice.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5200 - Educational Website Design and Development (2)

    How the Internet can be integrated in an educational settings for delivering course content, providing access to resources, expanding the classroom, and supporting diverse learning styles. How to plan, design and develop websites with HTML and CSS.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5200L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5200L - Educational Website Design and Development Laboratory (1)

    Course examines how the Internet can be integrated in an educational settings for delivering course content, providing access to resources, expanding the classroom, and supporting diverse learning styles. Students learn how to plan, design and develop websites with HTML and CSS.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5300 - Graphic Design and Animation in Multimedia (2)

    Introduction to creation, capture, conversion, storage, and display of digital graphics and animation. Theory and application of graphics in the electronic delivery of instruction will be examined. Explores the graphic tools and techniques used by designers of Educational Multimedia Design.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5300L .
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5300L - Graphic Design and Animation in Multimedia Laboratory (1)

    Introduction to creation, capture, conversion, storage, and display of digital graphics and animation. Theory and application of graphics in the electronic delivery of instruction will be examined. Explores the graphic tools and techniques used by designers of Educational Multimedia Design.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5400 - Instructional Design for eLearning (2)

    Instructional design process for online training environments. Evaluate the relationship between instructional design and the use of various technologies. Applications of principles of multimedia are introduced for the design and development of best experiences. Design activities and learning experiences for e-learning classes.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5400L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5400L - Instructional Design for eLearning Laboratory (1)

    Instructional design process for online training environments. Evaluate the relationship between instructional design and the use of various technologies. Applications of principles of multimedia are introduced for the design and development of best experiences. Design activities and learning experiences for e-learning classes.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5430 - Applied Instructional Design for Corporate Settings (2)

    Challenges that instructional designers face in corporate environments. Application of student knowledge of ID processes and adult learning theories in solving corporate training/performance needs.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5430L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5430L - Applied Instructional Design for Corporate Settings Laboratory (1)

    Challenges that instructional designers face in corporate environments. Application of student knowledge of ID processes and adult learning theories in solving corporate training/performance needs.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5500 - Intermediate Educational Website Development (2)

    Intermediate educational web development and client side web scripting. Proper syntax and standard practices of a client side scripting language. Industry standard frameworks will be taught.

    Prerequisite(s): EMM 5200  and EMM 5200L .            
    Corequisite(s): EMM 5500L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5500L - Intermediate Educational Website Development Laboratory (1)

    Intermediate educational web development and client side web scripting. Proper syntax and standard practices of a client side scripting language. Industry standard frameworks will be taught.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5510 - Advanced Educational Web-Programming (2)

    Advanced programming principals, advanced scripting opportunities in web-based technologies in server side scripting and/or web-based mobile app development.

    Prerequisite(s): EMM 5200  and EMM 5200L ; EMM 5500  and EMM 5500L .
    Corequisite(s): EMM 5510L .   
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5510L - Advanced Educational Web-Programming Laboratory (1)

    Advanced programming principals, advanced scripting opportunities in web-based technologies in server side scripting and/or web-based mobile app development.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Non-Major/Non-Service Course
  • EMM 5600 - Design and Production of Educational Multimedia (2)

    Advanced course in design, planning, and production of interactive multimedia interactive web-based learning environments using both industry standard authoring software and high level scripting

    Prerequisite(s): EMM 5300  and EMM 5300L .
    Corequisite(s): EMM 5600L .      
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5600L - Design and Production of Educational Multimedia Laboratory (1)

    Advanced course in design, planning, and production of interactive multimedia interactive web-based learning environments using both industry standard authoring software and high level scripting

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5900 - Project Management for Instructional Design (2)

    The skills and knowledge required for successful initiation, planning, and completion of complex instructional design projects in school and business settings. Bridging practical application principles with current theories and concepts by managing real world real projects.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5900L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5900L - Project Management for Instructional Design Laboratory (1)

    Dual Listed as: EMM 5900
    The skills and knowledge required for successful initiation, planning, and completion of complex instructional design projects in school and business settings. Bridging practical application principles with current theories and concepts by managing real world real projects.

    Corequisite(s): EMM 5900 .
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • EMM 5990 - Special Topics for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Corequisite(s): EMM 5990L .
    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • EMM 5990A - Special Topics for Graduate Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • EMM 5990L - Special Topics for Graduate Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • EMM 6910 - Directed Research (1-3)

    Individual research in a specialized area, under the direction of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • EMM 6920 - Independent Research (1-3)

    Individual study/investigation and research in a specialized area proposed by the student with the approval, and under the supervision, of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • EMM 6990 - Master’s Degree Continuation (0)

    Enrollment in this course allows candidates that have enrolled in the maximum number of thesis or project units to maintain resident status in order to receive university services.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: Unlimited

Educational Research and Assessment

  • ERA 5000 - Special Study for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems at graduate level. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • ERA 5900 - Introduction to Graduate Studies (3)

    Overview of the program of studies; emphasis on critiquing research, findings, ethics of conducting and writing academic research in education. Research tools and requirements relating to the development of a research-based culminating project and the response to questions in the field. This course should be taken before or with any other course in the program.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA Program or Teacher Credential Program.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s): This course should be taken before or with any other course in the program.
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ERA 5990 - Special Topics for Graduate Students (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Admitted to MA Program, Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential Program.
    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • ERA 5990A - Special Topics for Graduate Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Admitted to MA Program, Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential Program.
    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • ERA 5990L - Special Topics for Graduate Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study at a graduate level of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Prerequisite(s): Admitted to MA Program, Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential Program.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • ERA 6910 - Directed Research (1-3)

    Individual research in a specialized area, under the direction of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • ERA 6920 - Independent Research (1-3)

    Individual study/investigation and research in a specialized area proposed by the student with the approval, and under the supervision, of a graduate faculty member; work does not pertain directly to the thesis. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • ERA 6930 - Evaluating, Understanding, and Using Research Methodology (4)

    Introduction to qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, including methods, research design, data collection, data analysis. Analyze and synthesize literature; use of APA writing style; creating and evaluating IRB proposals.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA Program, Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential Program; Program of Study on file; and EDU 5350 , EDU 5352 , EDU 5370 , ECI 5500 , ECI 5520 , ECI 5530 , EDL 5460 , EDL 5470 , EDL 5480 , EDL 5490  , and EDL 5500 .

    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course

  • ERA 6950 - Master’s Degree Project (1-6)

    Independent research leading to the design, development and completion of a terminal project that demonstrates the skills and knowledge achieved in the graduate program.

    Prerequisite(s): Open to graduate candidates with approval of Department Chair.
    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Repeat for Credit Limit: May be taken up to two times for a total credit of 12 units.
  • ERA 6960 - Master’s Degree Thesis (1-6)

    Independent research leading to the design, implementation and completion of a research study that demonstrates the skills and knowledge achieved in the graduate program. Open to graduate candidates with approval of Department Chair.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • ERA 6970 - Comprehensive Exam (3)

    Preparation for and completion of an assessment of the student’s ability to integrate the knowledge in the area of emphasis, show critical and independent thinking, and demonstrate mastery of the subject matter evidenced through independent thinking, appropriate organization, critical analysis, and accuracy of documentation. This is a culminating activity for the Master’s of Arts in Education.

    Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Master’s in Education, graduate standing, and advancement to candidacy.
    Component(s): Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
  • ERA 6990 - Master’s Degree Continuation (0)

    Enrollment in this course allows candidates that have enrolled in the maximum number of thesis or project units to maintain resident status in order to receive university services.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Credit/No Credit
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times
    Repeat for Credit Limit: Unlimited

Electrical and Computer Engineering

 Unless otherwise noted, all ECE courses are open only to CpE and EE majors.

  • ECE 1101 - Electrical Circuit Analysis I (3)

    Introduction to the fundamental laws of electric circuits, applications to circuit analysis, matrix methods. An introduction to circuit analysis in the time domain using differential equations with computer tools.

    Prerequisite(s):  ECE Major; and MAT 1140  or MAT 114.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 1101L - Electrical Circuit Analysis I Laboratory (1)

    Selected laboratory experiments emphasizing the fundamental laws of electric circuits, applications to circuit analysis, matrix methods; supporting the topics covered in ECE 1101.

    Prerequisite(s):  ECE Major; and MAT 1140  or MAT 114.
    Pre or Corequisite(s): ECE 1101 .
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 1310 - C For Engineers (3)

    Computer programming for ECE. Problem-oriented computer language applications to electrical networks.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major; and MAT 1140  or MAT 114.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 1320 - Discrete Structures (3)

    Fundamental topics for Computer Engineering, including mathematical logic, sets and relations, basic counting rules, permutations and combinations, probability, matrices, functions and recursions, graphs and trees.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major and a grade of C or better in: MAT 105/MAT 1050 /MAT 1052 /MAT 1055  and MAT 106/MAT 1060 ; MAT 114, MAT 115, MAT 116, MAT 214, MAT 215, MAT 216, MAT 1140 , MAT 1140C, MAT 1150 , or MAT 2140 ; or eligibility for MAT 1140 .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 2000 - Special Study for Lower Division Students (1-3)

    Individual or group investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems. Proposals to be initiated by student(s) with guidance from faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.

    Component(s): Supervisory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units, with a maximum of 3 units per semester.
  • ECE 2031 - Elements of Electrical Engineering (3)

    Electrical principles, DC and AC circuit analysis, simple transients, three phase circuits, magnetics and transformers for non-electrical engineering majors.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 1140  or MAT 114, and PHY 1520  or PHY 133.
    Corequisite(s): ECE 2031L .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Service Course
  • ECE 2031L - Elements of Electrical Engineering Laboratory (1)

    Electrical principles, DC and AC circuit analysis, simple transients, three phase circuits, magnetics and transformers for non-electrical engineering majors.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 1140  or MAT 114; and PHY 1520  or PHY 133.
    Corequisite(s): ECE 2031 .
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Service Course
  • ECE 2101 - Electrical Circuit Analysis II (3)

    RLC circuit analysis in the time domain using differential equations, AC phasor analysis, AC steady state power, complex circuit functions, Laplace transform methods, convolution, and analog filter design.

    Prerequisite(s):  ECE Major; ECE 109 or ECE 1101 ; MAT 224 or MAT 2240  ; PHY 133 or PHY 1520 ; and ECE 109L or ECE 1101L  .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 2101L - Electrical Circuit Analysis II Laboratory (1)

    Selected laboratory exercises in electrical circuits such as RLC circuit analysis in the time domain, AC phasor analysis, AC steady state power, convolution, Laplace transform methods, and active filter design.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major; and ECE 1101L , ECE 109L, ECE 207L, ECE 299L, or ECE 2990L .
    Pre or Corequisite(s): ECE 2101  or ECE 209.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 2200 - Introduction to Microelectronics Circuits (3)

    Behavior of semiconductor devices including diodes and MOSFETS: modes of operation and IV characteristics. Diode circuit analysis. Amplifier biasing. Application of large signal models to single stage amplifiers to determine voltage transfer curves. Introduction to CMOS digital logic gates including latches. Transient analysis of CMOS logic gates.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major; CHM 1210 , CHM 1150 , CHM 121, or CHM 115; and C- or better in ECE 1101 , ECE 209, ECE 299, or ECE 2990 .
    Pre or Corequisite(s): ECE 2300 .
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 2200L - Introduction to Microelectronics Circuits Laboratory (1)

    Design, construction and characterization of microelectronic diode and transistor circuits with an emphasis on large signal performance.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major; ECE 1101L , ECE 109L, ECE 299L, or ECE 2990L; and C- or better in ECE 2200 , ECE 220, or ECE 299.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 2300 - Digital Logic Design (3)

    Analysis and design of both combinational and sequential circuits. Use of HDL to synthesize digital logic circuits.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major; C- or better in ECE 1310 or ECE 114 ; C- or better in ECE 1101 , ECE 109, or ECE 299; and C- or better in ECE 109L, ECE 1101L , or ECE 299L.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Contact Hour(s): 3 hours lectures/problem-solving.
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 2300L - Digital Logic Design Laboratory (1)

    Design, implementation and testing of combinational and sequential circuits. 3 hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major; ECE 1310  or ECE 114; ECE 1101 , ECE 109, ECE 299, or ECE 2990 ; and ECE 1101L , ECE 109L, or ECE 299L.
    Pre or Corequisite(s): ECE 2300 .
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 2310 - Object Oriented Programming (3)

    Class encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, object storage management, and exception handling. Program debugging, software reuse and object-oriented programming.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major, and C- or better in ECE 1310  or ECE 114.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 2990 - Special Topics for Lower Division Students (1-3)

    Group study of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Lecture, Seminar
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • ECE 2990A - Special Topics for Lower Division Students Activity (1-3)

    Group study of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Activity
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • ECE 2990L - Special Topics for Lower Division Students Laboratory (1-3)

    Group study of a selected well-defined topic or area not covered by a regularly offered course.

    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken multiple times only with different topics
    Repeat for Credit Limit: 5
    Minimum - Maximum Units: Total credit limited to 6 units applicable to a degree, with a maximum of 2 sections per semester.
  • ECE 3101 - Signals and Systems (3)

    Basic principles of both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Frequency domain analysis of continuous-time signals, Fourier series and Fourier Transform. Time and frequency domain analysis of discrete-time signals and systems, sampling, z-transform, discrete Fourier series and transform.

    Prerequisite(s):  ECE Major; ECE 2101  or ECE 209.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 3101L - Signals and Systems Laboratory (1)

    Selected experiments and simulations of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE major, ECE 2101  or ECE 209, and ECE 2101L  or ECE 209L
    Pre or Corequisite(s): ECE 3101  or ECE 306.
    Component(s): Laboratory
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Course Category: Major Course
  • ECE 3200 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits (3)

    An overview of the basic properties of semiconductors. Physical structure and basic device modeling of p-n junctions, MOS capacitors and MOSFETs. Two port small-signal amplifiers and their realization using single stage and multistage building blocks. Frequency response of single and multi-stage amplifiers. Introduction to differential amplifiers.

    Prerequisite(s): ECE Major; C- or better in ECE 2101  or ECE 209; and C- or better in ECE 2200 , ECE 220, or ECE 299.
    Component(s): Lecture
    Grading Basis: Graded Only
    Repeat for Credit: May be taken only once
    Note(s):   Product fee required.
    Course Category: Major Course

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